
  1. Objectives
  2. Flashcards
  3. Multiple Choice Quiz 1
  4. Multiple Choice Quiz 2
  5. Free Response Question Quiz
  6. Evolution Click-on Challenge
  7. Origin of Life Click-on Challenge

Unit 7 Review Video

1. Unit 7 Learning Objectives

To see the list of all AP Bio objectives, click the following link to go to our AP Bio Review Outline.

Topic 7.1: Introduction to Natural Selection

  1. Define adaptation.
  2. Explain how while evolution is non-random, the mutations that lead to adaptation are themselves random.
    • Selection is non-random. But If it weren’t for mutation (which is random), all that selection could do would be to cull the population of less adaptive phenotypes. Mutation is what makes the process of natural selection creative and open-ended.
  3. Explain how natural selection works:
    •  Inherited variation, followed by selection for beneficial traits and against harmful traits, shifts the average phenotype in a population, leading to adaptation.
  4. Describe how evolutionary fitness can be measured
    • As an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce.

Topics 7.2 and 7.3: Natural Selection and Artificial Selection

  1. Explain the importance of phenotypic variation to natural selection.
    • Natural selection acts on phenotypic variation in populations. If selective pressure is maintained in the same direction over multiple generations, different phenotypic variations will become more or less common, depending on fitness.
  2. Explain how artificial selection works.
    • During artificial selection, humans select favored phenotypes within plant or animal gene pools, shifting the average phenotype in the desired direction.
  3. Explain how natural selection acts on phenotypes to shift allele frequencies within populations.
    • The result of selection (artificial or natural) is a shift in allele frequencies. But what’s being selected are phenotypes.
  4. Explain the relationship between environmental change and selective pressure
    • As environments change, so do selective pressures. If selective pressure continues in the same direction, there’s directional selection for specific phenotypes. If change is fluctuating, then so will the average phenotype in a population.
  5. Distinguish between directional, disruptive, and stabilizing selection*

Topics 7.4 and 7.5: Population Genetics and Hardy Weinberg

  1. Define gene pool
  2. Define allele frequency
  3. Describe evolution in terms of a population’s gene pool.
    • Evolution is a change in the genetic makeup of a population over time.
  4. Describe the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium model.
    • The Hardy-Weinberg model is a mathematical model of a non-evolving population. That means a population in which allele frequencies stay constant over time.
  5. Be able to solve problems related to the two Hardy-Weinberg equations. [Note: you’ll be giving the formulas, so you don’t need to memorize them). The formulas are:
    • p + q = 1, and
    • p2 + 2pq +q2 = 1
  6. State the five conditions associated with non-evolving populations in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium
    • Large population size.
    • Isolation (no outside alleles coming into or leaving the gene pool).
    • No net mutation.
    • Random mating (no sexual selection or assortative mating).
    • No beneficial or harmful alleles.
  7. Define genetic drift.
    • Genetic drift is a change in gene frequencies caused by random sampling of alleles in small populations.
  8. List and describe two ways in which genetic drift can occur.
    • The founder effect
    • The bottleneck effect.
  9. State the conditions that lead to evolution (change in allele frequencies). These are all violations of the Hardy-Weinberg conditions listed above
    • Violate large population size, and you have genetic drift, shown either by population bottlenecks or by the founder effect.
    • Violate isolation, and you have gene flow.
    • Violate no net mutation, and you have alleles changing frequency as they mutate from one form to another.
    • Violate random mating, and you have evolution caused by sexual selection or assortative mating.
    • Violate no harmful or beneficial alleles, and you have evolution caused by natural selection.

Topic 7.6: Evidence for Evolution, Continuing Ancestry, and Continuing Evolution

  1. Explain what fossils are, and how fossils can be dated.
    • Radioactive decay can show the age of igneous rocks in sedimentary strata adjacent to fossils.
    • The decay of carbon-14 can show the age of relatively recent fossils.
    • Geological strata and the use of index fossils can show relative dates.
  2. Describe homologous structures
    • Structures that show evidence of common ancestry because of similarity in structure or similar embryological origin.
  3. Describe vestigial structures
    • Structures that have lost their function, and only exist because of their inheritance from a common ancestor.
  4. Describe molecular homologies and vestigial features at the molecular level.
    • Shared sequences in proteins and nucleic acids that show evidence of common ancestry.
    • Pseudogenes are inactive gene sequences that persist in the genome.

Topic 7.7. Evidence for Common Ancestry

  1. List and describe the molecular homologies that indicate that all living things share a common ancestor.
    • DNA, RNA, ribosomes, the genetic code, and shared metabolic pathways (chemiosmosis)
  2. List and describe the cellular and genetic homologies that indicate that all eukaryotes share a common ancestor.
    • Membrane-bound organelles, linear chromosomes,  genes with introns, mitochondria

Topic 7.8: Evidence for Continuing Evolution

  1. List and describe the evidence that evolution continues
    • Changes in the fossil record
    • The ongoing evolution of resistance to antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, antiviral drugs, and chemotherapy drugs.
    • Newly emerging pathogens and diseases.

Topic 7.9: Phylogeny

  1. Describe the types of evidence that can be used to infer evolutionary relationships.
    • Morphological similarities that show homology
    • DNA and RNA sequences
  2. Be able to construct and analyze phylogenetic trees and cladograms. The key things to be able to identify are
    • Common ancestors
    • Which clades are most closely related (and why)
  3. With regards to phylogenetic trees, define (and be able to identify) clades, shared derived features, ancestral features, outgroups, nodes, and common ancestors.
  4. Understand what phylogenetic trees represent in terms of evolutionary understanding.
    • Phylogenetic trees and cladograms are hypotheses about evolutionary relatedness that need to be revised in light of new information.
  5. Compare the value of sequence data and morphological data in terms of constructing phylogenetic trees.
    • Molecular data typically provide more accurate and reliable evidence than morphological traits
  6. Explain how molecular clocks work.
    • Nodes are dated based on correlation with the fossil record. This enables the extrapolation of divergence times in other branches of the same phylogenetic tree.

Topics 7.10-7.12: Speciation, Variation, and Extinction

  1. Explain the biological species concept (what it is, and what its limits are)
    • A species is a population that can interbreed to produce viable, fertile offspring.
    • Doesn’t work for fossil species or asexual species
  2. Describe prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms
  3. Explain what speciation is, and the mechanisms by which it occurs
    • Definition: when an ancestral species splits into two or more reproductively isolated daughter species.
    • Mechanisms: allopatric and sympatric
  4. Compare punctuated equilibrium with gradualism
    • Punctuated equilibrium: long periods of stasis, followed by rapid change.
    • Gradualism: slow evolution at a steady pace over long periods.
  5. Define adaptive radiation and describe its importance
    • Definition: Multiple speciation events from a common ancestor.
    • Importance: it’s the key pattern of life’s reemergence following mass extinction. Also a key pattern on island chains.
  6. Connect a population’s genetic diversity with its ability to withstand environmental pressures.
    • Populations with more genetic diversity are better able to respond to environmental change.
    • Populations with little genetic diversity (because of genetic drift or human manipulation) are at higher risk of extinction.
  7. **Connect variation at the molecular level with fitness
    • Molecular variation can increase fitness.
    • Example: Multiple chlorophylls enhance photosynthesis
    • Example: Multiple hemoglobins (fetal vs adult) maximize oxygen absorption at different developmental stages
  8. Distinguish between extinction and mass extinction.
    • Extinctions occur at a regular background rate.
    • During mass extinction events (of which there have been very few), geological or astronomical events increase extinctions well beyond the background rate.
  9. Explain how human activity is related to extinction
    • Currently, humans are modifying ecosystems to a degree that’s creating a human-caused mass extinction event (see Topic 8.7 below).
  10. Explain the connection between extinction and biodiversity
    • In any particular ecosystem, the level of diversity results from the rate of speciation and the rate of extinction.
    • Mass extinctions create vacant ecological niches that are filled during subsequent adaptive radiation (such as the adaptive radiation of the mammals following the extinction of the dinosaurs).

