STEP 1: Register (you only do this once)

  1. Go to
  2. Follow the instructions and fill out the form
  3. Come back here.

STEP 2: Log in

Here’s how to log in to to get credit for the work you do.

  1. Go to any page on the site with a quiz (this is almost any page except for our course menus and landing pages).
  2. At the first quiz you can click “Start Quiz,” or you can hover over the black triangle on the top right of the quiz. You can see this in the screenshot below.
  3. Note that if the triangle is not black, but green, it means you’re already logged in. Skip what’s below, and start the quiz.
  4. Clicking “Log in to record/get credit”  brings up this screen.
  5. Login with your Login name and your password, and you’re good to go.
  6. You’ll notice that the triangle will turn green to indicate that you are logged in. If you come back to on the same computer within 24 hours, you’ll still be logged in, and a green triangle will indicate this
  7. Good luck in your biology course!