Start by watching the video below. Then complete the flashcards and quiz. For a deeper dive into this material, complete this tutorial in our AP Bio 2.o Curriculum: Topic 6.3. Transcription

1. Watch this video

2. Study this summary

Transcription: Key Concepts

  • Transcription is how cells make RNA from a DNA template
  • It’s the second step in the Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics:
  • Information flows from
    • DNA → RNA → Protein.
    • DNA triplets → mRNA codons → amino acid sequence (protein).
  • In eukaryotes
    • Transcription occurs in the nucleus
    • Translation occurs in the cytoplasm

What is a Gene?

  • A gene is the basic unit of heredity, determining traits and passed from parent to offspring.
  • In molecular genetics, a gene is a sequence of DNA nucleotides that codes for RNA. That RNA, in turn, might code for a protein.

Principal Forms of RNA

  1. mRNA (Messenger RNA):
    • A linear molecule that carries instructions from DNA to ribosomes.
  2. rRNA (Ribosomal RNA):
    • Catalytic part of ribosomes that binds amino acids together during protein synthesis.
  3. tRNA (Transfer RNA):
    • Delivers specific amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis.
  4. Small RNAs/microRNAs
    • Diverse group of RNAs involved in eukaryotic gene regulation.

Overview of Prokaryotic Transcription

Note: Transcription in eukaryotes has some additional complications and that are addressed in this tutorial in the AP Bio Video Pathway, and here in our AP Bio curriculum.

  1. Begins at a promoter region on the DNA, marking the gene’s starting point.
  2. RNA Polymerase binds to the promoter and synthesizes RNA based on the DNA template strand.
  3. DNA is read in the 3′ to 5′ direction, and RNA is synthesized in the 5′ to 3′ direction.
  4. When RNA polymerase reaches a terminator region, transcription ends.

Template and Coding Strands in DNA

  • DNA Template Strand (AKA: non-coding/anti-sense/minus strand):
    • The DNA strand that’s transcribed into RNA.
  • Coding Strand (AKA: sense/positive strand):
    • Complementary to the template strand.
    • Shares the same sequence as mRNA, except RNA has U (uracil) instead of T (thymine).

Unique Features of Prokaryotic Transcription

  • Prokaryotes lack a nucleus, so transcription and translation occur simultaneously in the cytoplasm.
  • Transcribed RNA can be immediately translated by ribosomes.
  • Polysomes:
    • Multiple ribosomes can translate the same RNA strand simultaneously.

3. Master these flashcards

[qdeck qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Transcription Flashcards, APBVP”]

[h]Transcription: Key Concepts and Process

[q]What is the central dogma of molecular genetics?
[a]The flow of genetic information: DNA → RNA → Protein.

[q]In terms of genetic information, what’s the relationship between DNA, mRNA, and proteins?
[a]DNA triplets code for mRNA codons, which are translated into an amino acid sequence (which makes up the primary structure of a protein).

[q]In terms of molecular genetics, what is a gene?
[a]A gene is a sequence of DNA nucleotides that codes for RNA. That RNA, in turn, might be translated into protein.

[q]What are the principal forms of RNA and their functions?
[a]- mRNA: Carries instructions from DNA to ribosomes.
rRNA: Catalytic part of ribosomes that binds amino acids together during protein synthesis.
tRNA: Delivers specific amino acids to ribosomes for protein synthesis.
Small RNAs: Involved in eukaryotic gene regulation.

[q]What is transcription?
[a]The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template.

[q]What are the main steps in transcription?
[a]- Transcription begins at a promoter region on the DNA.
RNA Polymerase binds to the promoter and synthesizes RNA.
– DNA is read in the 3′ to 5′ direction, and RNA is synthesized in the 5′ to 3′ direction.
– Transcription ends when RNA polymerase reaches a terminator region.

[q]What is the template strand in transcription?
[a]The DNA strand transcribed into RNA; also called the non-coding, anti-sense, or minus strand.

[q]What is the coding strand in transcription?
[a]The DNA strand complementary to the template strand, with the same sequence as mRNA (except RNA has U instead of T).

[q]What is unique about prokaryotic transcription?
[a]- Prokaryotes lack a nucleus, so transcription and translation occur simultaneously in the cytoplasm.
– Transcribed RNA can immediately be translated by ribosomes.
Polysomes: Multiple ribosomes translate the same RNA strand simultaneously.



