Note from Mr. W: 3/27/22.
This page is still under construction as I adapt it for HS use. In the meanwhile, please go ahead and use the AP Bio/College Bio version of this tutorial.
1. Natural Selection: An interactive reading
In the last tutorial, we saw how selective breeding or artificial selection can bring about animal breeds and plant varieties with desired traits.
Artificial selection is a type of evolutionary change. That means that it’s a change in a population’s phenotype and in the genes that code for that phenotype.
Artificial selection parallels how adaptations arise in nature. Adaptations arise through a process called natural selection, an idea that was developed in the mid-1800s by two British naturalists: Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Darwin wrote up his ideas in a book entitled On The Origin of Species, which was published 1859.

Natural selection, like artificial selection, is a way of explaining evolutionary change. Focusing on the leaf insect from the previous tutorial, the basic idea is that many generations ago, the ancestors of leaf insects didn’t look like their descendants today. The adaptation – the camouflaged form of the leaf insect– had to evolve over time. How can a population without an adaptation evolve into a population with an adaptation?
Natural selection involves four interrelated ideas, some of which are facts about nature, and some of which are consequences of these facts. Let’s see them at work.
[h]Interactive reading: natural selection
[q] Natural selection begins with the idea of inherited variation. In any population of any species, individuals are not identical. Just go for a walk in the community that you live in, and look at your fellow human beings. On any dimension you can imagine, individuals have differences.
[q]In the case of a leaf insect, the ancestor may have been a much more generalized type of insect. And within that ancestral population, some were perhaps darker in color, while others were greener. Some were flatter, and others longer. Some had fatter legs, and others had skinnier legs.
[q labels = “top”]Variations can come about in a different ways. If you have two seeds from the same species of plant, and put one in fertile soil and one in rich soil, or provide one with ample water but provide the other with less water, the resulting plants will vary in size, mass, etc. That kind of variation is influenced by _________________ differences.
What matters for natural selection is the kind of variation that’s controlled (or influenced) by genes: inherited, or genetic variation. These types of variations are a result of inherited ___________ differences between the members of a population.
In other words, since we’re talking about change in a population’s traits over time, the key thing that matters is ____________ differences, since these are the only differences that get ____________ from one generation to the _______ one. The key point is that the process of natural selection works on variation that’s related to heredity, not variation that’s caused by _________________ factors.
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[l]passed on
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[q labels=”top”] To summarize, the first idea is that all populations have ________________. The type that matters in terms of natural selection is caused by _______________ (or genes) and not by the ________________.
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[l] variation
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[q]The second idea is overproduction of offspring: All species produce offspring at a rate that far exceeds the actual growth rate of that species. Here are some examples:
- Bacterial cells might reproduce themselves every 20 minutes.
- A pair of nesting robins can reproduce three times each year, and lay 3 – 5 eggs each time.
- A dandelion flower produces hundreds of winged seeds.
- A nesting female sea turtle can lay up to 100 eggs every breeding season.
Even slow breeders like elephants or grizzly bears, will, over the course of their long lives, produce more offspring than will survive to become adults.
[q labels=”top”]Why do so few offspring survive? Ultimately, it comes down to limited _____________. In a finite world, there’s not going to be enough of whatever resource is needed by the offspring of any species for all of them to ____________. For an animal, that limiting resource might be access to food. For a plant, that might access to suitable soil and sunlight.
The result will be competition for these limited resources. Simply stated, the rule in nature is that many ____________ are ____________, but few will _______________ to become reproducing adults.
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[q multiple_choice=”true”] Overproduction applies to leaf insects, too. Guess how many eggs a typical female leaf insect lays?
[c]IG92ZX IgMTAw[Qq]
[q labels=”top”]Let’s summarize.
- In any population, there’s a significant amount of ______________ variation.
- In any population, the number of offspring born is much ____________ than the number of adults who will survive to adulthood and successfully _______________.
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[q] And to double check the first two ideas
- All populations have [hangman]. The type that matters in terms of natural selection is caused by [hangman] (or genes) and not by the [hangman]
- In any population, the number of offspring born is much [hangman] than the number of adults who will survive to adulthood and successfully [hangman].