Topic 7.13: Origin of Life

  1. List the key dates for the emergence of life on Earth.
    • Based on geological evidence, Earth formed about 4.5 bya.
    • Based on biological and geological evidence, life was well established by 3.5 bya.
    • Based on geological and biological evidence, life probably first emerged on Earth about 3.8 bya.
  2. Explain some of the key steps associated with the origin of life on Earth.
    • Conditions in a few locations on the early Earth would have made the abiotic formation of biological monomers possible.
    • A  likely spot for that to have happened is alkaline hydrothermal vents.*
    • Additional prebiotic molecules could have come down from space via meteorites (but this is not nearly as plausible as the hydrothermal vents) 
    • The formation of monomers would have to be followed by the formation of polymers.
    • Next would be the formation of self-replicating polymers. *
    • At some point, the encapsulation of self-replicating polymers within a lipid bubble led to the formation of cells.*
  3. Describe the progress that’s been made in verifying theories related to the origin of life.
    • Organic monomers, including nucleotide precursors and amino acids, have been synthesized in laboratories under abiotic conditions designed to simulate the conditions on the early Earth.
    • The next step —creating complex self-replicating polymers — has not yet been achieved, but there are promising approaches.
  4. Describe the RNA world hypothesis.
    • The RNA world hypothesis promotes the idea that RNA, rather than DNA, served as the first genetic material.

2. Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards

[qdeck style=”min-height: 450px width: 650px !important;” bold_text=”false” random=”true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards” dataset=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset”]

[h]Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards


[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d24b83476a38″ question_number=”1″ topic=”7.1-3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection”] Define the general phenomenon of “adaptive melanism.”

Illustrative example: Natural Selection

[a] Adaptive melanism (shown above in the rock pocket mouse) is the darkening of the skin, fur, scales, feathers, or appendages (wings in insects, for example) within a population in response to the darkening of the environment. It’s not something that occurs in an individual (such as when a person’s skin becomes tanner during the summer). Rather, it occurs within a population as its gene pool evolves in response to natural selection. The selective pressure that results in adaptive melanism is typically predation.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.1-3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d231e6c49e38″ question_number=”2″] Describe the biological basis of adaptive melanism in the rock pocket mouse, and connect the phenomenon to convergent evolution.

Illustrative example: Natural Selection

[a]In the American southwest, populations of rock pocket mice live on dark, igneous rocks or lighter, sand-colored granite rocks. Predation by birds creates strong selective pressure for camouflage, resulting in a high frequency of dark mice on the dark lava flows, and lighter-colored mice on the granite rocks.

The dark phenotype results from mutations in the melanocortin receptor 1 gene (MC1R). This G-protein-coupled receptor binds to pituitary hormones called melanocortins. Binding stimulates melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) to produce more of the dark pigment melanin. Different populations of dark-substrate-adapted mice have evolved different mutations in the CFTR gene that bring about the same phenotype. In other words, the mutations are not homologous (from a common ancestor). Because these populations evolved the mutations independently, they’re an example of convergent evolution.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d2184a41d238″ question_number=”3″ topic=”7.1-3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection”] Explain Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

[a] Natural selection explains the phenomenon of design (adaptation) without a designer. The theory begins with two observations. First, in any population, there are inherited variations. Second, in every species, even the ones with the lowest rate of reproduction, parents produce more offspring than will survive into the next generation.

Among the offspring, some will possess inherited advantages that increase their chances of surviving and reproducing. As a result, individuals with those advantages will survive at a higher rate. When they reproduce, they’ll pass on their inherited adaptations to their offspring. As mutation continues to randomly generate new variations, and as the environment removes less adapted individuals from a population and allows better-adapted individuals to survive to reproduce, that population, generation by generation, continually adapts to its environment.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d20101caea38″ question_number=”4″ topic=”7.1-3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection”] List the three ways in which natural selection can change the distribution of phenotypes in a population.

[a] In any population, most characteristics can be represented by a bell curve of continuous variation. For example, if you’re measuring body length, most individuals will be of average length, with fewer that are shorter, and fewer that are longer. Directional selection (A) selects against one of the extremes. Stabilizing selection (B) selects against both extremes. Disruptive selection (C) selects against the mean.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d1e5113c3a38″ question_number=”5″ topic=”7.1-3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection”] How is evolutionary fitness measured?


[a] Evolutionary fitness is measured by reproductive success: the number of offspring (and offspring of offspring) that survive to reproduce.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d1cdc8c55238″ question_number=”6″ topic=”7.1-3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection”] Explain how the peppered moth demonstrates an evolutionary change in response to environmental change.

Illustrative example: Natural Selection


[a] The Peppered Moth (Biston betularia) provides an example of directly observed directional selection and adaptive melanism (covered in other cards). Before the industrial revolution in England in the 1800s, the moth’s predominant phenotype was peppered: mostly white, with black specks. This camouflaged the moths against bird predation as they rested on light-colored tree trunks which were often covered by whitish-colored lichens. Soot from industrial pollution killed the lichens and darkened the tree trunks, creating an advantage for darker moths. Starting in the mid-1800s, over several decades, the mean phenotype shifted from peppered to dark. Starting in about 1960, soot from pollution declined. The lichens returned, and the tree trunks became lighter. In response, the mean phenotype of peppered moth populations shifted from dark-colored to light-colored.

[!]7.4.Population Genetics and Hardy Weinberg[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d1b42c428638″ question_number=”7″ topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”] Explain evolution in terms of genes and gene pools.


[a] In terms of genes, evolution can be explained as the change in the genetic makeup of a population over time. This change can be adaptive, resulting from natural selection of phenotypes associated with specific alleles. Through natural selection, alleles that code for traits that increase evolutionary fitness (the ability of organisms with these alleles to survive and reproduce) will increase in frequency within a gene pool, while alleles that decrease fitness will decrease in frequency. However, changes in a population’s genetic makeup can also be random, resulting from processes such as genetic drift (discussed in other cards).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d19ce3cb9e38″ question_number=”8″ topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”] Define genetic drift and describe how a population bottleneck works.


[a] Genetic drift is a random change in allele frequencies in a population’s gene pool, usually associated with small population size. In a population bottleneck, some biotic or abiotic factor wipes out a large percentage of the individuals in a population, leaving only a few survivors. Because of the small number of individuals left, it’s possible that the alleles they possess might not be representative of the allele frequencies in the former (larger) population. That includes the possibility that some alleles might completely disappear. Note that the survivors didn’t have any selective advantage: they were merely lucky. The overall effect is that allele frequencies in the new surviving population might be quite different from those in the previous population.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d180f33cee38″ question_number=”9″ topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”] Describe the founder effect.


[a]The founder effect is a type of genetic drift. It can occur when a small number of individuals from a large population found a new population. In that case, because of insufficient sampling,  the allele frequencies in the gene pool of the founders might be different from those in their parent population.

This is illustrated in the diagram on the left, where the red squares and blue circles represent alleles in a gene pool. The new populations on the top and bottom have lost an allele, and in the middle population, the blue allele is in higher frequency than it was in the parent population.

The classic example of the founder effect is the Pennsylvania Amish.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d169aac60638″ question_number=”10″ topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”] Explain the effect of gene flow on evolving gene pools.


[a] Gene flow is the movement of alleles from one population to another. This can involve the movement of individuals, who bring their alleles with them from one population to another, or the movement of gametes (such as pollen flying in the wind or being carried by pollinators between adjacent plant populations). In either case, the effect of gene flow is to diminish differentiation between adjacent populations.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d1500e433a38″ question_number=”11″ topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”] Explain the importance of mutation in evolution.


[a] Mutation is the ultimate source of genetic variation within and between populations. Active mutations are the basis of the phenotypic variation upon which natural selection acts.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d13671c06e38″ question_number=”12″ topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”] What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle? In your response, include the five features of a population that’s in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.


