
Thanks for signing up for a subscription to We created to help students like you succeed in their biology course. Please start by watching the three-minute video below.

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Here are a few descriptions of the kinds of students who use Click on the one that matches you best.

Improving Grades

I’m in a class and I need support improving my grades and studying for tests. 
Catching Up

I’m in a class, I missed a few weeks of work, and I need help getting caught up.
AP Bio Exam Review

I’m in a class, and I need help reviewing for the AP Bio exam.
Homeschool Study

I’m a homeschool student learning biology on my own. 


I need support improving my grades and studying for tests.

Solution: Complete a tutorial about the topic that’ll be on your test or quiz. You can find the tutorials you need by navigating to them from our AP Bio Main menu, or you can use the search bar (above and to your right). Or, use the flashcards in any of our Unit Reviews. You’ll find the Unit Reviews at the bottom of each Unit Menu, and you can access the unit menus from our AP Bio Main Menu.

I missed a few weeks of work, and I need help getting caught up

Solution: Consult with your teacher to figure out the units and or topics that you’ve missed. Then, use our our AP Bio Main menu  or the search bar (above and to your right), to find the relevant tutorials. After completing the tutorials, you can use the flashcards, quizzes, practice FRQs and Click on Challenges in our Unit Reviews. You’ll find the Unit Reviews at the bottom of each Unit Menu, and you can access the unit menus from our AP Bio Main Menu.

I’m reviewing for the AP Bio Exam

Solution: Review by using our AP Bio exam review flashcards, multiple choice questions, practice FRQs, and Click-on challenges. You’ll find these on our AP Bio Review page. 

I’m a homeschool student


  1. Pacing guide: The first thing you need is a curriculum/pacing guide. You can access one right here. We update it every year to synch with the date of the AP exam, and we start the course in late August.
  2. Student Learning Guides: In addition to our pacing guide, we provide Student Learning Guides for each unit in the AP Biology curriculum. These are downloadable handouts that lead you, step-by-step, to mastery of each unit and topic.
  3. Unit Reviews: At the end of each unit, use the flashcards, quizzes, practice FRQs and Click-on Challenges in our Unit Reviews. You’ll find the Unit Reviews at the bottom of each Unit Menu, and you can access the unit menus from our AP Bio Main Menu. You’ll also be directed to our unit reviews by instructions in our Student Learning Guides (see above).
  4. AP Bio Exam Review: When April arrives, turn your focus toward studying for the AP Bio exam. Review by using our AP Bio exam review flashcards, multiple choice questions, practice FRQs, and Click-on challenges. You’ll find these on our AP Bio Review page.