Note: these flashcards let you review about some basic Mendelian genetics concepts and meiosis. Reviewing both, you should learn each one better (see Make it Stick!)

Meiosis and Genetics Flashcards

[qdeck style=”width: 528px; border: 2px solid black;” random = “true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Meiosis and Genetics Flashcards (revised, 6-19)”]

[h] Flashcards: Mendelian Genetics Vocabulary

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[!!!!] Card Number 2 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]A gene is a ________.

[a]A gene is a unit of heredity.

[!!!!] Card Number 3 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]”Heredity” is ________.

[a]Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.

[!!!!] Card Number 4 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]An allele is a(n) ________.

[a]An allele is an alternative version of a gene.

[!!!!] Card Number 5 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]An organism is said to be homozygous when _______.

[a]An organism is said to be homozygous when both of its alleles for a trait are the same.

[!!!!] Card Number 6 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]An organism is said to be heterozygous when ________.

[a]An organism is said to be heterozygous when the two alleles for a trait are different.

[!!!!] Card Number 7 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Define “genotype.”

[a]”Genotype” means the underlying genes that an organism has; an organism’s alleles.

[!!!!] Card Number 8 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Define “phenotype.”

[a]Phenotype is an organism’s observable characteristics.

[!!!!] Card Number 9 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Define “dominant allele.”

[a]A dominant allele is an allele that is always expressed.

[!!!!] Card Number 10 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Define “recessive allele.”

[a]A recessive allele is a type of allele that can fade into the background, masked by a second (dominant) allele.

[!!!!] Card Number 11 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]When are recessive alleles expressed?

[a]Recessive alleles are expressed only when paired with another copy of the same allele. In other words, only when an organism is homozygous recessive.

[!!!!] Card Number 12 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Autosomal means_________.

[a]”Autosomal” means any allele that is on any chromosome except the X chromosome.

[!!!!] Card Number 13 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]”X-linked” means ______.

[a]”X-linked” means that an allele is on the X chromosome.

[!!!!] Card Number 14 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]In genetics, “carrier” means ________.

[a]In genetics, “carrier” means a heterozygous individual who possesses the recessive allele (without expressing that allele in his or her phenotype).

[!!!!] Card Number 15 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Define “locus.”

[a]A locus is a specific location on a chromosome where a gene is found.

[!!!!] Card Number 16 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]”Multiple alleles” refers to a situation in which

[a]”Multiple alleles” is a population phenomenon. It refers to a situation in which at a specific locus (spot) on a chromosome, there are more than two possible alleles. Any individual can only have two of these alleles, but a third (or fourth, etc.) might be present at that same locus in another individual.

[!!!!] Card Number 17 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]”Incomplete dominance” means

[a]”Incomplete dominance” means that the phenotype of a heterozygote is in-between the phenotypes of the homozygous genotypes.

[!!!!] Card Number 18 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Define “polygenic inheritance.”

[a]Polygenic inheritance is a type of inheritance pattern that involves many genes. Most traits that are not disease-related conditions (cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, dwarfism, etc.) are polygenic.

[!!!!] Card Number 19 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Define ‘co-dominance.’

[a]Co-dominance is a system where two alleles both get fully expressed in a the organism’s phenotype. For example, in the ABO blood type system, an individual who is type AB produces both the type “A” glycoprotein and the “type B” glycoprotein.

[!!!!] Card Number 20 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]What’s an example of co-dominance?

[a]The ABO blood type system is an example of co-dominance. In the ABO blood type system, an individual who is type AB produces both the type “A” glycoprotein and the “type B” glycoprotein.

[!!!!] Card Number 21 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]Who was the Austrian monk who discovered many of the principles of modern genetics?

[textentry] .


The Austrian monk who discovered many of the principles of modern genetics was Gregor Mendel.

[!!!!] Card Number 22 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]The most general word for the unit of heredity is

[a]The most general word for the unit of heredity is gene.

[!!!!] Card Number 23 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]The passing of traits from parents to offspring is _________.

[a]The passing of traits from parents to offspring is heredity.

[!!!!] Card Number 24 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]An alternative form of a gene is a(n) ____________.

[a]An alternative form of a gene is an allele.

[!!!!] Card Number 25 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]When both alleles are the same, the organism is said to be ________.

[a]When both alleles are the same, the organism is said to be homozygous.

[!!!!] Card Number 26 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]When the two alleles are different, the organism is said to be _________

[a]When the two alleles are different, the organism is said to be heterozygous.

[!!!!] Card Number 27 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]If you were considering just one gene, a more scientific way of saying ‘purebred’ is _________.

[a]If you were considering just one gene, a more scientific way of saying ‘purebred’ is homozgyous. Note that these terms are only loosely synonymous, and that ‘purebred’ has other meanings in other contexts.

[!!!!] Card Number 28 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]A much more informal way of saying ‘homozygous’ _________

[a]A much more informal way of saying ‘homozygous’ is purebred.