[a] The Hardy-Weinberg principle describes an idealized, non-evolving population. This population has 5 features, and if any of these are not adhered to, allele frequencies in that population will change.

These features are 1)  infinitely large population (preventing genetic drift); 2) no harmful or beneficial alleles (preventing natural selection); 3) random mating (preventing sexual selection); 4) no emigration or immigration (preventing gene flow) and 5) no net mutation of one allele into another (which would decrease the frequency of the former allele and increase the frequency of the latter).

[q json=”true” yy=”5″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” question_number=”13″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d11a8131be38″ topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”] Describe the meaning of the Hardy Weinberg equation p + q = 1.


[a] In the Hardy-Weinberg equations, p = the frequency of the dominant allele, and q = the frequency of the recessive allele.  The first Hardy-Weinberg equation is p + q = 1, which means that for a particular gene locus with only two alleles, the frequency of the dominant allele plus the frequency of the recessive allele equals 100% of the alleles at that locus. Using that equation, if you know the frequency of either the dominant or the recessive allele, you can figure out the other one.

[q json=”true” yy=”5″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” question_number=”14″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d0fe90a30e38″ topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”]

  1. Describe the meaning of the Hardy-Weinberg equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.
  2. Explain what this equation enables you to figure out about a population’s genetic structure.


[a] The equation,  p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1,  means that the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals (p2), plus the frequency of heterozygotes (2pq), plus the frequency of all the recessive individuals (q2) = all the individuals in the population. Once you know the frequency of recessives (which you can identify by phenotype), then you can figure out the frequency of q (it’s the square root of the frequency of recessives). Then you can figure out the frequency of the dominant allele (1-q= p), and then the frequency of heterozygotes (2pq).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d0dba3f0b238″ question_number=”15″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.4-5.Population_Genetics_and_Hardy-Weinberg”] Sickle cell disease is caused by a recessive allele in the gene for hemoglobin. It can significantly decrease the quality of life and lifespan. Yet the allele is in high frequency in certain populations. Explain.

Illustrative example: Population Genetics


[a] Sickle cell disease occurs only in children born with two copies of the recessive allele that codes for a defective form of hemoglobin. Heterozygotes, with only one mutated version of the hemoglobin gene, can experience a small amount of sickling, but not enough to generate the pain crises and tissue damage experienced by homozygotes. However, the change in hemoglobin chemistry creates a hostile environment for the Plasmodium parasite that causes malaria. The result is that heterozygotes have resistance to malaria, resulting in natural selection that has increased the frequency of the sickling allele in populations that live in malaria-prone areas. This phenomenon is called heterozygote advantage, and it can explain the high frequency of an allele that is harmful in homozygotes.

[!]7.6-7.8.Evidence of Evolution and Common Ancestry[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d0c2076de638″ question_number=”16″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] DDT is a pesticide (a substance that kills agricultural pests, usually insects) that was first developed in the 1940s. It was widely used for mosquito control as a way of reducing malaria (because mosquitos are the main vector for spreading the plasmodium parasite that causes malaria). In almost every country where it has been used, however, mosquitoes have developed resistance to this pesticide’s effect. Explain.

Illustrative example: Natural Selection

[a]Resistance to DDT in mosquito populations evolved through natural selection. Here’s how: In any mosquito population, there is variation in the susceptibility of individuals to the pesticide. Early on in a mosquito control campaign, most of the mosquitoes are killed by DDT. However, a small number survive, and they pass on the genes that made their survival possible to their offspring. In addition, in each generation, random mutations result in individuals whose resistance is superior to the mean level of resistance in the previous generation. Over time, mosquito populations come to consist largely of individuals with high levels of resistance.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d0a86aeb1a38″ question_number=”17″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] Describe the evolutionary origins of chloroplasts and provide evidence.

[a] The double membrane of chloroplasts (“1” and “2” above), their bacterial-like DNA (“3), their bacteria-like ribosomes (4), and their reproduction through binary fission are evidence for the origin of chloroplasts as independent cyanobacteria that were taken up by an early eukaryotic cell. The result of this endosymbiotic merger led to algae and plants.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d09122743238″ question_number=”18″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] Define convergent evolution.

[a] Convergent evolution occurs when similar selective pressures result in superficially similar adaptations on the part of populations that are subject to these pressures. The similarity is analogous (similar function, but not structure), as opposed to homologous (arising from common ancestry).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d07785f16638″ question_number=”19″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”]Birds and bats have forelimbs that have evolved into wings.  Dolphins and sharks share a similar hydrodynamic shape. In both cases, these adaptations arose separately. Name and explain the type of evolution at work.

Illustrative example: Evolution 

[a] The wings of birds and bats are a convergent solution to the challenge of flying, a challenge that was met separately in different vertebrate lineages (birds evolved from dinosaurs; bats are mammals). Both dolphins and sharks are subject to the selective pressure of having to move efficiently through water: as a result, both have, through natural selection, converged upon a similarly hydrodynamic shape.

The wings of bats and birds and the shape of dolphins and sharks are examples of convergent evolution. In both cases, the adaptations are analogous (similar function, but not structure), rather than homologous (deriving from a common ancestor).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d05de96e9a38″ question_number=”20″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] Use the idea of convergent evolution to explain the loss of pelvic spines (Form B) in separate populations of stickleback fish.

Illustrative example: Evolution

[a] Sticklebacks are small marine fish that migrate up freshwater streams to breed. Thousands of years ago, separate populations of stickleback fish became trapped in freshwater lakes, where they were cut off from their marine predators. Once isolated from these predators, each of these populations lost its protective ventral spines. Genetic analysis shows that the mutations that underlie this loss are different in different populations. In other words, the loss of spines in these freshwater populations occurred independently in each population in response to similar selective pressures. The loss of spines is therefore an analogous feature, caused by convergent evolution.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d0444cebce38″ question_number=”21″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] Describe how homologous features provide evidence for evolution.

[a] Homologous features are traits that share a common underlying structure and a common embryological origin, but which have been modified in different evolutionary lineages, often to serve different functions. For example, in humans, cats, birds, and whales the forelimb is built from the same bones, but these have been modified in each lineage to serve different functions.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d02ab0690238″ question_number=”22″] Describe how embryological development provides evidence for evolution.


[a]Early embryos of vertebrates look similar. Throughout development, the embryo differentiates, adopting the body form of the adults of that lineage. This similarity of the pattern indicates common ancestry, with subsequent descent with modification in each lineage. In addition, embryos often show vestigial features (a concept addressed in another card) that can only be explained through inheritance from a common ancestor.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4d01113e63638″ question_number=”23″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] What is biogeography? How does biogeography provide evidence for evolution?


[a] Biogeography is the study of the geographic distribution of species and varieties. The pattern of distribution fits the idea that populations first evolve in one area, then spread to adjacent areas, where subsequent evolution occurs.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cff2cf4ba238″ question_number=”24″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] Describe how fossils provide evidence for evolution.


[a] The fossil record shows 1) that living things have changed over time (that the array of species in the past was different from that which exists today), and 2) that specific lineages have changed over time. In addition, within many specific lineages are found 3) transitional forms — remains of organisms that show features common to both an ancestral group and its derived descendants.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cfdb86d4ba38″ question_number=”25″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] What are molecular homologies? How do they serve as evidence for evolution?


[a] Molecular homologies are molecules that, by their structure and monomer sequence, indicate common ancestry. An example is hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying molecule in all vertebrates. In all vertebrates, hemoglobin has the same structure (two alpha chains and two beta chains). The differences in the amino acid sequence of hemoglobin in different species correspond to morphological similarities and differences among various vertebrate species and the fossil record. This pattern repeats with other proteins, such as cytochrome c; specific gene sequences; and RNA.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cfc1ea51ee38″ question_number=”26″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] Diverse species share common genes for animal development. List two examples, and describe how this provides evidence for evolution.


