Welcome to these interactive AP Bio FRQs!
These practice FRQs are interactive. You’ll type your answer into a text box, and we’ll give you feedback on your answer.
[qwiz generative_feedback=”true” prompt_intro=”Here is a question and my answer to the question. Evaluate my answer in comparison to the answer guide. If the answer guide provides alternative response items, consider my answer complete if I provide at least the number of items specified in the question. However, if the question asks for specific items that I did not include in my answer, tell me what the answer guide says for those items. If my answer is incorrect or incomplete, explain how I can improve my answer. Make the comparison between my answer and the answer guide in qualitative terms such as accurate, good, correct, or missing items — not in quantitative terms such as credit or points. In the comparison, do not repeat the question, my answer, or the answer guide. Only show the comparison and explanations about incomplete and incorrect answers. Explain how incomplete and incorrect answers can be improved. Format as HTML. Do not explain HTML.” prompt_for_question=”Here is the question:” prompt_for_response=”Here is my answer:” prompt_for_feedback=”Here is the answer guide:” temperature=”0″ style=”min-height: 450px !important; width: 600px !important;” random=”true” use_dataset=”Enhanced AP Bio FRQs” default_max_to_practice=”5″ qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-AP Bio Enhanced FRQs”]
[h]Interactive AP Bio FRQs
Type in your answers
Study the feedback with care
A “5” is in reach!
For questions with “Part 1,” “Part 2,” etc. it will help if you number your responses.
If you want to resize the “quiz box” to see more text at a time, click the “Full-screen view” icon at the top left of the quiz:
Do just a few questions at a time. Leave the “Max to practice…” pull-down set to five questions. We don’t let you revise your answers right away after getting feedback, because your memory of what you’ve learned is strengthened by waiting a little while and then recalling what you’ve learned (the principle of “spaced repetition”). Click “Show me again later” — you’ll get a chance to revise your previous answer!
If you see any problems or have any questions or suggestions, please let us know with the “Feedback” link (hover on the green down-arrow at top right):