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Unit 8 Review Video

Unit 8 Learning Objectives

Topic 8.1: Responses to the Environment

Note from Mr. W about Topic 8.1

The College Board’s objectives for Topic 8.1 are fairly vague. You can see these objectives in my Condensed CED, or just read the summary below.

  1. Based on cues in the environment, organisms change their behavior and physiology.
  2. Communication between organisms in response to internal or external changes can change behavior.
  3. Signaling changes the behavior of other organisms and is subject to natural selection.
  4. A variety of signals (visual, auditory, tactile, chemical, and electrical) are used to indicate social dominance, find food, and induce or solicit mating.
  5. Learned and innate behaviors are subject to natural selection.
  6. Cooperation between members of the same population can increase fitness.

To enable you to reach these objectives, I designed this topic around a series of case studies that will lead you to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Explain fixed action patterns
  2. Describe the evidence for the idea that behavior can be genetically controlled and transmitted.
  3. Describe key experiments illustrating the role of learning in behavior.
  4. Explain how animals use environmental cues to orient themselves and navigate.
  5. Explain the biological basis of migration in birds and sea turtles.
  6. Explain the role of inclusive fitness in animal behavior.

Topic 8.2: Energy Flow Through Ecosystems

  1. Compare and contrast endotherms and endotherms.
    • Endotherms use thermal energy generated by metabolism to maintain homeostatic body temperatures.
    • Ectotherms lack efficient internal mechanisms for maintaining body temperature. Their temperature can fluctuate widely, though they may regulate their temperature behaviorally by moving into the sun or shade or by aggregating with other individuals.
  2. Describe the relationship between metabolic rate and size.
    • Generally, the smaller the organism, the higher the metabolic rate.
  3. Describe the relationship between energy gain or loss and growth/survival/reproduction
    • Net energy gain results in energy storage or the growth of organisms or populations.
    • Net energy loss results in loss of mass, death, and population decline.
  4. Describe how energy flow through ecosystems can be graphically represented.
    • Through food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids.
  5. *Define biogeochemical cycle, and (as a representative example) explain the carbon cycle.
  6. Explain the effects of changes in energy availability on trophic levels and ecosystem structure.
    • Changes in energy availability can affect the number and size of the trophic levels. Specifically, a change in the producer level can affect the number and size of other trophic levels.
  7. Compare autotrophs and heterotrophs
    • Autotrophs capture energy from physical or chemical sources in the environment;
    • Heterotrophs capture energy by eating or absorbing chemical energy in organic compounds.
  8. Compare photoautotrophs with chemoautotrophs
    • Photoautotrophs use light to synthesize organic compounds. Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria are photoautotrophs.
    • Chemoautotrophs power the creation of organic compounds by oxidizing small inorganic molecules (such as iron). This process can occur in the absence of oxygen. All chemoautotrophs are bacteria or archaea.

Topics 8.3 and 8.4: Population Ecology

  1. Explain the general factors behind population growth, and the general equation for this growth  (dN/dt = B – D)
  2. Explain what exponential growth is and when it occurs, and be able to use its relevant equation (dN/dt = rmaxN)
  3. Define limiting factors.
  4. Compare and contrast Density Dependent and Density Independent Limiting Factors
  5. Define carrying capacity.
  6. Be able to use the Logistic Growth equation (dN/dt = rmaxN (K-N/K))
  7. Explain how population growth can be influenced by resource availability and predator-prey interactions.

Topics 8.5: Community Ecology

  1. Explain how communities change over time during the process of ecological succession.
  2. Describe the key Interactions that occur between the species in a community. This includes the following interactions and being able to describe the positive and negative effects on each species.
    • Mutualism
    • Parasitism
    • Commensalism, amensalism
    • Competition (leading to niche partitioning and character displacement)
    • Predator/Prey interactions (leading to evolutionary arms races)
  3. Explain what keystone species are, and what happens when keystone species are removed from their ecosystems.
    • An organism whose activity defines the structure of the entire ecosystem.
    • Often these are carnivores that control herbivores, increasing productivity and overall biodiversity.
    • When keystone species are removed, ecosystems can collapse.

Topic 8.6: Biodiversity

  1. Define Biodiversity, and describe its key components.
    • Species composition and richness.
  2. Know how to use the Simpson’s Biodiversity index.
  3. Explain the connection between biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.
    • Less biodiversity and less ecosystem complexity often equate to less resilience to environmental change.

Topic 8.7: Disruptions to Ecosystems

  1. List and describe the traits that predispose a species to become an invasive species.
    • High reproductive rates, tolerance of a wide range of conditions, generalist ecological niche.
  2. Explain how invasive species affect ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity.
    • When invasive species enter a new habitat, they tend to grow exponentially.
    • As invasive species are freed from control by their former predators or competitors, they can outcompete or overexploit the species in their new environment, or overrun their new habitat.
    • The overall effect is a decrease in biodiversity.
  3. Describe the human activities that lead to changes in ecosystem structure and/or dynamics.
    • Destruction or degradation of habitat, habitat fragmentation, the introduction of invasive species,
    • Introduction of new diseases that can devastate native species.
    • Climate disruption is altering habitats worldwide.
  4. Explain how geological and climatic changes can change ecosystem structure and/or dynamics.
    • Changes in geology and climate can alter habitats and change ecosystem distribution.


2. Ecology Cumulative Flashcards

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[h] Unit 8 (Ecology) Cumulative Flashcards



[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|758fdbe0e2470″ question_number=”1″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What’s the difference between nocturnal and diurnal behavioral patterns?

Illustrative example: Responses to the Environment

[a] Nocturnal animals are more active during the night, and sleep and shelter during the day. Examples include bats, fireflies, tarantulas, and owls. Diurnal animals are active during the day, and shelter and rest during the night. Examples include chimpanzees, hummingbirds, and humans.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|758eb1daf0470″ question_number=”2″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] Explain the fight-or-flight response. (Note: this was originally taught in Unit 4)

[a] The fight-or-flight response is a physiological response to a perceived danger that occurs in many animals, giving them the energy to fight for survival or to run away from danger. The perceived danger leads the brain to signal various areas of the body. A signal to the adrenal glands causes the secretion of the hormone epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) into the bloodstream. This has a variety of effects throughout the body, including 1) Increasing blood sugar (by stimulating the liver to convert glycogen to glucose), 2) Increasing blood pressure by constricting blood flow to the digestive system, 3) Slowing down digestion, 4) Increasing heart rate, and 5) Dilating the pupils.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|758d629440070″ question_number=”3″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] How is the fight-or-flight response adaptive? (Note: this was originally taught in Unit 4)

[a] The fight-or-flight response is adaptive because it has the effect of giving the body increased strength and speed through any or all of the following:

  • Increasing blood flow to the skeletal muscles
  • Increasing blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugars
  • Speeding up blood clotting function to prevent excessive blood loss in the event of injury
  • Increasing muscle tension.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|758c134d8fc70″ question_number=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What are predator warnings?

Illustrative example: Responses to the Environment

[a] Predator warnings, also called “alarm signals,” are calls or cries emitted by social animals in response to predator danger.  African vervet monkeys have distinct calls for leopards, snakes, and eagles. California’s Belding’s ground squirrel has distinct calls for aerial predators (hawks and eagles) and terrestrial threats (from bobcats, coyotes, and weasels).

Predator warnings can be explained through inclusive fitness and kin selection (discussed in other cards within this same topic).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|758ae9479dc70″ question_number=”5″] How are predator warnings connected to kin selection?

Illustrative example: Responses to the Environment

[a] In ground squirrels, alarm calls have been interpreted as being examples of kin selection: most calls are elicited by females, and are typically received by kin (close relatives) who live close to the female that’s giving the call. The highest benefit, in other words, goes to animals that are most closely related to the caller, making the alarm calls an example of inclusive fitness.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75899a00ed870″ question_number=”6″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is territoriality?

Illustrative example: Animal Behavior

[a] Territoriality is a behavior in which an animal consistently defends a specific area against members of its own or other species. The immediate benefit of this behavior is to give an animal control of food sources, nesting sites, or mating areas, or to demonstrate fitness in such a way that attracts a mate.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75876b35c7c70″ question_number=”7″] What are some ways that animals mark their territories?

Illustrative example: Animal Behavior

[a] A common way of marking territory is through scent markings, which are scented substances deposited in feces, urine, or specialized scent glands. These scents often include pheromones (hormone-like substances that elicit a physiological response in another organism). In other species, such as the northern elephant seal, the territory is actively patrolled by an alpha male, who controls a harem of females, and actively wards off incursions by other males. One function of bird song is for males (who do most of the singing) to let females know that a suitable territory is available, and to ward off potential rivals.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7586412fd5c70″ question_number=”8″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] How is coloration in flowers adaptive?