[a] Diverse animal species share a common set of genes that control development. For example, a gene called eyeless is a master switch that turns on eye development in animals as diverse as arthropods and vertebrates. Homeotic genes, versions of which are shared by all animals. specify which limbs should grow in which section of the body. These shared genes are homologies and indicate that all animals share a common ancestor that existed about 600 million years ago.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cfaaa1db0638″ question_number=”27″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] What are the deep homologies that unify all life?  List six.


[a]The best evidence for the idea that all life has a common ancestry is in the molecules and biochemical mechanisms shared by all living things. These include 1) the use of DNA as genetic material, 2) the use of the same genetic code to convert the information in DNA into proteins, 3) translating RNA into protein through ribosomes, 4) shared metabolic pathways such as glycolysis, 5) use of ATP for cellular energy transfer, and 6) use of chemiosmosis and ATP synthase to generate ATP.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cf9105583a38″ question_number=”28″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] Describe how relative dating of fossils works.


[a] Relative dating uses the idea of superposition to determine the relative age of a fossil. The basic idea is that when sedimentary strata (layers) are formed, younger material will be laid on top of older layers. In a bed of fossils, the fossils in deeper layers (C) are going to be older than the fossils in layers that are closer to the surface (A). This analysis is made more complex, however, by geological faults, and layers that can be flipped upside down by geological processes.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cf7768d56e38″ question_number=”29″] Describe how absolute dating of fossils works.


[a]Absolute dating of fossils is based on the decay of radioactive isotopes in fossilized remains, or in nearby volcanic strata that are interspersed with sedimentary strata. The key idea is half-life: the time it takes for half of a sample of radioactive isotopes to decay from one element to another. For example, the half-life of the radioactive isotope Carbon-14 is 5,730 years. If a fossil bone is found in which half of the carbon-14 has decayed to nitrogen, then the bone is 5,730 years old. If 1/4 of the carbon 14 is left, then the bone is 11,460 years (two half-lives) old.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cf5dcc52a238″ question_number=”30″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] What are vestigial structures, and how do they serve as evidence of evolution?


[a] A vestigial structure has no apparent function but was inherited from an ancestor for whom that structure had a function. For example, whales, have no hind limbs but have a pelvis onto which to attach those limbs. That’s because their ancestors possessed hindlimbs, which were lost as whales adapted to their aquatic lifestyle.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cf442fcfd638″ question_number=”31″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] How can DNA and/or amino acid sequences provide evidence for common ancestry?


[a] Shared sequences of DNA, and shared amino acid sequences in proteins, are molecular homologies. In the same way that the forearm of a human and a cat are homologous, shared DNA and amino acid sequences were also present in a common ancestor of the species in question. Their differences, if any, are the result of mutations that have occurred over evolutionary time. The closer the sequences of DNA and amino acids are among species, the closer these species can be said to be related.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cf283f412638″ question_number=”32″ topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] How can the amino acid sequences of proteins such as cytochrome c provide evidence for common ancestry?

Illustrative example: Evidence for evolution

[a] Cytochrome c is a  protein that’s 104 amino acids long. It plays a key role in the electron transport chain, and in triggering apoptosis (programmed cell death). The amino acid sequence for cytochrome c in humans and chimpanzees is identical, which corresponds to the close anatomical and physiological similarities between chimps and humans. That sequence, however, is slightly different from the one found in cows, pigs, and sheep (which all have identical sequences to one another). This indicates that humans and chimps have a more recent common ancestor with one another than they do with cows, pigs, or sheep (and vice versa).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cf0c4eb27638″ question_number=”33″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] What is a conserved evolutionary feature?


[a] A conserved evolutionary feature is one that evolved in a common ancestor and then was passed to that species’ descendants. For example, the vertebrate skeleton has been conserved among all vertebrates. Conserved features can be anatomical,  genetic (DNA or RNA sequences), physiological (chemiosmosis and the Krebs cycle), molecular (amino acid sequences), etc.

NOTE: Homologies are conserved features that, over evolutionary time, have evolved distinct functions in descendant species (such as the forelimb of the human, adapted for grasping and swinging, and the forelimb of a bat, adapted for flight).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cef2b22faa38″ question_number=”34″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] What are some of the fundamental molecular and cellular features shared across the three domains of life, which provide evidence that life had a single origin?


[a] The list of conserved features that point to a single origin for all living things include 1) the use of DNA as genetic material, 2) transcription of DNA into RNA to bring genetic information to ribosomes; 3) a universal genetic code for translating mRNA into protein; 4) chemiosmotic energy production, with the pumping of protons linked to the production of ATP; 5) use of ATP as a common energy currency.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ced915acde38″ question_number=”35″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] What are some of the common features that point to a single origin of all eukaryotes? List six.


[a] Conserved features shared by all eukaryotes include 1) a nucleus that separates the chromosomes from the cytoplasm; 2) mitochondria or organelles derived from mitochondria; 3) membrane-bound organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum of Golgi apparatus;  4) genes with introns that need to be removed before protein synthesis; 5) linear chromosomes, and 6) sexual reproduction involving gamete production and fusion of gametes to form a diploid zygote.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cebf792a1238″ question_number=”36″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.6-8.Evidence_of_Evolution_and_Common_Ancestry”] Darwin’s original conception of evolutionary change envisioned evolution as a slow, gradual, process. What are examples of more rapid evolutionary change that has emerged since Darwin’s time?


[a] Some examples of rapid evolutionary change include

  1. Measured changes in mean beak size in populations of Galapagos finches in response to drought and other environmental changes.
  2. The evolution of antibiotic resistance in various species of bacteria, including the emergence of MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus).
  3. Evolution of resistance to antiviral drugs in HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus)
  4. Evolution of resistance to DDT and other pesticides in insects in response to widespread pesticide application.
  5. The emergence of chemotherapy-resistant cell lines in individuals undergoing cancer treatment.


[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cea5dca74638″ question_number=”37″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny”] What is phylogeny? What is a phylogenetic tree?


[a] Phylogeny means “evolutionary history.” A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree (like the one shown here) is a branching diagram or “tree” showing the evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other taxonomic groups (such as genera or families). Phylogenetic trees are based upon similarities and differences in morphological, molecular, and/or genetic characteristics.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ce8e94305e38″ question_number=”38″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny”] Define “clade.”


[a] A clade is a group of organisms that consists of a common ancestor and all of that ancestor’s descendants. All of the numbers in the accompanying diagram indicate clades.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″  unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ce72a3a1ae38″ question_number=”39″] Define “shared derived character.”

[a]A shared derived character is a trait that identifies a clade. It evolved in the common ancestor of that clade and sets it apart from other clades. For example, lungs and four limbs are shared derived traits that separate the clade that includes “N” through “S” (four-limbed vertebrates) from group “M” (a fish). The vertebral column is a shared derived character separating the vertebrates (“M” through “S”) from non-vertebrate chordates, such as the hagfish (“L”).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ce5b5b2ac638″ question_number=”40″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny”]In phylogenetic analysis, what is an outgroup?


[a] When constructing a phylogenetic tree, an outgroup is a more distantly related group of organisms used to determine the evolutionary relationships among the other organisms in the tree (the “ingroup”). The outgroup is a point of comparison for the ingroup. Speaking phylogenetically, the outgroup is a species (or another taxon) that is not a part of the clade to which all of the other organisms in the phylogenetic tree belong. In the accompanying diagram, “A” is the outgroup for clade II.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ce3f6a9c1638″ question_number=”41″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny”] On a phylogenetic tree, what are nodes and sister groups?


[a] On a phylogenetic tree, the nodes are where two branches diverge. The nodes, therefore, represent the common ancestor of the two lineages represented by the branches. In the diagram, letters A through E are nodes. Sister groups are the descendants that split apart from the same node (such as the common cactus finch and the large ground finch).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ce17d5d1f238″ question_number=”42″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny”] What type of evidence is typically used to construct a phylogenetic tree?


