Interactive tutorials are blue. Student Learning Guides (SLGs) are red. 

Unit 2 notes from Mr. W.

  • I’ve reordered the College Board’s sequence into one that, to my view, is more pedagogically sound. With one exception, the sequence below covers all Unit 2 topics
  • The College Board put a lot of detail about mitochondria and chloroplasts into Topic 2.2. It makes much more sense to cover the details about these organelles and how they carry out cellular respiration and photosynthesis in Unit 3.

1. Topics 2.1-2.3, 2.10-2.11: Cell Structure and Function

Topics 2.1 – 2.3, 2.10 – 2.11 (Cell Size; Cell Structure and Function; Cellular Compartmentalization) SLG

  1. Topic 2.3: Surface Area, Volume, and Life

  2. Topics 2.1 – 2.2, Part 1. Introduction to Cells

  3. Topics 2.1 – 2.2, Part 2: Animal Cells: Parts and Functions

  4. Topics 2.1 – 2.1, Part 3: Plant Cells: Parts and Functions

  5. Topic 2.10: The Endomembrane System: ER, Golgi, and Lysosomes

  6. Topic 2.11: Origins of Cellular Compartmentalization

2. Topic 2.4 – 2.9: Membrane Structure and Function

Topics 2.4 – 2.9 (Cell Membrane Structure and Function, Osmosis) SLG

  1. Topic 2.4: Cell Membrane Structure

  2. Topics 2.5 -2.7, 2.9: Membrane Transport

  3. Topic 2.8: Osmosis and Water Potential

3. Unit 2 Review Page: Objectives, Flashcards and Quizzes