[q]The third idea is that competition for limited resources leads to differential survival. If many are born, but few survive, what determines who survives? Some survival will be about luck or good fortune. But any offspring’s chance of surviving to adulthood is also influenced by its inherited traits. Any individual with an inherited genetic variation that gives it a survival advantage will have a higher chance of surviving the dangers of infancy and youth and making it to adulthood.
[q labels = “top”]In the case of our leaf insect, any young insect that has a form or color that makes it ever so slightly less ____________ to its predators is going to have a higher chance of ____________. Note that his difference doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing thing. If you have two individuals, one of which is only a tiny bit more camouflaged than the other, then the one with ___________ camouflage is going to have a _________ chance of surviving.
The difference might only be one that shows up for part of the day (at dusk or dawn, for example). But if that difference is determined by __________, then the genes for superior camouflage will be passed on to the next ________________. By contrast, the genes for poor camouflage will be eaten (literally) by _____________. Slowly but surely, predators will __________ those genes for poor camouflage from the population. What will be left will be genes that produce well-camouflaged _______________.
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[q]Differential survival is what generates adaptation.
Compare this case of natural selection to what happens during artificial selection.
If you were a shepherd breeding sheep for their wool, you’d select those sheep in your herd with the best wool, and have them breed with one another to create the next generation. You’d prevent sheep with poor quality wool from breeding, and the most likely way you’d do that would be to kill those sheep…and eat them (or sell the meat to others). You’re literally consuming the genes for poor quality wool, while selecting for reproduction those sheep with superior wool. The effect is to reduce the frequency of the genes you don’t want (the ones for poor quality wool), while increasing the frequency of the genes that produce the trait you want (high quality wool).
In the case of the leaf insect, it’s as if the predators were the breeders. By trying to find and eat leaf insects, the leaf insect’s predators inadvertently work to create better and better camouflaged leaf insects.
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[q labels=”top”]Let’s review the key parts of natural selection that we’ve covered thus far.
- In every population, there’s _______________. The type that matters for natural selection is caused by _______________.
- In every species, parents produce ________________ at a rate that exceeds that environment’s ability to support them. In other words, many are _____________ but few ______________.
- Overproduction of offspring leads to ______________ survival
- The ones who survive will most often be those with ____________ traits.
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[q]We’ve just seen that selection for beneficial traits between predators and prey can unleash an evolutionary [hangman] race. In this situation, an [hangman] in one population of organisms forces a counter adaptation in another population, and that feeds back to the first population.
It’s called an arms race because it’s similar to what happens between rival nations. As each one builds a bigger army, the rival is forced to counter by expanding its army. In the 1980, an arms race between the United States and the former Soviet Union led to a situation where each nation had tens of thousands of nuclear bombs aimed at the other.
[q labels = “top”]The last idea is that repetition of selection in the same direction leads to adaptation. Selection, in other words, has to be _____________, repeated in generation after generation in the same _____________. This can occur when two species are locked in the type of evolutionary _________ race described above. And it can also occur among the members of a single species. In a population of trees, each member of the species is ____________ against its neighbors for access to light. Any inherited _______________ that allows for phenotypes like stronger wood, or more efficient production of wood, or seeds that are a bit better at sprouting, or seedlings that grow faster than others, will be selected for, and the frequency of genes for those beneficial phenotypes will __________ within that population.
Leaf insects didn’t develop their ______________ in a single generation. It took many thousands of generations of selection in the same ____________ to generate this kind of ______________.
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[q]Along with selection, there needs to be renewed creation of variation. This renewal of variation is caused by ongoing mutation of the genes within a population. These mutations are random, and provide the raw material upon which natural selection can act upon in each generation. Note also that populations aren’t mutating so that they can adapt. There’s no foresight to evolution, no planning. It’s just random generation of variation, followed by selection, repeating over time.
[q]Variation within a population is renewed by continued [hangman] with a population’s gene pool.
[q]Adaptations like the camouflage of the leaf insect only come about if selection repeats in the same [hangman] for many generations.
2. Natural Selection Flashcards
[h]Natural Selection Flashcards
[q]The kind of variation that matters for natural selection is ________________ variation.
[a]The kind of variation that matters for natural selection is inherited (or hereditary, or genetic) variation.