[!!!!] Card Number 29 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]If you were considering just one gene, a more scientific way of saying ‘hybrid’ is ________

[a]If you were considering just one gene, a more scientific way of saying ‘hybrid’ is ‘heterozygous.’ Note that these terms are only loosely synonymous, and that ‘hybrid’ has other meanings in other contexts.

[!!!!] Card Number 30 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]A more informal and less precise way of saying “heterozygous” is _________.

[a]A more informal and less precise way of saying heterozygous is hybrid.

[!!!!] Card Number 31 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]The underlying genes an organism has is its

[a]The underlying genes an organism has is its genotype.

[!!!!] Card Number 32 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]An organism’s observable characteristics make up its ________.

[a]An organism’s observable characteristics make up its phenotype.

[!!!!] Card Number 33 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]When are dominant alleles expressed?

[a]Dominant alleles are always expressed.

[!!!!] Card Number 34 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]An allele that is always expressed over a second allele is a __________ allele

[a]An allele that is always expressed over a second allele is a dominant allele

[!!!!] Card Number 35 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]A type of allele that can fade into the background, masked by a second allele, is a ________ allele.

[a]A type of allele that can fade into the background, masked by a second allele, is a recessive allele.

[!!!!] Card Number 36 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]An allele that is on any chromosome except the sex chromosomes is an ______________ allele ________

[a]An allele that is on any chromosome except the sex chromosomes is an autosomal allele.

[!!!!] Card Number 37 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]The term ‘X-linked’ is synonymous with ________

[a]The term ‘X-linked’ is synonymous with “sex linked”

[!!!!] Card Number 38 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]An allele on the X chromosome is said to be __________.

[a]An allele on the X chromosome is said to be X-linked (or ‘sex-linked’).

[!!!!] Card Number 39 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]A heterozygous individual who possesses the recessive allele (without expressing the allele in his or her phenotype) is also known as a _________.

[a]A heterozygous individual who possesses the recessive allele (without expressing the allele in his or her phenotype) is also known as a carrier.

[!!!!] Card Number 40 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]The specific location on a chromosome where a gene is found is called a ___________.

[a]The specific location on a chromosome where a gene is found is called a locus.

[!!!!] Card Number 41 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]When within a population’s gene pool, there are more than two possible alleles at a specific locus (spot) on a chromosome, the gene is said to have _______.

[a]When within a population’s gene pool, there are more than two possible alleles at a specific locus (spot) on a chromosome, the gene is said to have multiple alleles.

[!!!!] Card Number 42 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]When the phenotype of a heterozygote is in between the phenotypes of the homozygous genotypes this is called _______

[a]When the phenotype of a heterozygote is in between the phenotypes of the homozygous genotypes this is called incomplete dominance.

[!!!!] Card Number 43 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]A type of inheritance pattern that involves many genes is

[a]A type of inheritance pattern that involves many genes is polygenic inheritance.

[!!!!] Card Number 44 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

[q]A genetic system where two alleles are both expressed in an organism’s phenotype is ________.

[a]A genetic system where two alleles are both expressed in an organism’s phenotype is co-dominance.


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Meiosis and Mendelian Genetics Fill-in-the-Blanks Set 1

[qwiz random = “true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Meiosis and Genetics Combined Quiz 1″]

[h]Meiosis and Mendelian Genetics M.C. and Fill-in-the-Blanks, set 1


During Meiosis,

Diploid into haploid cells

Gametes: sperm and egg!


[q] ________ is the type of cell division that results in formation of two identical daughter cells.






[q]Mitosis results in two cells which are ______ of the parent cell






[q]Independent assortment of homologous chromosomes only happens during ______.






[q]In both mitosis and meiosis, ________ ______ get split apart.






[q]As opposed to the clones produced in mitosis, each daughter cell in meiosis is genetically _____.






[q]In terms of chromosome number, the daughter cells in meiosis are _____.






[q]In a male, the only cells that can go through meiosis would be located in the _____.






[q]In a species with 24 chromosomes, each gamete would have ___ chromosomes.


[c]MT I=[Qq]









[q]If you want to say “sperm cells and egg cells” with one word, you can use the word _____.






[q]The matched chromosomes that you inherit from your mother and father are said to be ______ to one another.






[q]During mitosis, it’s _____ ______ that get split apart.






[q]A unique feature of meiosis is the crossing over of segments of DNA between ______ _____ that occurs during meiosis 1.






[q]During the second cell division of meiosis, ___ _____ are split apart.






[q]During ______, a diploid zygote is created.






[q]The typical sex chromosomes of a person who is male is ___






[q]If a sperm cell carries an X chromosome, the offspring will be _____.






[q]Any chromosome that is NOT an X or Y chromosome is an _____.






[q]An alternative version of a gene is called an ____.






[q]If both of the alleles you have for a trait are different, you’re ______.






