Hotspot test for Ben

[qwiz dataset=”Ben’s Hotspot Test” quiz_timer=”true” dataset_intro=”false” spaced_repetition=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Ben’s Hotspot Test”]

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ hotspot_user_interaction=”label_prompt” dataset_id=”Ben’s Hotspot Test|c56b685e1c2e6″ question_number=”1″] Birds

the flamingo

Yes that’s the flamingo.

HINT FOR NEXT TIME. Please try the one labeled flamingo.
the avocet

Nice job. That’s an avocet.

HINT FOR NEXT TIME. Try the one that’s labeled avocet.
The plover

Yes, that’s the plover.

HINT: the one labeled plover

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ hotspot_user_interaction=”label_prompt” dataset_id=”Ben’s Hotspot Test|df7921ec4b1bb” question_number=”2″] States


Yes that’s florida

HINT. Try the SE corner of the US.

Yup. That’s KS.

HINT: It’s right in the middle.

Nice. That’s Washington.

HINT. Try the NW corner.
