If you complete our AP Bio v2.0 course before the AP Bio exam and then score less than a “4,” we’ll refund your money.

What does “complete the course” mean?

Completing the course means

  • Completing all the interactive activities in our AP Bio v2.0 curriculum.
  • Completing the AP Bio Review Flashcards, Multiple Choice Questions, Free Response Questions, and Click-on/Tap Challenges. These activities can be accessed through our Biomania, AP Bio Review Menu

What does “completing the course” look like?

Through our Learn-Biology.com Grading Portal, you can monitor your progress through our course. When your  “Progress Summary by Unit” report looks like what’s below (all progress bars are completely green), you’ll know that you completed the course.

In each green progress bar, the first number is the number of questions completed, and the second number is the number of questions in that unit. Note that as our curriculum is edited and improved, the actual numbers might change from what’s above. The goal is to fill each progress bar.

How do I get my refund?

Send an email to [email protected]. Please include

  1. A screenshot of your progress report showing that you completed the course.
  2. Your official AP Bio score report. You’ll receive this from the College Board in July.


Email [email protected].