[q]Your underlying genes for a trait makes up your _____.






[q]If T is the dominant allele and t is recessive, then the genotype of an individual with a recessive phenotype is _____.


[c]dH Q=[Qq]







[q]Because of meiosis, a person who is a ______ has a fifty percent chance of passing a recessive allele on to his or her offspring.






[q]In the ABO blood type system, a person who is heterozygous type B has the genotype ___.




[c]Qm 8=[Qq]







[q]In the ABO blood type system, both the A allele and the B allele will show up in the phenotype. In other words, these alleles are __________.






[q]In snapdragons, flower color is controlled by two alleles. One allele codes for red flower color. The second codes for white flower color. If an offspring inherits both alleles, its color is pink. This kind of inheritance is known as _________ _________.






[q]Most traits are caused by _____ alleles, which act together to bring about the phenotype.






[q]Assume that in mice the allele for black fur (B) is dominant to the allele for white fur (b). The genotype of a white mouse would be ___.


[c]Ym I=[Qq]








Meiosis and Mendelian Genetics Set 2

[qwiz random = “true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Meiosis and Genetic Combined Quiz 2″]

[h]Meiosis and Mendelian Genetics Fill-in-the-Blanks and MC, set 2


I love Punnett squares!

They show whether traits will show

Up in the offspring

[q]Mitosis results in formation of ____ identical daughter cells

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]Mg ==[Qq]






[q]Meiosis results in formation of (up to) ____ daughter cells.

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]NA ==[Qq]






[q]Independent assortment of _______ chromosomes is a process that is unique to meiosis.







[q]In a cell with three homologous pairs, meiosis could create haploid gametes with _____ distinct sets of maternal and paternal chromosomes.

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]OA ==[Qq]

[f]R3JlYXQhwqA=VGhlIG51bWJlciBvZiBjb21iaW5hdGlvbnMgb2YgbWF0ZXJuYWwgYW5kIHBhdGVybmFsIGNocm9tb3NvbWVzIGlzIGFsd2F5cyAyIA==bnVtYmVyIG9mIHBhaXJz[Qq]. So, in a cell with three homologous pairs, meiosis could create haploid gametes with 23 , or 8 distinct sets of maternal and paternal chromosomes.


[f]Tm8uIFRoZSBudW1iZXIgb2YgY29tYmluYXRpb25zIG9mIG1hdGVybmFsIGFuZCBwYXRlcm5hbCBjaHJvbW9zb21lcyBpc8KgYWx3YXlzIDI=bnVtYmVyIG9mIHBhaXJz[Qq]. So, in a cell with three homologous pairs, meiosis could create haploid gametes with 23   distinct sets of maternal and paternal chromosomes. 23 is equal to …?

[q]In terms of chromosome number, the daughter cells of mitosis are ______.






[q]Mitosis produces body cells, also known as ______ cells






[q]In a female, the only cells the can go through meiosis would be located in the _____.






[q]Meiosis produces sex cells, also known as ______






[q]Compared to the parent cell that starts meiosis, the chromosome number in the gametes that end meiosis is equal to  ____ of the number in the parent cell.






[q]Meiosis involves ___ rounds of cell division.

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]Mg ==[Qq]






[q]During the first cell division in meiosis, _____ _____ are split apart.






[q]A unique feature of meiosis is the ____ ____of segments of DNA between homologous chromosomes that occurs during meiosis 1.






[q]During fertilization, a diploid ____ is created.






[q]In any zygote, ___ of the genetic information comes from each parent.






[q]The typical sex chromosomes of a person who is female is ___.






[q]If a sperm cell carries a __ chromosome, the offspring will be male.

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]WQ ==[Qq]






[q]Because of sexual reproduction (including meiosis and fertilization), each generation is genetically ____ from its parents.






[q]If both of the alleles that you have for a trait are the same, you’re _____.






[q]The genetics word that means “appearance” is ____.






[q]The allele for a sex linked trait is found on the ___ chromosome.

[c]WA ==[Qq]






[q]If T is the dominant allele and t is recessive, then the genotype of an individual who is homozygous dominant is ____.

[c]VF Q=[Qq]








[q]If T is the dominant allele and t is recessive, then the genotype of an individual who is heterozygous dominant is __.



[c]VH Q=[Qq]






[q]In the ABO blood type system, a person who is type O has the genotype __.



[c]b2 8=[Qq]








[q]In the ABO blood type system, the o allele is _______ to the A allele and the B allele.






[q]In a sex linked trait, boys can only inherit the allele that controls the trait from their __________..






[q]Assume that in mice the allele for black fur (B) is dominant to the allele for white fur (b). The genotype of a heterozygote would be ____.

[c]Qm I=[Qq]








[q]Assume that in mice the allele for black fur (B) is dominant to the allele for white fur (b). If two heterozygotes mate, what’s the probability that the offspring will have black fur is ____%




[c]Nz Ul[Qq]