[a] Through color, plants advertise a reward for pollinators (bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, etc.). That makes flower color a relatively small evolutionary investment on a plant’s part to forge a strong association with a particular pollinator. Color “teaches” pollinators to associate a particular flower color with the pollen or nectar that a pollinator can find by visiting that flower. Once this association is made, the pollinators will tend to focus more exclusively on flowers of that color, increasing the probability of pollen transfer between flowers of the same species.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7584f1e925870″ question_number=”9″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] How do bees communicate about the location of new food sources?

Illustrative example: Animal Behavior

[a] When a bee finds a food source, it returns to its hive and performs a dance that indicates the direction and distance of the food source relative to the hive. The length of the waggle (a)  indicates the distance between the food source and the hive. The direction of the waggle relative to the up/down orientation of the hive indicates the direction relative to the position of the sun.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7583c7e333870″ question_number=”10″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is eusociality?

[a] Eusociality is a social structure in which some individuals within a colony breed, while others are non-reproductive. Think of a beehive, with one reproducing queen, and tens of thousands of sterile, female workers who gather food and care for the young. Among the insects, eusociality is found in bees, ants, wasps (which are all in the order Hymenoptera), and termites. It’s also found in one species of shrimp and two species of mole rats (a type of mammal).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75829ddd41870″ question_number=”11″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] Describe haplodiploidy, and explain its connection to eusociality.

[a] In haplodiploid species (found in some bees and ants), females are diploid and males are haploid. If a single male inseminates the queen, then the sisters will share 100% of their paternal genes and 50% of their maternal genes. That makes the females, on average, 75% related to one another. By assisting their mother (the queen) to produce more offspring, the workers can create more sisters (and, eventually, a new queen) to whom they’ll also be 75% related. This produces a system where workers forego reproduction and instead assist their mothers to create more sisters. Cooperation results from inclusive fitness and kin selection.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|758173d74f870″ question_number=”12″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is kin selection?

[a] Kin selection explains behavior based on its survival value not just to the individual, but to his or her relatives. It’s used to explain altruism: self-sacrificing behavior that promotes the survival of others. If an allele programs behavior so that individuals are willing to sacrifice themselves to save the lives of their offspring or relatives (who share their genes), the sacrifice will have the effect of maintaining (or increasing, depending on the closeness of the relationship and the number of offspring saved) the frequency of that allele in the population’s gene pool. The result will be selection of alleles for altruistic behavior.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|758024909f470″ question_number=”13″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is inclusive fitness?

[a] Inclusive fitness is the idea that the evolutionary value of a trait is measured by the survival and successful reproduction of the allele for that trait in all of the related individuals who possess that allele, and not just in a single organism. It’s a way of explaining how altruistic behavior (behavior that promotes the survival of others over the survival of oneself) could evolve. Inclusive fitness is related to the idea of kin selection (covered in another card in this topic).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|757f1fcb6b870″ question_number=”14″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is schooling, and what are its benefits?

Illustrative example: Animal Behavior

[a] A school of fish consists of fish of the same species, usually of similar size, swimming together in a coordinated way in the same direction at the same speed, with each individual precisely spaced from every other. The benefits of schooling include

  • Increased foraging success, with more efficiency at finding food sources.
  • Ease in finding mates
  • Increased efficiency in moving through water.
  • Predator avoidance (because it’s easier for members of a school to spot predators, and more difficult for predators to hone in on individuals).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|757df5c579870″ question_number=”15″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is reproductive diapause?

[a] Reproductive diapause is a delay in development in response to regular or recurring periods of adverse environmental conditions. For example, in response to drought or temperature extremes, insect larvae might stop developing. This involves storing food molecules and lowering the metabolic rate. When conditions change, indicated by certain stimuli such as temperature change or contact with water, development can resume.

[!]8.2.Energy Flow through Ecosystems[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|757ccbbf87870″ question_number=”16″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] Describe the differences between regulators and conformers.

[a] Regulators are organisms that keep a specific internal condition (such as body temperature) confined within a narrow range. Conformers allow that condition to fluctuate with the external environment. For example, mammals and birds are body temperature regulators, and keep their body temperature relatively constant (about 37° C for mammals, about 40° C  for birds.).  Reptiles, fish, and amphibians are conformers.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|757bc6fa53c70″ question_number=”17″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] What’s the difference between an ectotherm and an endotherm?

[a] An endotherm is an organism that generates its heat internally through its metabolism. An ectotherm absorbs heat from the environment (for example, from the sun).

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|757a77b3a3870″ question_number=”18″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] Compare and contrast the benefits of being an endotherm or an ectotherm.

[a] Being an endotherm enables an organism to be active regardless of the environmental temperature. That’s why the predominant animals in the Arctic or Antarctic environments are mammals (think of polar bears) and birds (think of penguins). The disadvantage of being an endotherm is that it requires a lot of energy. Ectotherms can survive on about 1/10th of the food energy required by an endotherm of a similar mass.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75794dadb1870″ question_number=”19″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] What are some strategies that ectotherms use to regulate their body temperature?

[a] Ectotherms have a variety of behavioral means of optimizing their body temperature. In larger animals such as lizards and snakes, this includes basking in the sun or resting in the shade. In honeybees, huddling together and moving their wing muscles generates heat that can raise the temperature of the hive in cold weather, or create air currents to cool the hive in warm weather.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7577fe6701470″ question_number=”20″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] What is metabolic rate? How can it be measured?

[a] An organism’s metabolic rate is the amount of energy that the organism expends during a given amount of time. It can be measured by oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, or heat production.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7576d4610f470″ question_number=”21″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] How can the metabolic rates of animals of different sizes be compared? What’s the general relationship between metabolic rate and size (and why)?

[a] To compare metabolic rates in animals that are of different sizes, we use the relative metabolic rate: the metabolic rate/unit of body mass.

Among endothermic animals (for example, mammals) the general rule is that as size increases, relative metabolic rate decreases. For example, a gram of mouse tissue metabolizes up to 10 times faster than a gram of elephant tissue. Why? Smaller animals have a larger surface area to volume ratio than do larger animals. As a result, smaller animals will lose heat more easily than larger animals will. To replace that heat, the smaller animal will need to perform more cellular respiration, increasing its relative metabolic rate.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7575aa5b1d470″ question_number=”22″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] What’s the relationship between energy availability, producer population size, and ecosystem complexity? List two examples of ecosystems that demonstrate high energy input and high complexity.

[a] All other things being equal, the more energy (such as sunlight) coming into an ecosystem, the higher the productivity and population size of ecological producers, and the more trophic levels that the ecosystem will be able to support. This partly explains the diversity and complexity of tropical rainforest and coral reef ecosystems.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|757480552b470″ question_number=”23″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] What are food chains and food webs?

[a] A food chain shows the passage of energy and matter from one organism to the next within an ecosystem. A food web shows all the interconnected food chains in an ecosystem.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7573564f39470″ question_number=”24″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] What are trophic levels?

[a] A trophic level is an organism’s position in a food chain or food web.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75722c4947470″ question_number=”25″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] Describe the basic trophic levels found in most ecosystems.


  • Producers (1) create energetic organic compounds, almost always through photosynthesis.
  • Primary consumers or herbivores (2) eat producers.
  • Secondary consumers or carnivores (3) eat the primary consumers.
  • Secondary consumers can be consumed by tertiary consumers (4). In some oceanic food chains, there are even higher levels, but rarely more than four or five.
  • When organisms at any level die their remains are broken down by decomposers (not shown)

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7571024355470″ question_number=”26″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] What do ecological pyramids represent? List the three types of ecological pyramids.

[a] Ecological pyramids are a way of showing the structure of an ecosystem, usually by trophic level. There are three types: energy, biomass, and numbers.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|756fd83d63470″ question_number=”27″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] In relationship to ecology, describe a pyramid of energy and explain the 10% rule.

[a] A pyramid of energy shows the amount of harvestable chemical energy in each trophic level. In this pyramid, each trophic level has 10% of the chemical potential energy of the level beneath it. Thus, if the producers in an ecosystem had 10,000 units of energy (measured in units like kilojoules or kilocalories), the primary consumers would have 1000 units, and the secondary consumers would have 100 units.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|756e88f6b3070″ question_number=”28″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] In relationship to ecology, describe a pyramid of biomass.

[a] A pyramid of biomass shows the biomass (living matter) available at each trophic level in an ecosystem. The 10% rule from pyramids of energy is not applicable, and in some aquatic ecosystems in which there’s high productivity and high rates of conversion of producers to primary consumers, the shape might not be pyramidal, because there might be less biomass in the producers than in the primary consumers.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|756d39b002c70″ question_number=”29″] In relationship to ecology, describe pyramid of numbers.


Another pyramid of numbers

A pyramid of numbers shows the number of organisms at each trophic level. The 10% rule from the pyramid of energy is not applicable. Imagine a tree — one organism, supporting thousands of insects, supporting hundreds of birds — and you can see how the shape of this pyramid is not at all pyramidal.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|756c0faa10c70″ question_number=”30″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] 1) What is a biogeochemical cycle? 2) What are the key components of biogeochemical cycles?