[q]Idea # 1 of natural selection is inherited variation. Idea # 2 is _____________ of offspring.
[a]Idea # 1 of natural selection is inherited variation. Idea # 2 is overproduction of offspring.
[q]Overproduction of offspring means that …
[a]Overproduction of offspring means that all species produce offspring at a rate that far exceeds the growth rate of the species.
[q]To restate the idea of overproduction of offspring: the rule in nature is that many ____________ are ____________, but few will _______________ to become reproducing adults.
[a]To restate the idea of overproduction of offspring: the rule in nature is that many offspring are born, but few will survive to become reproducing adults.
[q]Here are the first two parts of the idea of natural selection.
- In any population, there’s a significant amount of ______________ variation.
- In any population, the number of offspring born is much ____________ than the number of adults who will survive to adulthood and successfully _______________.
[a]Here are the first two parts of the idea of natural selection.
- In any population, there’s a significant amount of inherited (or hereditary or genetic) variation.
- In any population, the number of offspring born is much greater than the number of adults who will survive to adulthood and successfully reproduce.
[q]A third key idea in natural selection (in addition to 1) inherited variation and 2) overproduction of offspring) is that _______________ for limited resources leads to __________________ survival.
[a]A third key idea in natural selection (in addition to inherited variation and overproduction of offspring) is that competition for limited resources leads to differential survival.
[q]In a situation where there’s competition for limited resources, there will be differential survival in each generation. Who will survive?
[a]In a situation where there’s competition for limited resources, the survivors will be those offspring who possess beneficial traits — traits that help them to survive.
[q]In a system that involves predators and prey, the predators __________ and ________ the prey that are easiest to catch. That means that they consume the genes for traits that are poorly _____________, and select for survival and reproduction those prey who are best ____________ to avoid being eaten.
[a]In a system that involves predators and prey, the predators catch and eat the prey that are easiest to catch. That means that they consume the genes for traits that are poorly adapted, and select for survival and reproduction those prey who are best adapted to avoid being eaten.
[q]Let’s review the key parts of natural selection that we’ve covered thus far.
- In every population, there’s _______________. The type that matters for natural selection is caused by _______________.
- In every species, parents produce ________________ at a rate that exceeds that environment’s ability to support them. In other words, many are _____________ but few ______________.
- Overproduction of offspring leads to ______________ survival
- The ones who survive will most often be those with ____________ traits.
[a]Let’s review the key parts of natural selection that we’ve covered thus far.
- In every population, there’s variation. The type that matters for natural selection is caused by heredity (or genes)
- In every species, parents produce offspring at a rate that exceeds that environment’s ability to support them. In other words, many are born but few survive.
- Overproduction of offspring leads to differential survival
- The ones who survive will most often be those with beneficial traits.
[q]When predators and prey are part of a system in which each selects for advantageous traits in the other, extreme levels of adaptation can result. This is why cheetahs and antelope are both fast. It’s why highly poisonous prey (like salamanders) are preyed upon by predators that are resistant to the poison. This dynamic situation is called an _______________ _________ _________.
[a]This dynamic situation is called an evolutionary arms race.
[q]In order to produce adaptations, natural selection needs to be ______________. The means that it needs to be _____________ in the same _____________ generation after generation.
For example, leaf insects didn’t develop their ______________ in a single generation. It took many thousands of generations of selection in the same ____________ to generate this kind of ______________.
[a]In order to produce adaptations, natural selection needs to be cumulative. The means that it needs to be repeated in the same direction generation after generation.
For example, leaf insects didn’t develop their camouflage in a single generation. It took many thousands of generations of selection in the same direction to generate this kind of adaptation.
[q]For natural selection to be a creative force, variation needs to be renewed. That happens through ________________.
[a]For natural selection to be a creative force, variation needs to be renewed. That happens through mutation.
[q]While mutations are _________________, selection is not. Selection is based on what trait is _____________ in a particular environment.
[a]While mutations are random, selection is not. Selection is based on what trait is beneficial in a particular environment.
[q]Let’s review how natural selection works.
- In every population, there’s _______________. The type that matters for natural selection is caused by _______________.