[a] Before the 1960s, classification and phylogenetic analysis was based on morphological similarities between living organisms or fossils. Since the emergence of sequencing technologies in the 1960s and 70s, nucleotide sequences in DNA and RNA (and amino acid sequences in proteins) have become the “gold standard” in determining phylogenetic relationships.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″  unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cdfe394f2638″ question_number=”43″] Define “ancestral feature.”

[a]A trait that members of a clade share, but which is also shared by larger, more inclusive clades, is called an ancestral feature. For example, the clade that includes “G” and its descendants (rats and gorillas) is the mammal clade. An ancestral feature of this clade would be “claws or nails.” Mammals have this trait, but it’s also found in other organisms outside the clade (such as birds, alligators, and lizards).

[!]7.10- 7.11.Speciation and Extinction[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cde6f0d83e38″ question_number=”44″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What is the biological species concept, and what are some of its limitations?


[a] The biological species concept defines a species as a group of organisms that can naturally interbreed to produce viable, fertile offspring, and which is reproductively isolated from other such groups. The concept falters with closely related species (which can often hybridize), with extinct or asexual species (to which we can’t apply the criterion of reproductive isolation), or with most prokaryotic species (which don’t have sex in the way that eukaryotes do, but which frequently exchange genes through horizontal gene transfer). When the biological species can’t be applied, biologists designate species using morphological, phylogenetic, or ecological criteria.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cdb3b7d2a638″ question_number=”46″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Contrast the allopatric and sympatric models of speciation.


[a] Allopatric speciation involves a geographical barrier (1); sympatric speciation occurs without a geographical barrier (2).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cd9c6f5bbe38″ question_number=”47″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Explain the allopatric model of speciation.

Importance for the AP exam: High 

[a] Allopatric speciation involves geographical isolation leading to genetic differentiation, which eventually leads to reproductive isolation. Imagine a species that’s spread out over a geographical range (stage 1). Some geographical barrier (“b”) splits the species into isolated subpopulations, with no gene flow (“a”) between them. Environmental differences lead to different selective pressures in each subpopulation, leading to genetic differentiation (stages 2 and 3). Eventually, the two populations become so different that when the geographic barrier is removed (stage 4), the populations can longer interbreed. They’ve become separate species.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cd8526e4d638″ question_number=”48″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Explain how sympatric speciation occurs in plants.


[a] Sympatric speciation occurs without a geographical barrier subdividing a species into isolated populations. In plants, it can occur through polyploidy (shown at left) and allopolyploidy (polyploidy followed by hybridization, which is not shown). Because these processes change chromosome numbers, they cause instant, one-generation reproductive isolation between the newly emerged species and its parent species.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cd6b8a620a38″ question_number=”49″] Explain how sympatric speciation occurs in animals.

[a] Sympatric speciation occurs without a geographical barrier subdividing a species into isolated populations. In animals, sexual selection can lead to reproductive isolation between subspecies, a process that has led to the evolution of hundreds of species of Cichlids (a type of fish) in Lake Victoria. Adaptation to specific habitats or microhabitats can also lead to reproductive isolation and speciation, such as the evolution of a variety of lice that inhabits different parts of birds (head lice, wing lice, etc).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cd5441eb2238″ question_number=”50″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What are reproductive isolating mechanisms? Compare and contrast pre and post-zygotic forms of isolation.

[a] Reproductive isolating mechanisms are processes or physical barriers that keep the gene pools of closely related species separate. Prezygotic isolating mechanisms prevent the formation of a zygote. Postzygotic barriers can exist between species that are close enough to mate and form a zygote. In this case, the formation of a zygote does not ultimately lead to the production of successful individuals who can survive and produce offspring themselves.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cd3cf9743a38″ question_number=”51″ topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] List and describe 5 prezygotic isolating mechanisms.

[a] Prezygotic isolating mechanisms prevent the formation of a zygote. They can be

  1. Behavioral (different mating rituals or courtship behaviors);
  2. Temporal (breeding during different times of the day or different seasons);
  3. Mechanical (structural barriers that prevent sperm or pollen from reaching an egg: think of long tubes in flowers or the structures that insects use for mating);
  4. Habitat (imagine one species of wildflower that’s adapted to a wet environment, while a closely related one lives in drier areas); or
  5. Gametic (the molecules on a sperm cell that induce an egg cell to allow fertilization are not complementary to receptors on the egg cell).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cd25b0fd5238″ question_number=”52″ topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] List and describe 3 postzygotic isolating mechanisms.

[a] Postzygotic barriers can exist between species that are close enough to mate and form a zygote. These include

  1. Hybrid inviability: hybrid organisms don’t develop.
  2. Hybrid sterility: hybrid offspring are healthy, but can’t reproduce.
  3. Hybrid breakdown: the hybrids are healthy and can reproduce, but the next generation (the F2s) are inviable or infertile.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cd0c147a8638″ question_number=”53″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] It’s estimated that most of the species that have ever existed have, for natural reasons, become extinct. Leaving out mass extinction events and human-caused extinctions, describe the process that a species goes through as it heads towards extinction.

Importance for the AP exam: Medium 

[a] Most extinctions begin with a lowering of a species’ population. This can be caused by an adverse change in the physical environment or the arrival of a competitor that reduces the species’ fitness and reproductive rate. Decreased population size can lead to genetic drift that results in a loss of genetic diversity. As variability decreases, there can be reduced fitness. As the population becomes more genetically uniform, its ability to adapt to environmental change becomes further reduced. Together, these factors create a positive feedback loop called an extinction vortex, with often leads to extinction.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ccf277f7ba38″ question_number=”54″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What is adaptive radiation?


[a] Adaptive radiation occurs when one parent species produces several descendant species, each of which has unique adaptations and fills a different ecological niche. The 14 species of Galapagos finches, all of which are the descendants of a single species from the South American mainland, are an example.


[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ccdb2f80d238″ question_number=”55″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Explain the species diversity in any geographical area in relationship to speciation and extinction rates.


[a] Species diversity (the number of species in a particular area, up to and including our entire planet) is a function of two opposing processes: speciation and extinction. If the rate of speciation exceeds the rate of extinction, then species diversity increases. If the rate of extinction exceeds that of speciation, then species diversity decreases.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ccc192fe0638″ question_number=”56″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What are mass extinctions?


[a] Mass extinctions are widespread, rapid decreases in Earth’s biodiversity. These events often have geological or astronomical causes, though biological causes are possible as well. While there’s no consensus on the degree of species loss required for an event to qualify as mass extinction, there is agreement that there have been at least five major extinction events during the past 600 million years (the numbered peaks in the diagram).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ccaa4a871e38″ question_number=”57″ topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Describe the Permian-Triassic extinction, also known as the “Great Dying.”

Illustrative example: Mass extinction


[a] The Permian-Triassic extinction is estimated to have killed 57% of all taxonomic families, 83% of all genera, and over 90% of all species. Known as the “Great Dying,” it involved massive volcanic eruptions that could have released enough carbon dioxide to warm the planet and reduce the oxygen capacity of the oceans. This would have led to the breakdown of oceanic food chains. Changes in ocean chemistry could have led to a bloom of purple sulfur bacteria, which would have released poisonous hydrogen sulfide into the oceans, further depleting ocean life. On land, the dust clouds associated with volcanic eruptions would have disrupted photosynthesis and caused food chains to collapse. Finally, the formation of the supercontinent Pangea would have reduced coastlines, causing additional extinction of marine flora and fauna.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cc8e59f86e38″ question_number=”58″ topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Describe the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction.

Illustrative example: Mass extinctions. 


[a] The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) extinction occurred about 65 million years ago. It was caused by an asteroid or comet that smashed into Earth in what is now the Gulf of Mexico. Ejecta (dust and rocks) from the impact, as it reentered the atmosphere, would have superheated the air by several hundred degrees, wiping out terrestrial life all over the planet, only allowing burrowing animals to survive. Dust in the atmosphere would have blocked sunlight, leading to a collapse of oceanic food chains. The most notable victims were the dinosaurs, pterosaurs (flying reptiles), and plesiosaurs (large marine reptiles).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cc74bd75a238″ question_number=”59″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What’s the connection between mass extinction and adaptive radiation?