[a] 1) Biogeochemical cycles show the movement of elements or compounds between the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) parts of an ecosystem.

2) Components of biogeochemical cycles include reservoirs (locations where elements or compounds accumulate, often in chemically different forms) and fluxes or flows (ways in which these compounds or elements move from one reservoir to another one).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|756ae5a41ec70″ question_number=”31″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] Describe the carbon cycle. Note that for AP Bio, you can leave out dissolved CO2 in the oceans, absorption into rocks, and release from volcanoes. 

[a] Through photosynthesis (A), producers fix carbon dioxide in air or water into carbohydrates and other compounds. Some of this carbon moves to animals via consumption (C). Both plants and animals respire (B and D), which returns CO2 to the atmosphere. When plants or animals die (E and F), their organic remains are decomposed. Decomposition (G) renders the carbon in dead organic matter back into carbon dioxide, which rejoins the atmosphere.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7569965d6e870″ question_number=”32″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] What is the 10% rule?

[a] The 10% rule is the key principle behind the pyramid of energy. Specifically, in any ecosystem, only 10% of the available energy gets passed from one trophic level to the next.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75686c577c870″ question_number=”33″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] Describe some of the reasons behind the 10% rule.

[a] The 10% rule results from:

  • Entropy: Whenever energy is transformed from one form to another (from the bodies of herbivores to the bodies of carnivores, for example), some energy is lost as heat.
  • Inefficient harvest: Consumers don’t eat everything in the trophic level below.
  • Not everything that gets consumed will be absorbed into the body: everything that’s defecated out constitutes matter and energy that aren’t passed on to the organism.
  • Much energy goes to staying alive, and not to growth that can be passed on to the next trophic level.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|756742518a870″ question_number=”34″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] Describe how human activity has affected the nitrogen cycle.

[a] For about the past 100 years, humans have significantly altered the nitrogen cycle through the application of nitrogen fertilizers (usually in the form of nitrates) to food crops. This energy-intensive process has vastly increased agricultural productivity. It has also had significant environmental effects caused by the runoff of nitrogen fertilizer into streams, lakes, bays, and oceans.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7566184b98870″ question_number=”35″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_Through_Ecosystems”] Describe what happens when excess nitrogen and/or phosphorus enters lakes, streams, ponds, or oceans.

[a] Excess flows of nitrogen and phosphorus into lakes, streams, ponds, or oceans can cause eutrophication. Nitrogen and phosphorus cause excess growth of algae. When the algae die, their biomass is broken down by decomposers. Decomposition (which involves cellular respiration) depletes the oxygen level in the water. Low oxygen levels kill off other aquatic life, reducing biodiversity.

[!]8.3-8.4.Population Ecology[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7564c904e8470″ question_number=”36″ topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] Ultimately, only four variables affect the size of any population. What are they?

[a] Population size is a function of births, deaths, immigration, and emigration.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|756379be38070″ question_number=”37″ topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] What is exponential growth?

[a] Exponential growth is the growth of a population in which the number of individuals added is proportional to the amount already present. As a result, the bigger the population, the bigger the increase.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75620536c9870″ question_number=”38″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] Explain the formula for exponential growth.

[a] The formula for exponential growth is: change in N/t = rN, where

  • N = population size
  • t = time
  • r= rate of increase

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7560db30d7870″ question_number=”39″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] In a graph, what does exponential growth look like?

[a] When exponential growth is plotted (with time as the X-axis and population size as the Y-axis) the result is a J-shaped curve: a slow takeoff followed by an increasingly steep rise in population.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|755f8bea27470″ question_number=”40″ topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] In biological systems, when does exponential growth occur?

[a] In any biological system, exponential growth can only happen for a limited period, during which a population has the resources (food, space, etc) that let it grow without constraints. This might happen when an invasive species arrives in a new environment, free from the predators that might have held it in check in its previous environment. It can also happen during the early phases of a bacterial infection, or during a disease outbreak (when a pathogen can spread exponentially).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|755e61e435470″ question_number=”41″ topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] What is biotic potential? How is it represented?

[a] Biotic potential is the maximum rate at which a population can expand. It’s represented by rmax.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|755d129d85070″ question_number=”42″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] What is carrying capacity?

[a] Carrying capacity (K) is the maximum number of individuals that a particular environment can support.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|755bc356d4c70″ question_number=”43″ topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] What is the logistic growth model?


[a] The logistic model of population growth shows how a population’s growth rate decreases as it reaches its carrying capacity (E).

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|755a9950e2c70″ question_number=”44″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] Describe the equation for logistic growth.

[a] The logistic growth model can be represented by the equation N/t = rN (K-N)/K, where

  • N = population size
  • t = time
  • r= rate of increase
  • K = carrying capacity

As a population reaches its carrying capacity, there will be increased environmental resistance, as density-dependent limiting factors slow and then stop a population’s growth.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75596f4af0c70″ question_number=”45″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] When plotted on a graph, what does logistic growth look like?

[a] When logistic growth is plotted (with the X-axis representing time and the Y-axis representing population size), the result is an “S-shaped” or “sigmoid” curve. The curve initially looks like an exponential growth curve (a J-curve) with a slow takeoff followed by a rapid rise (A and B). But as N approaches carrying capacity, the amount of increase slows (C) and then drops to zero (D) as the population stabilizes at its carrying capacity (E).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7558200440870″ question_number=”46″ topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] In relationship to population growth, what are limiting factors?


[a] Limiting factors prevent a population from increasing at its biotic potential, and cause a population’s size to stabilize at or below the environment’s carrying capacity.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7556d0bd90470″ question_number=”47″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] Define and describe density-dependent limiting factors.

[a] Density-dependent limiting factors intensify as the density of individuals within a population increases. These factors can be extrinsic (coming from outside the growing population) or intrinsic (from within the population).

Extrinsic factors include predation pressure, parasitism, and competition for increasingly scarce resources. Intrinsic factors can include the stress that’s induced by increased crowding and competition, lowering the birth rate. Territoriality can similarly decrease a population’s ability to expand beyond a certain density.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75558176e0070″ question_number=”48″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] Define and describe density-independent limiting factors.

[a] Density-independent limiting factors are those that are unrelated to a population’s size (symbolized by N).  For example, hurricanes,  floods, or earthquakes can all cause significant death in a population, lowering population size, regardless of that population’s density.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|755432302fc70″ question_number=”49″ topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] When a population grows and reaches its carrying capacity, the result might be stable oscillation around carrying capacity. Explain.

[a] In this scenario, the population overshoots the carrying capacity (E), lowering the available resources. This causes the population to decline (F). As the resource base recovers, the population resumes its growth until it again overshoots the carrying capacity (G), repeating the cycle.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7552e2e97f870″ question_number=”50″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-4.Population_Ecology”] Sometimes, a population overshoots carrying capacity, which is followed by a catastrophic population decline. Explain.


[a] An overshoot (2) is where the population exceeds the environment’s carrying capacity. If this causes a significant depletion in environmental resources from which the environment can’t recover, then the population that caused the depletion, if it can survive at all, will do so at significantly reduced numbers.

[!]8.5.Community Ecology and Biodiversity[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7551b8e38d870″ question_number=”51″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] Define coevolution. Relate coevolution to the idea of the evolutionary arms race. Provide examples.

[a] Coevolution involves the reciprocal evolutionary adaptations that occur between two or more species. Each species becomes a selective force eliciting counter adaptations in the other species.

Because the two species are involved in a positive feedback loop, the result can be an evolutionary arms race, with extreme reciprocal adaptations in both coevolving species. Examples include the deep tubular flowers of some species and the long proboscis or beak of the moths or birds that pollinate them; the speed of predators and the matching speed of their prey (think of cheetahs and antelopes).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7550699cdd470″ question_number=”52″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] What is symbiosis? What are the three most common forms of symbiosis, and how are these relationships symbolized?

[a] Symbiosis occurs whenever two species live together in close proximity.

  • In parasitism, one species (the host) is harmed, while the other species (the parasite) benefits. This can be represented as “+/-.”
  • In commensalism, one species benefits, while the other species is unharmed. This is represented as “+/0.”
  • In mutualism, both species benefit from the interaction, represented as “+/+.”

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|754ef5156ec70″ question_number=”53″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] The Simpson’s index of biodiversity is based on the relationship between species richness, the overall abundance of individuals, and the evenness of species distribution. Explain the meaning of each part of the index, and describe the conditions that lead to high species diversity.

[a] In Simpson’s index of biodiversity, species richness means the overall number of species in a specific area. Abundance is the number of organisms of all species. Evenness is how evenly distributed abundance is among the species living in a specific area.

For biodiversity to be high, an ecosystem needs to have high species richness, and the abundance of individuals within each species needs to be evenly distributed. For example, if there are 100 individuals of species A, 100 individuals of species B, and 10 individuals of species C, then evenness is lower than it would be if the number of individuals of each species was the same.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|754dcb0f7cc70″ question_number=”54″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] What is Gause’s competitive exclusion principle?

