Improve your students' grades and AP Bio Test scores
- Interactive tutorials that guide students toward biology success.
- It’s like hiring a tutor for each of your students.
Ready for student success? Just click the button.
Don't let your biology course leave your students behind
AP Bio (or IB or Honors biology) is hard to teach.
- The amount of content is enormous
- The pace is unrelenting
- The ideas are complex
- Our students have diverse needs and it’s hard to differentiate
It’s frustrating when we’re giving everything we have, and we can’t give our students the support they need. It’s heartbreaking when they fail.
SCIENCEMUSICVIDEOS.COM: interaction with biology content that leads to better grades and AP test scores
- Interactive tutorials with clear explanations, quizzes, interactive diagrams, and flashcards.
- Students get the practice they need to master what you’re teaching in lecture and lab.
You’ll see your students’ grades increase. They’ll be better biological thinkers. They’ll do better on your tests, and on the AP Bio exam.
Teacher tools that make it easy to guide students toward success
- Easy-to-use performance monitoring tools let you assign tutorials and track which quizzes your students have completed.
- Every tutorial has a printable student learning guide — a handout that guides students through the content, and allows them to summarize, compare and contrast, and interconnect topics and themes.
When you use student performance monitoring in combination with our student learning guide handouts, you’ll have an unmatched combination of accountability and achievement.
Your AP/IB/Honors Biology Student Success Plan
Here’s a 4 step plan for high school teachers that allows you to provide your students with an unmatched level of support, at an incredibly low price.
- Start with a free-trial subscription. That lets you test our our website and monitoring tools.
- Assign tutorials that correspond with what you’re teaching.
- Monitor your students’ progress, and watch how much they learn.
- After your free trial, buy a one year site license. The sooner you buy, the cheaper the price.
Do You Want to Know More?
Please email me if you have any questions
P.S. I hope you buy a site license. But whatever your decision, please make use of my curriculum planning documents, which include a
- course map for AP Biology
- study questions for Campbell, Biology in Focus, 2nd Edition
- My Weekly agendas (weekly lesson plans)