[a] One effect of mass extinction is to leave vacant a variety of ecological niches (ways for a species to make a living). This leads to a pattern where mass extinctions (2) are followed by extensive adaptive radiation (3) in the species that survive (4). An example of this is the diversification of placental mammals that followed the Cretaceous extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection”  topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cc5b20f2d638″ question_number=”60″]How is human activity affecting extinction rates?


[a] Humans are the cause of what’s been called the Sixth Extinction. Through 1) destruction and fragmentation of habitat, 2) overhunting/overharvesting animals, and 3) intentionally or unintentionally introducing invasive species into new habitats, humans are causing a decline in global biodiversity that could rival the 5 previous mass extinctions that have occurred over the past 500 million years.

[!]7.12.Variations in Populations[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cc43d87bee38″ question_number=”61″ topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] Why is phenotypic variation important for evolution?

[a] Phenotypic variation is the raw material upon which natural selection acts. Natural selection selects for organisms with phenotypes that confer a selective advantage, allowing individuals with these advantageous phenotypes to survive and reproduce at higher rates than organisms with less advantageous phenotypes. With no phenotypic variation, there can be no natural selection and no adaptation.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cc27e7ed3e38″ question_number=”62″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] What’s the connection between a species’ genetic variability and its ability to adapt to environmental change?

[a] Species that lose their genetic variability become less resilient, losing their ability to adapt to changes in their environment. Loss of genetic variability can occur through a population bottleneck, and species that survive these bottlenecks are often at risk of extinction since they lack the genetic variability that would enable them to survive further environmental change.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cc0e4b6a7238″ question_number=”63″ topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] Explain how variations in phospholipid structure can serve an adaptive function in browsing mammals that forage in snowy environments.

Illustrative example: Molecular diversity


In mammals such as elk that walk through the snow as they forage for food in winter, there’s a gradient of phospholipid structure in the cell membranes of their leg cells. Closer to the hoof, the phospholipids have more unsaturated fatty acids. Closer to the body’s core, they have more saturated fatty acids. That’s because the temperature in the extremities can be far below the temperature in the core (just like your hands are often colder than your torso). Having more unsaturated fatty acids in the membranes toward the hoof keeps those membranes fluid, despite the cold. By contrast, closer to the core the increased saturation of fatty acids maintains the right amount of membrane fluidity in those cells. Membrane fluidity, in turn, establishes conditions for the proper diffusion of substances across the membrane.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cbeb5eb81638″ question_number=”64″ topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] Explain how variation in hemoglobin maximizes oxygen absorption in humans and other placental mammals at various life stages.

Illustrative example: Molecular diversity

[a] Hemoglobin is the protein that transports oxygen in red blood cells in almost all vertebrates. Before birth, humans and other mammals produce fetal hemoglobin, a hemoglobin variant that has a much higher affinity for oxygen than adult hemoglobin. Because of that, oxygen will diffuse from the mother’s red blood cells in the placenta to the red blood cells of the fetus. Within about six months after birth, the production of fetal hemoglobin is replaced by the production of adult hemoglobin.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cbd1c2354a38″ question_number=”65″ topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] Explain how variation in chlorophyll types increases the efficiency of photosynthesis.

Illustrative example: Molecular diversity


[a] Chlorophyll is the key light-absorbing pigment in photosynthesis. Green plants have two main types: chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.  Their difference comes down to one functional group: chlorophyll a has a methyl group whereas chlorophyll b has an acetyl group. Whereas the peak absorption of chlorophyll a is in the red part of the spectrum, the peak absorption of chlorophyll b is in the blue portion of the spectrum. Having both types of chlorophyll thus increases the amount of light energy that plants can use during photosynthesis. Chlorophyll b is particularly prevalent in shade-adapted plants.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cbb37d9ab638″ question_number=”66″ topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] Explain how humans affect variation in other species.


[a] Humans affect variation in other species in at least two ways:

  1. Through artificial selection or selective breeding. As humans have created breeds of animals or varieties of plants with desired traits, the gene pools of those breeds or varieties have become less diverse. Many crops are clones, making them vulnerable to pests and parasites.
  2. Through changing the environment in ways that (usually unintentionally) select for a particular suite of survival traits in the plants and animals we interact with. For example, the use (and overuse) of pesticides, antibiotics, and herbicides has resulted in selection for resistance in insects (and other pests), bacteria, and weeds, respectively.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cb978d0c0638″ question_number=”67″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] How does a population’s genetic diversity enable it to survive in a changing environment?


[a] Genetic diversity is a key asset in a population’s ability to respond to environmental change. As the environment changes, a diverse population is more likely to contain individuals who can survive in the new conditions, and thus pass their genes on to future generations. Conversely, populations with little genetic diversity are less likely to be able to survive the selective pressure associated with environmental changes, putting them at higher risk for extinction.

[!]7.13.Origin of Life[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cb7b9c7d5638″ question_number=”68″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] When did life first evolve on Earth? What’s the evidence?

[a] There’s widespread evidence for life on Earth as long ago as 3.4 billion years ago (bya), and life might have emerged even earlier than that. The consensus date for the emergence of life is about 3.8 bya.

The evidence for this claim consists of 1) fossilized bacterial mats (stromatolites), 2) microfossils of bacterial cells and 3) chemical traces of what’s called “biogenic carbon” (carbon of biological origin), all of which date back to 3.4 bya (or earlier).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cb61fffa8a38″ question_number=”69″ topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] Describe the fossilized stromatolites and fossilized cells that serve as evidence for the earliest traces of life on Earth.


Stromatolite – MNHT

Stromatolites are layered bacterial mats, consisting of layers of cells interleaved with layers of sediments. These are formed in some areas on Earth today (such as Shark Bay in Australia). The oldest fossilized stromatolites have been dated (through radiometric dating) as 3.4 billion years old.

Inside these fossilized stromatolites are microfossils. These are fossils that are cellular in size, and can only be visualized with an electron microscope. When ancient fossil stromatolites are sectioned and viewed under an electron microscope, structures that match cells in size and form can be seen.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cb43bb5ff638″ question_number=”70″ topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”]Isotopic signatures can serve as evidence for the earliest traces of life on Earth. Explain.

Illustrative example. Evidence for the origin of life

[a] When living things take in carbon, they preferentially take in carbon-12 over a heavier (and much rarer) isotope, carbon-13. In carbon that’s biological in origin, the ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 13 is much higher than in carbon samples of non-biological origin. Samples of carbon from 3.4 billion years ago (and even up to 3.8 billion years ago) show that this carbon was captured by living things. Note that using isotopic signatures alone, claims have been made for an origin of life that occurred over 4 billion years ago, but these are not widely accepted.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cb2c72e90e38″ question_number=”71″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] It’s been said that life emerged on Earth about as early as it possibly could have. Explain.

[a]Our solar system, including our Earth, formed about 4.6 bya from a stellar nebula. As the planets formed, there was a period of massive collisions when the early Earth was under continual bombardment by comets, asteroids, and even planet-sized objects. These bombardments would have made life impossible.  Yet signs of life are unambiguous at 3.4 bya, and life might have evolved as early as 3.8 bya, which is close to when the period of heavy bombardment was coming to a close. Hence, life emerged on our world just about as early as it could have.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cb0e2e4e7a38″ question_number=”72″] Describe some the conditions on the early Earth during the period when life first emerged.

[a]Life on Earth emerged when conditions were quite different from conditions today. First of all, Earth had very little land: just a few islands above a world ocean. The young moon was much closer, causing massive tides in these oceans. The Earth spun more quickly on its axis: a day might have been as short as eight hours. The atmosphere was different, consisting of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and no molecular oxygen (O2).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4caf6e5d79238″ question_number=”73″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] In any origin of life scenario, what’s the first step? Explain.