Importance for the AP exam: High 

[a] According to Gause’s principle of competitive exclusion, two competitive species can’t coexist in the same ecological niche. That’s because any advantage that one species has over its competitor will lead the species with the advantage to outcompete the other. In this example, an advantage that species A had over B caused B to become locally extinct.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|754ca1098ac70″ question_number=”55″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] What results from ecological competition?

[a] Because of competition, either one (or more) species will become extinct, or the completing species will evolve in a way to partition the resource that they’re competing for. The result of this niche partitioning is specialization, with simultaneous character displacement so that each species will dominate its sub-niche more effectively. Thus we see, for example, species of shorebirds with different beaks, each one taking a different type of prey.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|754b51c2da870″ question_number=”56″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] What’s the difference between a species’ fundamental niche and its realized niche?

[a] The fundamental niche of a species is the range of resources that it could exploit in the absence of competition. However, because species that are competing differentiate (character displacement caused by niche partitioning), the actual set of resources each competing species exploits is narrower than the full resource. The actual resource that’s exploited by each species is the realized niche, and it’s always narrower than the fundamental niche.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|754a027c2a470″ question_number=”57″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] Using the barnacle Species A (Chthalamus) and Barnacle Species B (Semibalanus) as examples, explain the difference between a species’ fundamental niche and its realized niche.

Illustrative Example: Competition


Chthalamus and Semibalanus are two barnacle species found in rocky intertidal zone habitats. When the two species live together, Chthalamus (A) is limited to the uppermost part of the intertidal zone while Semibalanus (B) inhabits the lower parts. If Semibalanus is experimentally removed (2), then Chthalamus will inhabit the entire intertidal zone. CONCLUSION:  Chthalamus’s fundamental niche is the entire intertidal zone. Competition limits it to the upper part of the zone, which is its realized niche.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7548b3357a070″ question_number=”58″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] What’s the relationship between ecosystem diversity and an ecosystem’s resilience to environmental change?

[a] Resilience is defined as an individual’s or a system’s ability to recover from adverse circumstances. In general, ecosystems with high diversity are more resistant to change than ecosystems with low diversity and more resilient in terms of their ability to recover from adverse conditions.  Simpler ecosystems, with fewer species and less diversity within each species, are less able to adapt to changes in the environment. A field of corn in which every plant is a clone would represent the lowest possible diversity (only one species, with no diversity) and the lowest expected resilience.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7547892f88070″ question_number=”59″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] What are keystone species? In your response, use the example of sea stars in the intertidal zone.

[a] A keystone species is one whose action within a biological community structures the entire community. Frequently, keystone species are predators who keep a particular herbivore in check. The result is an increase in the overall biodiversity of the community.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75465f2996070″ question_number=”60″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] Using the example of sea stars in the intertidal zone, explain how keystone species promote biodiversity.

[a] A famous example of a keystone species is the role of sea stars in controlling mussel populations in the rocky intertidal zone. By preying on the mussels, the sea stars create ecological space for a variety of other invertebrates to live in this community. When sea stars were experimentally removed, the mussels overgrew the entire zone, and species diversity fell.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75453523a4070″ question_number=”61″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] As it relates to ecosystem diversity and structure, what is a “trophic cascade?”

[a] Trophic cascades occur when a trophic level within an ecosystem is suppressed, usually by a predator — a keystone species — that reduces the activity of an herbivore. This, in turn, increases the overall biodiversity of an ecosystem by increasing the ecosystem’s productivity and by creating ecological space for other herbivores and producers.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7543e5dcf3c70″ question_number=”62″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] What is ecological succession? In your answer, distinguish between primary and secondary succession.

[a] Ecological succession is how the mix of species within a community changes following a disturbance (such as a fire, flood, landslide, or volcanic eruption. Each mix of species creates conditions that subsequently allow different plant communities to thrive. Succession culminates in a “climax” community that endures in relative equilibrium until a disturbance restarts the succession process.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7542715585470″ question_number=”63″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] Describe how primary ecological succession typically unfolds. Focus on plant communities.

[a] The process starts with colonization by pioneer species — lichens and algae that can live on bare rock. They begin a slow process of biomass accumulation and soil development. Next come sun-tolerant mosses and herbs, who create enough soil for sun-tolerant grasses and ferns. Then come small shrubs, then trees, which create a shady understory, which creates a niche for shade-tolerant shrubs. Ultimately, a self-perpetuating climax community develops.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7541220ed5070″ question_number=”64″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] How is primary succession different from secondary succession?

[a] Primary succession starts from bare rock and requires a slow process of soil creation. In secondary succession, the soil is intact, and the succession process can unfold much more quickly.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|753fad8766870″ question_number=”65″ topic=”8.5-6.Community_Ecology_and_Biodiversity”] What are the overall trends associated with ecological succession?

[a] Here are the overall trends associated with ecological succession:

  • Abiotic conditions are replaced by biotic conditions
  • Soil mass increases
  • Overall biodiversity increases
  • The number of interspecific interactions increases
  • The community becomes more stable and more resilient to change.

[!]8.7.Disruptions to Ecosystems[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|753e838174870″ question_number=”66″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] How bad is the current extinction crisis? List five things that humans are doing that are causing the current extinction crisis.

[a] In recent years, extinction rates have risen to 1000 times beyond the background rate of extinction. These extinctions have been caused by human activities, including 1) habitat destruction and fragmentation, 2) introduction of invasive species, 3) introduction of disease-causing organisms, 4) overhunting and overharvesting wild species, and 5) climate change.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|753d597b82870″ question_number=”67″ topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] What’s the # 1 cause of the current extinction crisis? Name the cause, and elaborate.

[a] Habitat destruction/degradation is the # 1 cause of today’s extinction crisis. Every time a habitat is destroyed or significantly altered, the species living in it have to flee or perish. An example of habitat destruction would be converting a forest to grassland for ranching. An example of degradation would be cutting down a natural forest and replacing it with a less diverse second-growth forest designed for timber harvest. That reduces the ecological complexity of the forest, making it impossible for the species that formerly lived in it to survive.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|753c0a34d2470″ question_number=”68″ topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] What is habitat fragmentation? Explain how habitat fragmentation is contributing to the current extinction crisis.

[a] Fragmentation occurs when human activity breaks apart a species’ range into smaller areas. Because each of these fragments is too small to support a viable population, and because gene flow is usually not possible between fragments, subpopulations in each of these areas decline. In addition, fragments have large amounts of edge habitat, which can be quite different from the undisturbed habitat in the interior.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|753ae02ee0470″ question_number=”69″ topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] Explain how climate change is contributing to the sixth mass extinction.

[a]  Alteration of climate is changing the conditions in various ecosystems at a rate that exceeds the ability of species within those ecosystems to adapt. It’s also changing the geographical range of species, often pushing them further north in the northern hemisphere, or further south in the southern hemisphere. This is pushing many species, already stressed, to the point of extinction.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75396ba771c70″ question_number=”70″ topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] What are invasive species? How can they affect ecosystem dynamics?

[a] Invasive species are those that 1) are not native to an ecosystem, 2) spread rapidly and persistently once introduced into an ecosystem, and 3) cause ecosystem disruption. Once introduced into a new area, invasive species are freed from the controlling forces such as predators or competitors they faced in their native environment. With these controls gone, invasive species often expand exponentially, out-competing native species, destroying an ecosystem’s resource base, and spreading diseases (through the parasites that they might carry).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7537d1df45070″ question_number=”71″] Describe the traits that predispose a species to become an invasive species

[a] Invasive species 1) have high reproductive rates, 2) can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions, and 3) have a generalist ecological niche.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|7536829894c70″ question_number=”72″ topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] One feature of the carbon cycle is that carbon can become fossilized as fossil fuels, and then return to the atmosphere when these fossil fuels are burned for energy. Describe this part of the carbon cycle, and explain how it’s affecting the Earth’s climate.

[a] At certain times in Earth’s history, rates of photosynthesis have exceeded rates of decomposition. As a result, carbon from plants wasn’t decomposed, causing it to accumulate as deposits of coal, petroleum, and natural gas (fossil fuels).

Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, humans have been burning these fuels for energy, releasing carbon dioxide. The current CO2 level of 400 parts per million is 40% higher than the level at the start of the Industrial Revolution.

The added carbon dioxide has been trapping heat within the atmosphere. This is slowly increasing planetary temperatures, causing the polar ice caps to shrink, increasing the intensity of storms, intensifying droughts, intensifying seasonal wildfires, melting permafrost, and increasing sea levels.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|75353351e4870″ question_number=”73″ topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] What is ocean acidification, and what’s causing it?

