1. Pump it Up! Interactive Lyrics

[qwiz qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Pump_Int_Lyrics”]

[h]Interactive Lyrics: Pump it Up

[i]I’m assuming you’ve already watched Pump it Up!, the movie. If not, please click here.

  • As you read, drag answers from the top into the appropriate spot.
  • Reading this way will increase your retention of the song’s content.

[q labels = “top”]

I’m a little  _____________ heading for the heart,
The _________________ where my journey starts,
My O2 level’s low ‘cause I gave it to the ________
in the legs when you were running it was powering your hustle


Now I’m in the ____________, chamber number 1,
All your blood comes here, doesn’t matter where it’s from,
superior ___________ drained the arms and head,
It’s deoxygenated blood, cherry dark red!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]inferior vena cava’s

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]red blood cell

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]right atrium

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]vena cava

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]

I pass through a valve when the atrium contracts,
This valve’s got two names, here are the facts.
You might know it as ___________________
Or ___________ if you want to be particular

[l]right atrio-ventricular

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[q labels = “top”]

Pump it up! Pump it up!
I see your ______ throb
Pump it up! Pump it up!
Let me do my job
Pump it up! Pump it up!
Improve your condition,
‘Cause ___________ is my mission.


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]

Now to the next chamber ____________ I pass,
I’m suffering I’m still low, in oxygen gas,
Right ventricle contracts I’m heading for the lungs,
Through the ________________, I first get flung,


My current location is the _________________,
Which branches right and left toward the system respiratory,
Through smaller arteries to a lung capillary
Where CO2 goes out of me and oxygen goes into me,


I feel so great, I’m oxygenated
And I’m flowing to the ______________ I’m elated,
Cause I’m heading back to the heart as its thumpin’,
To the __________ as the heart keeps pumpin’


[l]left atrium

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]pulmonary artery

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]pulmonary valve

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]pulmonary vein

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[l]right ventricle

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]

Left atrium sends me through the ____________,
Left Atrio-ventricular or bicuspid valve,
To the ___________, which when it contracts,
sends me through the ___________ putting me on track,


To go to the ______, the biggest artery,
from there to any artery and any _________
Maybe liver, bones, muscles, kidneys, brain, small intestines,
Wherever I go I’ll give up oxygen,


And pick up some CO2, and go into a ______,
and I’ll find myself in the _________ again,
then back to heart to repeat this story
‘Bout our journey through the system circulatory



[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[l]aortic valve

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]left a-v valve

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[l]left ventricle

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[l]vena cava

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[q labels = “top”]

[This last stanza includes some call and response]
Main points: can’t be over-rated
Right side of the heart’s …
Left side has blood full of …
Repeat that til you know it now say it again.

Right side blood:
Left side blood:
Chambers on the top:
Chambers on the bottom:
Biggest artery is the?
Vein that brings blood to the heart?
The __________
And if you want more questions to review
Click the link for circulatory system rap 2


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]vena cava

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!



2. Circulation: Interactive Diagrams

[qwiz use_dataset=”SMV_Circulation Interactive Diagrams DS” dataset_intro=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Circulation_interactive diagrams”]

[h]Circulation: Interactive Diagrams




3. Heart Anatomy Interactive diagrams

[qwiz use_dataset=”SMV_Heart Anatomy Interactive Diagrams DS”  dataset_intro=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Heart Anatomy Interactive Diagrams”]

[h]Heart Anatomy: Interactive Diagrams



 4. A quiz about the entire heart

[qwiz style = “border: 3px solid black;” use_dataset=”SMV_Quiz About Entire Heart DS” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Heart_quiz_1″ dataset_intro=”false”]

[h] Quiz: Heart Anatomy
[i] Here’s how the quiz works:

  • Each question is multiple choice, but the entire quiz is like a series of flashcards.
  • If you get the question right, it comes off the deck.
  • If you get the question wrong, it goes to the bottom of the deck, so you can try it again.



5. Heart Anatomy Flashcards

This is a very large set of flashcards. It will help you to memorize

  • Each part’s name
  • Where the blood in it came from
  • Where the blood in it’s going
  • Whether the blood in it is oxygenated or deoxygenated.

[qdeck style=”border: 2px solid black;” use_dataset=”SMV_Heart Anatomy Flashcards DS” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Heart_Anatomy_flashcards” dataset_intro=”false”]

[h] Flashcards: Heart Anatomy

[i] If you haven’t used a set of flashcards on sciencemusicvideos before, here’s what you need to know.

  • Click ‘Flip’ to see the answer to each card.
  • If you know it, click ‘Got it.”
  • If you don’t know it as well as you’d like, click ‘Need more practice,’ and that card will go to the bottom of the deck so you can practice it again.
  • ‘Shuffle’ lets you shuffle the deck.


6. Supplementary Quiz: the chambers

[qwiz style = “border: 3px solid black;” use_dataset=”SMV_Heart Chambers DS”  dataset_intro=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Chambers of the Heart”]

[h] Quiz: The Chambers of the heart
[i] Here’s how the quiz works:

  • Each question is multiple choice, but the entire quiz is like a series of flashcards.
  • If you get the question right, it comes off the deck.
  • If you get the question wrong, it goes to the bottom of the deck, so you can try it again.



7. Supplementary Quiz: valves and the septum

[qwiz style = “border: 3px solid black;” use_dataset=”SMV_Valves and Septum DS” dataset_intro=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Valves and Septum of the Heart”]

[h] Quiz: The valves and the septum



8. Supplementary Quiz: the blood vessels

[qwiz style = “border: 3px solid black;” use_dataset=”SMV_Blood Vessels DS” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Heart_blood_vessels” dataset_intro=”false”]

[h] Quiz: The blood vessels of the heart



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