[a] In any origin of life scenario, the first step is the formation of monomers: the amino acids, nucleotides, monosaccharides, and fatty acids that serve as the building blocks of life. Only if these molecules are present can more complex molecules (like proteins and nucleic acids) come into being.

Monomer formation is difficult to explain because these monomers don’t spontaneously form. Rather, these energy-rich molecules are generated biologically by plants, cyanobacteria, and algae during photosynthesis. So the challenge in explaining the origin of life is to explain how to generate monomers abiotically (in the absence of life).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cadaf548e238″ question_number=”74″ topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] The Miller-Urey experiment was an attempt to validate Oparin and Haldane’s idea, proposed in the 1920s, of monomers emerging in a primordial soup. What was the primordial soup?

[a] The primordial-soup model posits that in the Earth’s early oxygen-free atmosphere, available energy could cause molecules like methane and ammonia to combine to form monomers (monosaccharides, amino acids, etc.), which would accumulate in the early oceans, forming a primordial soup. This, in turn, would set the stage for more complex molecules to form, leading to the emergence of life.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection”  topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4cac158c61638″ question_number=”75″] Describe the Miller-Urey experiment and its results.

[a]The Miller-Urey experiment validated the idea of the abiotic formation of monomers. The experiment combined methane, ammonia, and hydrogen (thought at that time to be a plausible mix for the Early earth’s atmosphere) in a reaction chamber (5). The chamber was connected to a flask containing heated water (2) which represented the early Earth’s oceans. Sparks (5) simulated lightning. After several days, the circulating mixture in the apparatus was sampled, and analysis showed the presence of several amino acids (the monomers of proteins).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4caa568376638″ question_number=”76″ topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] Why is the Miller-Urey experiment widely regarded as a keystone in origin of life research, and why has it been widely criticized?

[a] The overall achievement of the Miller-Urey experiment was validation of the idea that monomers can be formed abiotically. In subsequent years, this has been confirmed in a variety of experimental settings, with many different starting compounds and energy sources. This idea has also been validated by the discovery of monomers on meteorites (meaning that certain monomers can form out in space). However, the experiment has been criticized for using an atmosphere with highly reduced gases (methane, ammonia, and hydrogen), which are now thought to have been unlikely on the early Earth, and which made it much easier to produce compounds such as amino acids.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection”  topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ca8977a8b638″ question_number=”77″] The Miller-Urey experiment was an attempt to validate the  “primordial soup” model of monomer formation. Recently, this idea that life evolved in small pools of water has fallen out of favor. Why? 

[a]One reason why the primordial soup model of monomer formation is out of favor is that the next step — the polymerization of monomers to create polymers such as RNA and protein — would be difficult in a watery environment. That’s because monomers combine to form polymers through dehydration synthesis, a reaction that only occurs in a watery solution with the help of enzymes. Without enzymes (which are themselves polymers), it’s hard to imagine how polymer formation could have happened. In other words, life’s first nursery was unlikely to have been any type of soupy, open body of water. Rather, a system like a hydrothermal vent is a much more likely venue for the origin of life.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ca563ea31e38″ question_number=”78″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] How was the early earth’s atmosphere different from the atmosphere today?

[a] The Earth’s earliest atmosphere (like that of Mars and Venus) lacked molecular oxygen (O2). That’s because O2 only exists on Earth because of photosynthesizing organisms that oxidize water and release O2 as a waste product. Thus, free O2, which makes up about 21% of the atmosphere today, is a planetary-scale biogenic signature: a feature that arises only in the presence of life.

Fun speculation: If in the future, a space probe finds itself orbiting a planet with an O2-rich atmosphere, we’ll be fairly certain that this is a planet where life (at least microbial life) is flourishing (even before our probe lands and takes samples).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ca3ca2205238″ question_number=”79″ topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] The early Earth’s atmosphere was quite different from the atmosphere today. Why is that important for the origin of life?

[a] Unlike today’s atmosphere, which consists of about 21% oxygen, the early Earth’s atmosphere has no free oxygen (O2). The reason why this is important to the origin of life is that for life to arise, its molecular components, biological monomers, need to arise. These monomers are reduced molecules, and in the presence of oxygen, their spontaneous tendency is to become oxidized. A world with abundant oxygen is not a world where new life could arise, and the presence of a reducing (or at least non-oxidizing) atmosphere and ocean was probably a precondition for the emergence of the monomers (amino acids, nucleotides, fatty acids, and monosaccharides) that were combined to create the polymers in the first living cells.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ca23059d8638″ question_number=”80″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] What is the RNA world hypothesis?

[a] The RNA world hypothesis is the idea that life emerged as a population of self-replicating molecules of RNA.  Because RNA can be both information (as in messenger RNA) and act as a catalyst (as in ribosomal RNA), it’s thought that early in Earth’s history, a population of RNAs that could catalyze their own reproduction could arise. Once this happened, then mutation during replication would lead to variation. Subsequent natural selection would lead to greater complexity, leading to protocells, setting the stage for the emergence of DNA-based life.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4ca07150ed638″ question_number=”81″ topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] What are two attributes of RNA that make it a better candidate than DNA for playing the role of the first genetic molecule?

[a] RNA is thought to be a better candidate for the first genetic molecule than DNA because RNA can serve as both genetic information (as it does in RNA viruses and mRNA) and as a catalyst for chemical reactions (as it does in ribozymes — shown on the left — and as the catalytic part of ribosomes). DNA, by contrast, is purely informational.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Flashcards Dataset|4c9dad82cea38″ question_number=”82″ topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] Using the RNA-world hypothesis, sketch out the steps to the emergence of DNA-based and cell-based life.

[a] The RNA-world hypothesis posits that as life was arising, a population of self-replicating RNAs emerged (1 and 2). During self-replication, some errors would arise, leading to diverse RNAs that could be subject to natural selection. Those RNA replicators that could replicate more quickly and efficiently would come to dominate their populations.  At some point, self-replicating RNA polymers became paired with amino acids and polypeptides, leading to the emergence of RNA-protein systems (3). Next, these self-replicating RNA-protein systems would have had DNA replace RNA as the genetic material (4). Finally, encapsulation by lipid membranes would lead to the first cells (5).



3. Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 1

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 1″ dataset=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset”]

[h] Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 1


[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.1-7.3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ee4c86308aeb” question_number=”1″] The Galapagos Flightless Cormorant (Phalacrocorax harrisi) is the world’s only flightless cormorant. It has short, vestigial wings, and it’s heavier than any other cormorant species. It’s found only on the islands of Fernandina and Isabela.

DNA evidence indicates that the Galapagos Flightless Cormorant is closely related to the Neotropic Cormorant (Nannopterum brasilianum). The Neotropic Cormorant is a strong flyer that, like all cormorants, preys on fish.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the flightlessness of the Galapagos cormorant?





[c]IEFuIGFuY2VzdG9yIG9mIHRoZSBmbGlnaHRsZXNzIGNvcm1vcmFudCBoYWQgYSBtdXRhdGlvbiB0aGF0IHJlZHVjZWQgd2luZyBsZW5ndGguIFdpdGggbm8gc2VsZW N0aW9uIGFnYWluc3Qgc2hvcnRlciB3aW5ncywgdGhpcyBtdXRhdGlvbiB3YXMgcGFzc2VkIG9uIGFuZCBzcHJlYWQgdGhyb3VnaG91dCB0aGUgcG9wdWxhdGlvbi4=[Qq]






[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ee3791c586eb” question_number=”2″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.1-7.3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection”] In 1858, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace proposed a theory of evolution. Which of the following observations aided in the development of this theory?





[c]IFNvbWUgdmFyaWF0aW9uIGluIGEgcG 9wdWxhdGlvbiBpcyBpbmhlcml0ZWQu[Qq]






[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ee20494e9eeb” question_number=”3″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.1-7.3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection”] The next question is based on the following description of three species of frogs.