[a] The oceans can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and much of the carbon dioxide released by industrial processes has been absorbed into ocean waters. However, this is causing the pH of the oceans to decrease, as dissolved carbon dioxide becomes carbonic acid, a process known as ocean acidification. Ocean acidification, in turn, is having widespread ecological impacts. That’s because lower pH makes it difficult for many marine creatures to create their calcium carbonate shells. This is one of many factors negatively impacting coral reefs, which are in decline around the globe.

[q json=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Flashcard Dataset|753329c77d070″ question_number=”74″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] What are some key principles for nature reserve design that can help preserve biodiversity?

[a] 1) Make the reserves as large as possible so that the populations within them can be of viable size. 2) Create corridors between adjacent reserves to allow for gene flow between the populations within the reserves. 3) Choose to protect areas that have a wide variety of habitat types within them. 4) Reduce the amount of edge habitat by creating round-shaped reserves.

[x] [restart]



3. Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 1

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice (v2.0)” dataset=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset” display_name=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz”]

[h]Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 1


[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|226a572310c2a0″ question_number=”1″] Some fish are found in the muddy bottom (benthic) environments at the bottom of a body of water. Others swim in open (marine) waters.

Researchers wanted to test the difference in schooling behavior between Three-Spined Stickleback fish found in marine environments versus stickleback fish found in benthic environments. To do so, they created motorized models of artificial fish cast from plastic to simulate a school of fish (A). Then, they placed living fish in a tank with the model and measured the length of time the fish swam in the school of fake fish (B) and the amount of time the fish swam alone before joining a school (C ).

Which of the following is the independent variable in this experiment?













[c]IHRoZSB0eXBlIG9mIHN0aWNrbGViYW NrIChNYXJpbmUgb3IgQmVudGhpYyk=[Qq]




[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|226a422ea5bea0″ question_number=”2″] Hoverflies are predators of Aphids. Scientists wanted to determine whether the aphid’s habitat affected predation by hoverflies. Hoverflies were collected from three different flower habitats, and their digestive tracts were sampled for aphid DNA.

Which of the following is the best formulation of a null hypothesis for this experiment?





[c]IFRoZSBhbW91bnQgb2YgYXBoaWQgcHJlZGF0aW9uIGJ5IGhvdmVy ZmxpZXMgd2lsbCBub3QgdmFyeSBiYXNlZCBvbiBoYWJpdGF0Lg==[Qq]






[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|226a2ae62ed6a0″ question_number=”3″] In bee colonies, worker bees take care of bee larvae, a behavior known as “nursing.” Scientists studied nursing behavior using glass-walled hives. They observed the percentage of nursing that occurred over 24 hours. The data they collected is shown in the graph below. A value of 100% indicates only day-time nursing activity, and 0% indicates only night-time nursing activity.

As part of their data analysis, the scientists compared the actual amount of day-time nursing activity (white bars) to an ideal normal curve of activity (black bars).

Using data in the graph from 30% to 70%, choose which of the following interpretations of the data is correct.



[c]IFRoZSBudWxsIGh5cG90aGVzaXMgc2hvdWxkIGJlIGFjY2VwdGVkIGJlY2F1c2UgdGhlIENoaS 1zcXVhcmUgdmFsdWUgaXMgbGVzcyB0aGFuIHRoZSBjcml0aWNhbCB2YWx1ZSBvZiA5LjQ5Lg==[Qq]








Third, if the chi-square value is less than the critical value, then you accept the null hypothesis (which is that the difference between expected and observed values is not statistically significant).







[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|226a15f1c3d2a0″ question_number=”4″] Based on the graphs below, which of the following statements about the relationship between ambient (environmental) temperature and metabolic rate is correct?

[c]IEdyYXBoIDEgc2hvd3MgdGhlIHJlbGF0aW9uc2hpcCBmb3IgYW4gZW5kb3RoZXJtLi BHcmFwaCAyIHNob3dzIHRoZSByZWxhdGlvbnNoaXAgZm9yIGFuIGVjdG90aGVybS4=[Qq]










[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2269fea94ceaa0″ question_number=”5″] The photograph below shows a lizard basking in the sun. This behavior is an attempt by the lizard to move its metabolism from







[c]IEUgdG 8gRg==[Qq]




[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2269e50cca1ea0″ question_number=”6″] Why do endotherms require much more food than ectotherms?









[c]IEJlY2F1c2UgZWN0b3RoZXJtcyByZXF1aXJlIGxlc3MgZW5l cmd5IGZvciB0aGVpciBtZXRhYm9saWMgcHJvY2Vzc2VzLg==[Qq]






[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2269cdc45336a0″ question_number=”7″] A team of biologists studying geothermal hot springs has discovered a prokaryotic organism in a light-free zone deep within the pool. Metabolic analysis shows that this organism gets its energy by oxidizing hydrogen gas (H2) and using it to reduce carbon dioxide gas into a variety of carbohydrates. The best classification of this organism would be as a



[c]IGNoZW1vYX V0b3Ryb3Bo[Qq]








[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2269b427d06aa0″ question_number=”8″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems”] The diagram below shows the movement of carbon among components of a freshwater aquarium.

Which number represents photosynthesis?

[c]IDEg[Qq][c]ID Ig[Qq][c]IDQg[Qq][c]IDYg[Qq][c]IDc=










[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-8.4.Population_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|22695bae0c92a0″ question_number=”9″] Using fur trapping data from the Hudson Bay Company in the 1800s, a student was able to generate the following graph showing the fluctuation in hare and lynx populations over a 60-year period during the 1800s. Unfortunately, the student forgot to include a key showing which line represented the population of lynx (a predatory cat) and which represented the hare (a rabbit adapted to cold climates).

Based on the pattern, which of the following letters represents the point when the hare population is in its exponential growth phase?

[c]IEEg[Qq][c]IEIg[Qq][c]IEMg[Qq][c]IE Q=








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-8.4.Population_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2269421189c6a0″ question_number=”10″] To simulate population growth, a programmer writes software based on the logistic growth equation:

The program’s output looks like this:

At what point in the graph above does K = N?

[c]IEEg[Qq][c]IEIg[Qq][c]IEMg[Qq][c]IE Q=














[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-8.4.Population_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|22692d1d1ec2a0″ question_number=”11″] The graph below shows what happened on an island off the coast of California during the thirty years following the introduction of a small group of deer.

Which of the following best explains what occurred?





[c]IFRoZSBkZWVyIG92ZXJzaG90IHRoZSBjYXJyeWluZyBjYXBhY2l0eSBvZiB0aGUgc2hydWJzLCBk aW1pbmlzaGluZyB0aGUgb3ZlcmFsbCBjYXJyeWluZyBjYXBhY2l0eSBvZiB0aGUgaXNsYW5kLg==[Qq]






[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-8.4.Population_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|226915d4a7daa0″ question_number=”12″] Duckweed are tiny aquatic plants with a rapid growth rate. A biologist starts with a single duckweed plant and counts the number of plants over a period of 15 days. Which of the following is closest to the average population growth rate between days 4 (when the population was 10) and 6 (when the population was 50)?





[c]IDIwIHBsYW 50cy9kYXk=[Qq]
















[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2268fc38250ea0″ question_number=”13″] The right side of the diagram below shows a food chain involving Orcas (killer whales), otters, sea urchins, and kelp (a type of seaweed). The left side shows changes that happened in several islands off the coast of Alaska between 1972 and 1997.

In the system above, the keystone species is



[c]IHRoZSBvdHRlciwgYmVjYXVzZSBpdCBj b250cm9scyB1cmNoaW4gZGVuc2l0eS4=[Qq]












[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2268e29ba242a0″ question_number=”14″] Sea stars are predators that are found in the intertidal zone of North America’s Pacific Northwest.

The diagram above shows some of the key species present in the intertidal zone of North America’s Pacific Northwest, their feeding relationships, and the results of an experiment in which Sea Stars were removed from the system.

Based on the information provided, what’s the best description of what happened when sea stars were removed from the ecosystem?

[c]IFJlbW92YWwgb2Ygc2VhIHN0YXJzIGNhdXNlcyBhbiBpbmNyZWFzZSBpbiBtdXNzZWwgZGVuc2l0eS4gVGhpcyBhbGxv d3MgbXVzc2VscyB0byBvdXRjb21wZXRlIHRoZSBvdGhlciBoZXJiaXZvcmVzIGluIHRoZSBpbnRlcnRpZGFsIHpvbmUu[Qq]
















[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2268c8ff1f76a0″ question_number=”15″] To determine the effect of symbiotic fungi and bacteria upon plant growth, a team of researchers carried out the following experiment. The perennial grass Elymus nutans was grown in pots under identical conditions of light, water, soil composition, etc. Group A involved untreated soil. Group B involved the addition of the fungal species Funneliformis mosseae to the soil in the pot. Group C involved the addition of the bacterial species Bacillus megaterium to the soil in the pot. Group D involved the addition of both Funneliformis mosseae and Bacillus megaterium. The results are shown below.

Assuming that the fungus benefits from the relationship, which of the following is the best description of the relationship between the fungus Funneliformis mosseae and the grass Elymus nutans?