- In every species, parents produce ________________ at a rate that exceeds that environment’s ability to support them. In other words, many are _____________ but few ______________.
- Overproduction of offspring leads to ______________ survival
- The ones who survive will most often be those with ____________ traits.
- In every population, variation is renewed through the process of ___________.
- If selection continues in the same ___________ for multiple generations, the result will be ___________.
[a]Let’s review how natural selection works.
- In every population, there’s variation. The type that matters for natural selection is caused by heredity (or genes)
- In every species, parents produce offspring at a rate that exceeds that environment’s ability to support them. In other words, many are born but few survive.
- Overproduction of offspring leads to differential survival
- The ones who survive will most often be those with beneficial traits.
- In every population, variation is renewed through the process of mutation.
- If selection continues in the same direction for multiple generations, the result will be adaptation.
[q]Now see if you can explain natural selection with minimal prompting.
- In every population, there’s ….
- In every species, parents produce ….
- Overproduction of offspring leads …..
- The ones who survive will most often be ….
- In every population, variation is renewed …..
- If selection continues ….. the result will be …...
- In every population, there’s variation. The type that matters for natural selection is caused by heredity (or genes)
- In every species, parents produce offspring at a rate that exceeds that environment’s ability to support them. In other words, many are born but few survive.
- Overproduction of offspring leads to differential survival
- The ones who survive will most often be those with beneficial traits.
- In every population, variation is renewed through the process of mutation.
- If selection continues in the same direction for multiple generations, the result will be adaptation.
[q]Natural selection is how science explains adaptation in the natural world. Here’s how natural selection works…
[a]Your response should include
- inherited variation
- overproduction of offspring, leading to
- differential survival, based on
- beneficial traits.
- Renewal of variation through Mutation, followed by
- Selection in the same direction, leads to adaptation.
3. A few additional ideas related to natural selection
3a. What evolves, and what’s selected?
Natural selection acts upon individuals. However, individuals don’t evolve. An individual leaf insect will either live to maturity and reproduce, or be eaten by a predator (or suffer some other fate that keeps it from living to maturity). Individuals are selected. Populations evolve.
Using two terms from genetics, we can be even more specific.
- genotype: an organism’s underlying genes.
- phenotype: an organism’s observable traits
What natural selection changes within a population are the frequencies of specific phenotypes, along with the frequencies of the underlying genes that code for these phenotypes. Because of natural selection, phenotypes that confer a survival advantage increase in frequency, while those that are harmful decrease in frequency.
3b. What is fitness?
Natural selection is often summarized as survival of the fittest. What is fitness, in an evolutionary sense? It’s simply reproductive success. The most fit individuals are those with phenotypes that enable them to survive, reproduce, and leave the most offspring.
Because environments can change, the criteria for fitness also can shift. A phenotype that confers a survival advantage in one generation can become a disadvantage if the environment shifts. Biologists describe these criteria for fitness as selective pressure. This pressure can be from other organisms (competition, predation, parasitism, etc.) or it can be from the non-living environment (temperature, nutrient availability in the soil, intensity of sunlight, amount of rainfall, etc.). But these forces “press down” upon populations, removing those individuals with disadvantageous phenotypes, allowing those with beneficial phenotypes to survive and reproduce.
Here’s how Darwin described this in the Origin of Species (from Darwin Online)
Never forget that every single organic being around us may be said to be striving to the utmost to increase in numbers; that each lives by a struggle at some period of its life; that heavy destruction inevitably falls either on the young or old, during each generation or at recurrent intervals. Lighten any check, mitigate the destruction ever so little, and the number of the species will almost instantaneously increase to any amount. The face of Nature may be compared to a yielding surface, with ten thousand sharp wedges packed close together and driven inwards by incessant blows, sometimes one wedge being struck, and then another with greater force.
3c. Natural Selection, Additional Ideas (flashcards)
[h]Natural Selection: Additional Ideas
[q]In terms of evolution, what happens to individuals? To Populations.
[a]Individuals are selected. Populations evolve.
[q]During natural selection, the environment selects _______________ that give individuals a _______________ advantage. Within a population, this changes the ______________ of the underlying __________ that code for these phenotypes.