4. Tackle this quiz

[qwiz random=”true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Transcription Quiz, APBVP”]

[h] Quiz: Transcription


[q] If a DNA template strand is ATTGCATCGATT, then the RNA transcribed from this strand will be [textentry suggest=”false”]






[q multiple_choice=”true”] In a gene, the strand which gets transcribed into RNA is called the

[c]IHRlbXBsYXRl IHN0cmFuZA==[Qq]



[f]IE5vLsKgVGhlIHRlcm0gdHJhbnNjcmlwdGlvbiB1bml0IG1lYW5zIA==JiM4MjIwO2HCoA==[Qq]stretch of DNA being transcribed into an RNA molecule” ( It’s roughly equivalent to “gene.”





[q multiple_choice=”true”] The sequence of DNA which acts as a signal, telling RNA polymerase where to bind, is called the





[c]IHByb2 1vdGVy[Qq]




[q multiple_choice=”true”] A sequence of DNA that gets transcribed into RNA, or which gets translated into protein, (or both), is a



[c]IGdl bmU=[Qq]



[f]IE5vLiBBIHRyYW5zY3JpcHRpb24gZmFjdG9yIGlzIGEgcHJvdGVpbg==IHRoYXQgYmluZHMgdG8gc3BlY2lmaWMgRE5BIHNlcXVlbmNlcw==LCB0aGVyZWJ5IGNvbnRyb2xsaW5nIHRoZSByYXRlIG9mIA==[Qq]transcription of genetic information from DNA to messenger RNA (Wikipedia). The term you’re looking for can also be defined as a unit of heredity

[q multiple_choice=”true”] In the diagram below, RNA polymerase is indicated by the number










[q multiple_choice=”true”] In the diagram below, the RNA transcript is indicated by the number










[q multiple_choice=”true”] The function of RNA polymerase is to





[c]IGNyZWF0ZSBzdWdhci1waG9zcGhhdGUgYm9uZHMgYmV0d2Vlbi BvbmUgUk5BIG51Y2xlb3RpZGUgYW5kIHRoZSBuZXh0IG9uZS4=[Qq]




[q multiple_choice=”true”] In the diagram below, the gene is indicated by the number










[q multiple_choice=”true”] In RNA, the sugar-phosphate bond between adjacent nucleotides (nucleotides that are next to one another in the same strand) is a



[c]IGNvdmFsZW 50IGJvbmQ=[Qq]






[q multiple_choice=”true”] In the diagram below, the template strand is indicated by the number










[q multiple_choice=”true”] During transcription, the temporary bond that forms between DNA nucleotides on the template strand and RNA nucleotides on the growing RNA strand is a

[c]IGh5ZHJvZ2 VuIGJvbmQ=[Qq]








[q multiple_choice=”true”] In the diagram below, the promoter is indicated by the number








[q] Review: The monomers of protein are [hangman] acids


[q] Transcription is making RNA from a [hangman] template


[q] Review: Replication is making [hangman] from DNA


[q] Translation occurs when a [hangman] makes [hangman] following instructions in messenger RNA.



[q] The central [hangman] of molecular genetics is that DNA makes RNA makes protein


[q] In eukaryotes, transcription occurs in the [hangman], and translation occurs in the [hangman].



[q] The sugar in DNA is [hangman]. The sugar in RNA is [hangman]



[q] Whereas DNA has the nitrogenous base thymine, RNA has [hangman].


[q] In RNA, cytosine bonds with [hangman].


[q] Within RNA, adenine bonds with [hangman].


[q] Review: The monomers of nucleic acids are [hangman].


[q] The number of strands in RNA is usually

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]ID E=[Qq]




[q] The type of RNA that makes up ribosomes is [hangman] RNA


[q] Review: The enzyme that breaks apart the double helix during replication is [hangman]


[q] The enzyme that connects new RNA nucleotides to a growing RNA strand during transcription is RNA [hangman]


[q] In the diagram below, the template strand is

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]ID I=[Qq]




[q] In the diagram below, newly synthesized RNA is at

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]ID E=[Qq]




[q] In the diagram below, free RNA nucleotides that can be incorporated into the newly transcribed RNA are at

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]ID M=[Qq]





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What’s Next?

Please proceed to our next tutorial: Protein Synthesis