[c]IG11dHVh bGlzdGlj[Qq]




[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2268af629caaa0″ question_number=”16″] The images and graph below show the results of experiments carried out in the early 1900s with two species of Paramecia (a single-celled eukaryote that lives in freshwater habitats). P. aurelia and P. caudatum are of similar size and consume similar food particles.

Which of the following interpretations of the results is correct?





[c]IEhvcml6b250YWwgZ2VuZSB0cmFuc2ZlciBsZXRzIA==UC4gY2F1ZGF0dW0=IHRyYW5zZmVyIGl0cyBnZW5ldGljIG1hdGVyaWFsIHRvIA==UC4gYXVyZWxpYQ==LiBBdCB0aGUgZW5kIG9mIHRoaXMgcHJvY2VzcywgYXBvcHRvc2lzIGxlZCB0aGUgcmVtYWluaW5nIA==[Qq]P. caudatum to leave the environment.


[c]IEJlY2F1c2Ugb2YgY29tcGV0aXRpdmUgZXhjbHVzaW9uLCBvbmx5IG9uZSBzcGVjaWVz IGNvdWxkIHN1cnZpdmUgd2hlbiB0aGUgdHdvIHdlcmUgcGxhY2VkIHRvZ2V0aGVyLg==[Qq]



[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|226893720dfaa0″ question_number=”17″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.6-8.7.Biodiversity_and_Ecosystem_Disruption”] The image below shows a food chain involving earthworms.

To study the relationship between earthworm abundance and the type of plant community where earthworms live, researchers compared four plant communities. In each one, they placed sampling frames onto the ground, poured a chemical solution onto the soil to cause the earthworms to come up to the surface, and counted the earthworms that emerged. Their results are shown below. “Buckthorns” and “Honeysuckles” are tall shrubs found in the study area.

The LEAST convincing data point for the argument that removing plants reduced earthworm abundance is from the









[c]IEhvbmV5c3Vja2xl LCBKdWx5IDIwMDQ=[Qq]







[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.6-8.7.Biodiversity_and_Ecosystem_Disruption” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|22685b90f09aa0″ question_number=”18″] A biology class randomly selects three 1 m2 patches of lawn on the soccer field, the field outside the cafeteria (picnic area), and a nearby patch of field in the school farm (the sheep pasture).  Although sunlight and rain are similar in each field, they are managed differently.  The soccer field is highly managed.  The picnic area is only mowed when the plants get too tall. The sheep pasture is grazed by sheep.  In each patch, they identified and counted the number of plants of each species. Their data is presented in the table below.

Which area has the highest species richness?











[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|22683d4c5606a0″ question_number=”19″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.6-8.7.Biodiversity_and_Ecosystem_Disruption”] All species of gorillas are categorized as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Conservationists estimate there are 100,000 gorillas left in the wild. The most severely endangered is the mountain gorilla with an estimated population of only 880 left in the wild. Which of the following genetic results is most likely to occur for this species?



[c]IEdlbmV0aWMgZHJpZnQgd2lsbCBjYXVzZSByYX JlIGFsbGVsZXMgdG8gYmVjb21lIGV4dGluY3Qu[Qq]








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.6-8.7.Biodiversity_and_Ecosystem_Disruption” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Dataset|2267cd8a1b46a0″ question_number=”20″] The diagram below shows various attributes of nature reserves.

What characteristics are optimal for maintaining the genetic diversity of the populations within it?



[c]IENvbm5lY3RlZCwgbGFyZ2UsIGFuZCB1bmRpdmlkZWQgbmF0dXJlIHJlc2VydmVzIGFyZSBvcHRpbWFsIGJlY2F1c2UgdGhleSBhbGxvdy Bmb3IgZ2VuZSBmbG93IGJldHdlZW4gc3VicG9wdWxhdGlvbnMgb2YgdGhlIHZhcmlvdXMgc3BlY2llcyB3aXRoaW4gdGhlIHJlc2VydmUu[Qq]







4. Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” dataset=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2″ qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2″]

[h]Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2


[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|16251e54e4d0a1″ question_number=”1″] Some fish are found in the muddy bottom (benthic) environments at the bottom of a body of water. Others swim in open (marine) waters.

Researchers wanted to test the difference in schooling behavior between Three-Spined Stickleback fish found in marine environments versus stickleback fish found in benthic environments. To do so, they created motorized models of artificial fish cast from plastic to simulate a school of fish (A). Then, they placed living fish in a tank with the model and measured the length of time the fish swam in the school of fake fish (B) and the amount of time the fish swam alone before joining a school (C ).

Which of the following choices best describes and explains the differences in schooling behavior between marine and benthic sticklebacks?



[c]IE1hcmluZSBzdGlja2xlYmFja3Mgc2Nob29sIGZvciBsb25nZXIgcGVyaW 9kcyBvZiB0aW1lIGFuZCBmb3JtIHNjaG9vbHMgbW9yZSBxdWlja2x5Lg==[Qq]








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1625096079cca1″ question_number=”2″] Hoverflies are predators of Aphids. Scientists wanted to determine whether the aphid’s habitat affected predation by hoverflies. Hoverflies were collected from three different flower habitats, and their digestive tracts were sampled for aphid DNA.

Which of the following is the best explanation of the results of this experiment?







[c]IENvcmlhbmRlciBpcyB3aGVyZSBhcGhpZHMgYXJlIGJlc3 QgY2Ftb3VmbGFnZWQgYWdhaW5zdCBob3ZlcmZsaWVzLg==[Qq]




[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1624f6c01aaca1″ question_number=”3″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”]

Gorillas live in troops that usually consist of one dominant male (called a silverback), multiple females, and their offspring. The Silverback allows younger males to court pregnant females and immature females. However, the silverback wards off attempts by other males to mate with any females who might become pregnant. Additionally, when a silverback takes over a new troop, he kills all the baby gorillas.

From an evolutionary perspective, the best explanation for the silverback’s behavior is that he is





[c]IGVuc3VyaW5nIHRoYXQgYWxsIHRoZSBiYWJ5IGdvcm lsbGFzIGluIHRoZSB0cm9vcCBoYXZlIGhpcyBETkEu[Qq]







[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1624e1cbafa8a1″ question_number=”4″] Based on the graphs below, which letter or number indicates the basal metabolic rate of an endotherm?

[c]IEEg[Qq][c]IEMg[Qq][c]IE Qg[Qq][c]IEUg[Qq][c]IEY=









[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1624ca8338c0a1″ question_number=”5″] A comparison of energy consumption in mammals of various sizes would show that

[c]IEFzIG1hbW1hbHMgaW5jcmVhc2UgaW4gc2l6ZSwgdGhleSBjb25zdW1lIG1vcmUgZW5lcmd5LiBBdCB0aGUgc2FtZSB0aW1lLCBhcyBtYW1t YWxzIGJlY29tZSBsYXJnZXIsIGVhY2ggZ3JhbSBvZiB0aXNzdWUgd2lsbCByZXF1aXJlIHByb3BvcnRpb25hbGx5IGxlc3MgZW5lcmd5Lg==[Qq]
















[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1624b58ecdbca1″ question_number=”6″] A team of biologists is surveying a variety of single-celled organisms in the hot springs of Mount Lassen National Park. They create the following table of organisms and the way each one acquires energy.

Organism How it acquires energy
A Uses sunlight to synthesize carbohydrates
B creates carbohydrates by oxidizing elements and compounds such as sulfur, hydrogen, and ammonia (NH2)
C Consumes organic compounds produced by other organisms

Which of the following is a correct description of organisms A, B, and C?

[c]IEEgaXMgYSBwaG90b2F1dG90cm9waCwgQiBpcyBhIGNoZW1v YXV0b3Ryb3BoLCBhbmQgQyBpcyBhIGhldGVyb3Ryb3BoLg==[Qq]










[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1624a09a62b8a1″ question_number=”7″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems”] Which of the following statements best describes energy in an ecosystem?











[c]IFdpdGggYSBmZXcgZXhjZXB0aW9ucywgdGhlIGVuZXJneSBpbiBsaXZpbmcgc3lzdGVtcyBvcmlnaW5hdGVz IHdpdGggdGhlIHN1biBhbmQgZ2V0cyBpbnRvIGFuIGVjb3N5c3RlbSB0aHJvdWdoIGl0cyBwcm9kdWNlcnMu[Qq]




[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|16248951ebd0a1″ question_number=”8″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems”] The diagram below shows the movement of carbon among components of a freshwater aquarium.

Which number shows carbon moving from a lower to a higher trophic level?

[c]IDIg[Qq][c]ID Qg[Qq][c]IDUg[Qq][c]IDYg[Qq][c]IDc=[Qq]













[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-8.4.Population_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1624745d80cca1″ question_number=”9″] Using fur trapping data from the Hudson Bay Company in the 1800s, a student was able to generate the following graph showing the fluctuation in hare and lynx populations over a 60-year period during the 1800s. Unfortunately, the student forgot to include a key showing which line represented the population of lynx (a predatory cat) and which represented the hare (a rabbit adapted to cold climates).