[a]During natural selection, the environment selects phenotypes that give individuals a survival advantage. Within a population, this changes the frequency of the underlying genes that code for these phenotypes.
[q]In terms of evolution, the fittest means those individuals with phenotypes that enable them to ____________, ________________, and _________________________.
[a]In terms of evolution, the fittest means those individuals with phenotypes that enable them to survive, reproduce, and leave the most offspring.
[q]The criteria for fitness can be described as ______________ _____________.
[a]The criteria for fitness can be described as selective pressure.
[q]As environments change _____________ ____________ also change. What’s fit in one environment might not be fit in another.
[a]As environments change selective pressures also change. What’s fit in one environment might not be fit in another.
4. Adaptation, Artificial Selection, and Natural Selection: Checking Understanding
In the other tutorials in this series on evolution, we’ll look at some case studies of natural selection. But first, use this quiz to consolidate your understanding. Some questions relate to content in the previous tutorial about adaptation and artificial selection.
[h] Adaptation, Artificial Selection, and Natural Selection
Selective pressure
Wedges pound down; many die
The most fit survive
[q] An[hangman] is a trait that helps organisms to survive or reproduce.
[q] Adaptations that work in one [hangman] might not work in another one.
[q] Kale, broccoli, and cauliflower are all domesticated [hangman] that were bred from the wild cabbage, Brassica oleracea.
[q] In selective breeding, breeders create a carefully guarded gene [hangman] that only includes organisms with a desired [hangman]
[q] During the creation of any particular dog breed, breeders selected males and females with [hangman] phenotypes, and bred them together. The breed emerged after breeders repeated this process for many [hangman]
[q] In animal breeding, the desired phenotype can be a particular body form, but it also might be a specific [hangman].
[q] The co-discoverers of the process of natural selection were Charles [hangman] and Alfred Russel [hangman].
[q multiple_choice=”true”] Adaptations arise through
[c]IE5hdHVyYWwg c2VsZWN0aW9u[Qq]
[q multiple_choice=”true”] The kind of variation that matters most for natural selection is
[c]IGdlbmV0aWMg dmFyaWF0aW9u[Qq]
[q] All populations have [hangman]. The type that matters in terms of natural selection is caused by [hangman] (or genes) and not by the [hangman]
[q]A fact about nature is that when organisms reproduce, there’s always over[hangman] of offspring. In other words, parents produce many more offspring than can possibly [hangman].
[q]One of the main reason why few offspring survive is [hangman] for limited [hangman].
[q]Competition for limited resources leads to [hangman] survival. Not only will few survive, but there will be differences among the survivors. Any offspring with a phenotype that gives it an [hangman] will be more likely to survive to adulthood and reproduce.
[q]One ironic result of natural selection is that predators produce prey that are more difficult to [hangman] upon. They do this by killing all of the prey that are [hangman] to catch. In the case of leaf insects, the survivors will be those with the best [hangman].
[q]The dynamic that unfolds between predator and prey, or between individuals that are competing for the same resource is an evolutionary [hangman] race. Every adaptation in the predator leads to a counter [hangman] in the prey, which feeds back to the predator in the next generation.
[q]Fill in the blanks for this summary of natural selection.
- In every population, there’s [hangman]. The type that matters for natural selection is caused by [hangman].
- In every species, parents produce [hangman] at a rate that exceeds that environment’s ability to support them. In other words, many are [hangman], but few [hangman].
- Overproduction of offspring leads to [hangman] survival
- The ones who survive will most often be those with [hangman] traits.
- [hangman] of this process for many generations leads to [hangman]
[q]Variation in a population is maintained by ongoing [hangman] of the genes with a population’s [hangman] pool.
[q]Individuals don’t [hangman]. Rather, individuals are [hangman]. The thing that evolves is the [hangman].
[q]Natural selection directly acts upon [hangman].
[q]Natural selection is often summarized as [hangman] of the [hangman]. That last term means the individuals who have the most [hangman] success.
[q]The criteria for fitness that a population faces within its environment can be described as selective [hangman].
5. What’s Next?
- Proceed to Sexual Selection (the next HS-Level tutorial in this module)
- Return to Thinking Like Darwin (HS-Level) Main Menu