Based on the pattern, which of the following letters represents the point where enough lynx are present to reverse the population growth of the hare?

[c]IEEg[Qq][c]IE Ig[Qq][c]IEMg[Qq][c]IEQ=








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-8.4.Population_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|16245f6915c8a1″ question_number=”10″] In the 1930s, Russian biologist Georgy Gause studied the growth rates of Paramecia, a single-celled, ciliated eukaryote. Based on the graph below, what was the first day in which the paramecium reached its carrying capacity?







[c]IERheS AxMA==[Qq]






[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-8.4.Population_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|16244a74aac4a1″ question_number=”11″] Which of the following would be a density-independent factor?





[c]IGEgYmxpenphcmQgdGhhdCBvY2 N1cnMgaW4gZWFybHkgc3ByaW5n[Qq]






[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.3-8.4.Population_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1624332c33dca1″ question_number=”12″] Duckweed are tiny aquatic plants with a rapid growth rate. A biologist starts with a single duckweed plant.  Assuming that duckweed doubles its population once per day, which of the following is closest to the number of plants she can expect after 14 days?







[c]IDE2 MDAw[Qq]




[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|16241e37c8d8a1″ question_number=”13″] The right side of the diagram below shows a food chain involving Orcas (killer whales), otters, sea urchins, and kelp (a type of seaweed). The left side shows changes that happened in several islands off the coast of Alaska between 1972 and 1997.

Which of the following interpretations of the information above is correct?



[c]IFNlYSB1cmNoaW4gYmlvbWFzcyBpcyBjb3JyZWxhdGVkIHdpdGggaW5jcmVh c2VkIGdyYXppbmcgaW50ZW5zaXR5IGFuZCBsb3dlciBrZWxwIGRlbnNpdHku[Qq]












[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|16240b9769b8a1″ question_number=”14″] The diagram below shows some of the key species present in the intertidal zone of North America’s Pacific Northwest, their feeding relationships, and the results of an experiment in which Sea Stars were removed from the system.

The key principle demonstrated by the experiment is









[c]IHRyb3BoaWMg Y2FzY2FkZXM=[Qq]








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1623f44ef2d0a1″ question_number=”15″] The diagram below shows beak depth in three Galapagos finch species. On the islands designated as Set A and Set B the three species coexist on the same island. On the islands designated as Set C, only two species are found. One islands Set D and Set E, only one species is found.

Which of the following statements best explains the different beak depths on the various islands?







[c]IE9uIHRoZSBpc2xhbmRzIHdoZXJlIHRoZSB0aHJlZSBzcGVjaWVzIGFyZSBmb3VuZCB0b2dldGhlciwg aW50ZXJzcGVjaWZpYyBjb21wZXRpdGlvbiBsZWFkcyB0byBjaGFyYWN0ZXIgZGlzcGxhY2VtZW50Lg==[Qq]




[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1623dab27004a1″ question_number=”16″] In an experiment about species interaction, two species of Paramecia were combined into a single test tube. Species A, in its natural environment, foraged at the bottom of its freshwater habitat. Species B foraged at the surface. What was the outcome when these two were combined, and what best explains the outcome?





[c]IE91dGNvbWUgMSwgYmVjYXVzZSB0aGUgZWNvbG9naWNhbCBuaWNoZSBvZiBlYWNoIHNwZWNpZXMgd2FzIGRpZmZlcmVudCBlbm 91Z2ggdG8gYWxsb3cgdGhlIHR3byBzcGVjaWVzIHRvIGV4cGxvaXQgZGlmZmVyZW50IHJlc291cmNlcyBhbmQgY29leGlzdC4=[Qq]







[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.6-8.7.Biodiversity_and_Ecosystem_Disruption” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1623c5be0500a1″ question_number=”17″] A biology class randomly selects three 1 m2 patches of lawn on the soccer field, the field outside the cafeteria (picnic area), and a nearby patch of field in the school farm (the sheep pasture).  Although sunlight and rain are similar in each field, they are managed differently.  The soccer field is highly managed.  The picnic area is only mowed when the plants get too tall.  The sheep pasture is grazed by sheep.  In each patch, they identified and counted the number of plants of each species. Their data is presented in the table below.

Which area will be the LEAST resistant to environmental challenges, such as the introduction of a fungal disease?

[c]IFRoZSBzb2Nj ZXIgZmllbGQ=[Qq]










[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.6-8.7.Biodiversity_and_Ecosystem_Disruption” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|1623ae758e18a1″ question_number=”18″] Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an insect native to east Asia that was accidentally introduced to North America in 2002.  EAB lay eggs in the bark of green ash trees.  These eggs hatch and the larvae eat the bark and wood of the tree.  This has led to a massive die-off of the green ash population in North America.

As part of a program to breed Green Ash trees that are resistant to the EAB, several sources of plants are being considered.

  1. Green ash trees that did not survive EAB attacks.
  2. Green ash trees that survived EAB attacks.
  3. Green ash trees that have not yet been attacked by EAB.
  4. Manchurian ash (an East Asian species) that survived EAB attacks.

Which of the following strategies is most likely to lead to a population of EAB-resistant green ash that will be able to overcome future environmental challenges?





[c]IENyb3NzIFR5cGUgSUkgdHJlZXMgd2l0aCBUeXBlIElJSSB0cmVlcyBhbm QgcGxhbnQgdGhlIHNlZWRzIHdoZXJlIFR5cGUgSSB0cmVlcyBncmV3Lg==[Qq]






[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.6-8.7.Biodiversity_and_Ecosystem_Disruption” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|162394d90b4ca1″ question_number=”19″] A citizens committee has been appointed to design a national biodiversity reserve. Given the attributes shown in the diagram below, which combination of attributes will best preserve biodiversity?







[c]IENvbm5lY3RlZCwgbXVsdGlwbGUgZWNvc3lzdGVtcywgY2lyY3 VsYXIsIGxhcmdlLCB1bmRpdmlkZWQsIHNldmVyYWwgYXJlYXM=[Qq]




[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.6-8.7.Biodiversity_and_Ecosystem_Disruption” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|16233eb35358a1″ question_number=”20″] The image below shows two forest communities.

Which of the following comparisons of these two communities is correct?



[c]IENvbW11bml0eSAxIGFuZCBDb21tdW5pdHkgMiBoYXZlIHRoZSBzYW1lIHNwZWNpZXMgcm ljaG5lc3MsIGJ1dCBDb21tdW5pdHkgMSBoYXMgaGlnaGVyIHNwZWNpZXMgZXZlbm5lc3Mu[Qq]







5. Unit 8 Cumulative FRQs

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 8 Cumulative FRQs (v2.0)” dataset=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset” display_name=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQs”]

[h]Unit 8 Cumulative FRQs


[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|86c094f89865″ question_number=”1″] Tai National Park is a unique rainforest ecosystem in the Ivory Coast, on the West Coast of Africa. A group of behavioral ecologists studied the effect of cooperative behavior during hunting within a group of Tai chimpanzees. For three years, they tracked wild Tai chimpanzees and collected data on the number of chimpanzee hunters engaging in each hunt, the percent of successful hunts for different numbers of hunters, the amount of meat per hunt, and the net energetic benefit per individual hunter per hunt. These data are represented below.

PART 1: Describe the relationship between the number of hunters engaged in a hunt and hunting success, identifying any trends and outliers.

PART 2: Identify the number of hunters that results in the greatest net benefit of energy per individual.

PART 3: Explain how cooperative behavior in Tai chimpanzees increases evolutionary fitness.

[c]IFNob3cgdGhl IGFuc3dlcg==[Qq]







[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|86adf4997865″ question_number=”2″] Some fish are found in the muddy bottom (benthic) environments at the bottom of a body of water. Others swim in open (marine) waters.

Researchers wanted to test the difference in schooling behavior between Three-spined Stickleback fish found in marine environments versus stickleback fish found in benthic environments. To do so, they created motorized models of artificial fish cast from plastic to simulate a school of fish (A). Then, they placed living fish in a tank with the model and measured the length of time the fish swam in the school of fake fish (B) and the amount of time the fish swam alone before joining a school (C ).

PART 1: Identify the independent variable in this experiment.

PART 2: Describe the differences in marine and benthic Stickleback schooling behavior based on the results of the experiment.

PART 3: Propose an evolutionary reason why Stickleback fish swim in schools. List two benefits of schooling.

[c]IFNob3cgdGhl IGFuc3dlcg==[Qq]







PART 3: Schooling increases fitness in the marine sticklebacks. The benefits of schooling include (any two of the following):

  • Increased foraging success, with more efficiency at finding food sources.
  • Ease in finding mates
  • Increased efficiency in moving through water.
  • Predator avoidance (because it’s easier for members of a school to spot predators, and more difficult for predators to home in on individuals).

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|8699002e7465″ question_number=”3″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems”] The questions that follow are based on the following food web, which shows some of the organisms living in Antarctic waters.

PART 1: List an autotroph in the food web above.

PART 2: Using the information in the food web, explain the difference between the zooplankton that are labeled carnivorous, and those that are labeled herbivorous.

PART 3: The leopard seal can be placed into two trophic levels. Identify which ones, and justify your response.

PART 4: Blue whales, the largest animals ever known to exist, can be as large as 200 tons. They feed almost exclusively on krill. Krill are crustaceans weighing 1-2 grams. They are present in vast numbers in Antarctic waters. The largest Orcas, or killer whales, are about 10 tons. They feed on a wide range of foods as shown in the food web. Identify the ecological principle that enables the blue whale to grow to a much larger size than the Orca. Provide reasoning to support your response.

[c]IFNob3cgdGhl IGFuc3dlcg==[Qq]







PART 4: The key principle is the 10% rule. Only about 10% of the energy available at a particular trophic level is transferred to the trophic level above it, due to inefficiencies in harvest and assimilation, and to energy being lost as wasted heat during cellular respiration. By feeding on krill, which are primary consumers, the blue whale is a secondary consumer and is able to consume a significant amount of the original energy captured by the phytoplankton, allowing it to grow to a much larger size. Killer whales feed on higher-order consumers such as penguins and leopard seals (making orcas 4th, 5th, and 6th-level consumers). Orcas, as a result, have less energy available for them to consume and grow, as much of the original energy present in lower trophic levels has been lost.

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|86840bc37065″ question_number=”4″ topic=”8.2.Energy_Flow_through_Ecosystems”] An ecologist studied the behavior of four mammals in a suburban environment. The observations are summarized in the following table.

PART 1: Draw a food web that shows how the species in this system get their energy. Include the seeds in your food web.

PART 2: Based on the ecologist’s observations, identify each species’ trophic level.

PART 3: Homeowners have begun to poison the coyotes because of concerns about coyotes preying on pets. This has caused a decline in the coyote population. Predict what will happen in the short-term and long-term to the population of each of the other three mammals. Justify your reasoning.

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[Qq]PART 2: Rat – primary consumer; Mouse – primary consumer; Raccoons – secondary consumer; Coyotes – tertiary consumer; Seeds – producer.

PART 3: In the short term, raccoons should increase in population, since they’re no longer subject to predation by coyotes. The increase in raccoons could cause a decline in rats, as they become subject to increased predation by raccoons. With the rats in decline, the mice should expand.

Longer term, it’s possible that the expansion of the mice could lead to the over-harvesting of seeds, and that could lead to a decline in the rat population, which in turn would lead to a decline in the raccoon population.

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|866cc34c8865″ question_number=”5″ topic=”8.3.Population_Ecology”] In a computer simulation of population growth, a small number of dandelion seeds are introduced into a field. The number of dandelions grows slowly at first, then accelerates, then levels off to stabilize at a constant number.
PART 1: Draw a representation of the growth of this dandelion population.

PART 2: Define the model upon which this simulation is based.

PART 3: Identify which type of limiting factors are involved in the model. Justify your response.

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[Qq]PART 2: The computer simulation is modeling the logistic growth equation (shown below, but not necessary to include because it’s provided to you in the AP Bio formula sheet). As logistic growth begins, it looks like exponential growth. But the logistic growth includes the concept of carrying capacity (the maximum number of individuals that an environment can support). As the population (N) grows toward the carrying capacity (K), the population’s growth over time slows and then stops (causing it to level off).

Logistic Growth

PART 3:  The limiting factors involved in logistic growth are density-dependent. These are aspects of either the environment or the biology of the population which increase in intensity as the population’s size approaches carrying capacity. Limiting factors can be intrinsic (stress-related changes that limit the birth rate or increase the death rate) or extrinsic (increased predation, parasitism, or competition), any or all of which act to increase the death rate and/or lower the population’s birth rate.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.4.Effect_of_Density_of_Populations” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|86557ad5a065″ question_number=”6″]

Borrelia is a group of bacterial species that are known to cause Lyme disease in humans. Scientists are studying the effect of different oxygen levels on the growth rate of the North American species, B. burgdorferi, and a Eurasian species, B. afzelli. In their study, anaerobic conditions contain no oxygen, microaerobic conditions contain 3-5% oxygen, and aerobic conditions contain 20% oxygen. Data represent means ± standard deviation.

PART 1: Propose the limiting factor that determines the growth rate of the Eurasian species, B. afzelli, and justify your response using data.

PART 2: Identify a likely carrying capacity for Borrelia bacteria

PART 3: The North American strain is known to cause more severe disease than the Eurasian strain. Explain why the North American strain may cause more severe disease using evidence from the scientist’s study

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PART 2: 108 cells/ml is the carrying capacity for both strains of Borrelia.

PART 3: The North American strain, Borrelia burgdorferi, can tolerate more oxygen compared to the Eurasian strain. This might be a beneficial adaptation, as it allows Borrelia burgdorferi to survive a wider range of environments within its host, which allows it to live longer, grow more, and cause more damage.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|8640866a9c65″ question_number=”7″] Hoverflies are predators of Aphids. Scientists wanted to determine whether the aphid’s habitat affected predation by hoverflies. Hoverflies were collected from three different flower habitats, and their digestive tracts were sampled for aphid DNA.

PART 1: Identify the researcher’s null hypothesis for this experiment.

PART 2: Based on the data above, describe the relationship between the type of aphid habitat and predation of aphids by hoverflies.

PART 3: Propose an explanation for the difference(s) in predation between the different aphid habitats.

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  • VGhlcmUgd2lsbCBiZSBubyBkaWZmZXJlbmNlIGJldHdlZW4gdGhlIHByZXkgRE5BIGRldGVjdGVkIGluIHRoZSBob3ZlcmZsaWVzIGFuZCB0aGUgaGFiaXRhdCB0aGV5IGFyZSBmb3VuZCBpbi4=
  • Cg==
  • [Qq]There will be no difference between the amount of aphid predation and the habitat.

PART 2: There is no significant difference between predation of aphids in mint and forget-me-not habitats. The predation of aphids in coriander habitats is statistically significantly lower than it is in mint or forget-me-not habitats.

PART 3: Either response below:

  1. Aphids might be better adapted to avoid detection in coriander through camouflage. Or
  2. Other insects are sharing the same niche in the coriander habitat that the hoverflies prefer to eat.

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|862495dbec65″ question_number=”8″ topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology”] In their study of the Galapagos finches, Peter and Rosemary Grant discovered that when G. fulginosa and G. fortis lived on separate islands, their beak sizes overlapped. However, on the two islands where both species lived together (Floreano and San Cristobal) their beak sizes diverged.

PART 1: Name and describe the evolutionary dynamics that lead to the differing beak sizes on the various islands.

PART 2: Describe the ecological principle at work


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UEFSVCAyOiBFY29sb2dpY2FsbHksIHRoaXMgaXMgYW4gZXhhbXBsZSBvZiA=[Qq]Gause’s competitive exclusion principle. Namely, in any particular ecosystem, no two species with exactly the same niche will coexist.

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|860651415865″ question_number=”9″ topic=”8.5.Community_Ecology”] The re-introduction of a predator can increase ecosystem diversity.

PART 1: Identify the role of a predator that increases ecosystem diversity.

PART 2: Describe how a re-introduced predator can increase ecosystem diversity.

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[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”false” unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”Unit 8 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|85784a6c0465″ question_number=”10″ topic=”8.7.Disruptions_to_Ecosystems”] Ecologists are studying the relationships among the species surrounding an island off of the southern coast of Australia. The community living on the island and in its surrounding waters includes phytoplankton (microscopic plants); zooplankton (microscopic animals); krill (small shrimp-like organisms); various species of fish; squid; and birds such as the Australian gannet and the shy albatross.

PART 1:The ecologists have identified the following relationships:

  • Gannets (a type of bird) eat fish that feed on krill,
  • The shy albatross eats fish and squid,
  • Squids feed on fish,
  • Krill eat phytoplankton and zooplankton and
  • Zooplankton eat phytoplankton.

PART 1: Draw a food web that represents these relationships.

PART 2: Within the past few years, a commercial fishery has developed that harvests large amounts of krill. Predict what effect this could have on the population of the shy albatross.

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[Qq] Or
Commercial fisheries will reduce the krill population and there will be a reduction in energy/biomass flow in the food web through the fish and squid. The shy albatross population will decrease in numbers.


6. Unit 8 Ecology Click-on Challenge

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” use_dataset=”Ecology Click On Challenge”quiz_timer=”true” random=”false” dataset_intro=”true” spaced_repetition=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 8 Ecology Click-on Challenge”]

[h] Ecology Click-On Challenge

[i] Notice the timer in the upper right. Your goal is to work as quickly and accurately as possible.