* Species A, after laying eggs, provides no parental care for its eggs and larvae.
* Species B is preyed upon by a fish that prefers small larvae.
* Species C faces progressively decreasing opportunities for breeding with increasing age.

Assuming that resources available for reproduction are similar for A, B, and C, which of the following reproductive strategies would be favored by each species?





[c]IEEgc2hvdWxkIHByb2R1Y2UgYSBsYXJnZSBudW1iZXIgb2Ygc21hbGxlciBvZmZzcHJpbmc7IEIgc2hvdWxkIHByb2R1Y2 UgYSBzbWFsbCBudW1iZXIgb2YgbGFyZ2VyIG9mZnNwcmluZzogQyBzaG91bGQgYnJlZWQgZWFybGllciBpbiBsaWZlLg==[Qq]







[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ee0b54e39aeb” question_number=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.4-7.5.Population_Genetics/Hardy_Weinberg”] Which of the following statements about genetic drift is FALSE?

[c]IEdlbmV0aWMgZHJpZnQgcmVzdWx0cyBpbiB0aGUgZW xpbWluYXRpb24gb2YgaGFybWZ1bCBhbGxlbGVzLg==[Qq]










[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.4-7.5.Population_Genetics/Hardy_Weinberg” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20edf6607896eb” question_number=”5″] The image below represents a scenario in which allele frequencies in Population 1 will change. The cause of this change is













[c]IGdlbmUg Zmxvdw==[Qq]





[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ede16c0d92eb” question_number=”6″ topic=”7.4-7.5.Population_Genetics/Hardy_Weinberg”] A population geneticist is studying tail feather length in a population of wrens. Within this population, 36% of the sampled individuals have a homozygous recessive phenotype. What percentage of individuals will have the dominant phenotype?

[c]IDAuMzYg[Qq][c]IDAuNzQg[Qq][c]IDAu NjQg[Qq][c]IDAuNDAg[Qq][c]IDAuNDg=









[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20edcc77a28eeb” question_number=”7″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.4-7.5.Population_Genetics/Hardy_Weinberg”] Which of the following assumptions would not be true in a population that’s in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?







[c]IEFsbGVsZXMgYXJlIGV4Y2hhbmdlZCB3aX RoIG5laWdoYm9yaW5nIGdlbmUgcG9vbHMu[Qq]





[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.6-7.8.Evidence_of_Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20edb783378aeb” question_number=”8″] Two of the organelles shown below are endosymbionts: the descendants of once free-living cells that were taken up by a larger cell. These two organelles possess their own DNA, their own ribosomes, and reproduce like bacteria do (through binary fission).

Which letters correctly identify these two organelles?

[c]IEQgYW5kIEUg[Qq][c]IEUgYW5kIEYg[Qq][c]IEggYW5kIEwg[Qq][c]IEUgYW 5kIEw=








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.6-7.8.Evidence_of_Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20eda03ac0a2eb” question_number=”9″] Protists are single-celled eukaryotes. Based on their morphology, genes, and behavior, scientists have established the phylogenetic tree below, which also includes three additional eukaryotic kingdoms: animals, plants, and fungi.

Earlier classification systems grouped the protists with other single-celled organisms such as bacteria and archaea. Which of the following pieces of evidence justifies classifying the protists with other eukaryotes, and not with the single-celled bacteria and archaea?





[c]IGdlbmVzIHRoYXQgY2 9udGFpbiBpbnRyb25z[Qq]






[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.6-7.8.Evidence_of_Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ed869e3dd6eb” question_number=”10″] Embryos of humans have gill slits and tails. Other vertebrates also possess these traits as embryos, and some vertebrates maintain these features in their adult forms.

Which of the following statement relating to these embryonic features is correct?



[c]IEEgY29tbW9uIGRldmVsb3BtZW50YWwgcGF0dGVybiBpcyBzaGFyZWQgYnkgYWxsIHZlcnRlYn JhdGVzLCBhbGwgb2Ygd2hvbSBhcmUgZGVzY2VuZGVkIGZyb20gYSBjb21tb24gYW5jZXN0b3Iu[Qq]








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.6-7.8.Evidence_of_Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ed6f55c6eeeb” question_number=”11″] The diagram below shows how the wing of a bat and the wing of a bird are composed of similar forelimb bones, which develop from similar embryonic tissue. However, the bones that make up the wings are differently arranged: in a bat, most of the wing’s structure consists of elongated phalanges (finger bones), while most of a bird’s wing consists of the arm bones (humerus, radius, and ulna).

Evolutionary studies have shown that the wings evolved separately: the wings of bats evolved from the forelimbs of a rodent-like ancestor; the wings of birds evolved from the forelimb of a small dinosaur.

Which of the following statements about the forelimbs/wings of bats and birds is correct?







[c]IFRoZWlyIGZvcmVsaW1icyBhcmUgaG9tb2xvZ291cywgZXZvbHZpbmcgZnJvbSBhZGFwdGl2ZSByYWRpYXRpb2 4uIFRoZWlyIHdpbmdzIGFyZSBhbmFsb2dvdXMsIGV2b2x2aW5nIGZyb20gY29udmVyZ2VudCBldm9sdXRpb24u[Qq]





[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ed55b94422eb” question_number=”12″] Which of the following statements about the phylogenetic tree below is correct?





[c]ICYjODIyMDtSZXB0aWxlcyYjODIyMTsgaXMgbm90IGEgY2xhZG UgYmVjYXVzZSBpdCBleGNsdWRlcyB0YXhvbiAxIChiaXJkcyku[Qq]






[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ed40c4d91eeb” question_number=”13″] How many clades are in the phylogenetic tree below?

[c]IDEg[Qq][c]IDUg[Qq][c]IDYg[Qq][c]ID Ex





















[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ed1dd826c2eb” question_number=”14″] The table below shows the number of amino acid differences in cytochrome c (a protein that’s part of the electron transport chain) in 5 different species. All versions of cytochrome c consist of 104 amino acids.

By correlating the data in the table below with data in the fossil record, it’s been determined that chickens and penguins had a common ancestor about 70 million years ago. Using that data, a scientist infers that the lineage leading to snakes split from the lineage leading to birds about 360 million years ago. This inference is based on the idea that



[c]IG11dGF0aW9ucyBhY2N1bXVsYXRlIGF0IG Egcm91Z2hseSBjb25zdGFudCByYXRlLg==[Qq]














[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10-7.12.Speciation,_Variation,_Extinction” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ed08e3bbbeeb” question_number=”15″] The apple maggot fly,  Rhagoletis pomonella, is a plant parasite that is native to North America. Its original host was the fruit of Hawthorn trees. Females lay their eggs on Hawthorn fruit. The eggs develop into maggots, which consume the fruit as they grow.

In the 1600s, when European colonists introduced apples into North America, some Rhagoletis flies started to parasitize apple trees. Over time, two Rhagoletis variants have emerged: one with a preference for apples, and the other with a preference for Hawthorns. Hybridization experiments between the two populations show that they’re still capable of successfully interbreeding.

The table below summarizes the difference between the two variants.

Which reproductive barriers appear to be emerging between these two sub-populations?













[c]IGhhYml0YXQgYW5kIHRl bXBvcmFsIGJhcnJpZXJz[Qq]




[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10-7.12.Speciation,_Variation,_Extinction” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ecf19b44d6eb” question_number=”16″] The soapberry bug (Jadera haematoloma) lives in the southeastern United States. It uses a needle-like beak to pierce the outside skin of the fruit of the soapberry bush, C. corindum. After piercing the skin, the soapberry bug pierces the seed coat of seeds within the fruit. Enzymes liquefy the seeds, and the bugs suck up the liquified seed contents.

Over the past 150 years, the soapberry bug has adapted to an introduced plant species from Eurasia, K. elegans.  K. elegans, has a fruit structure in which the seeds are much closer to the skin of the fruit than in C. corindum.

In a study in the 1990s, measurements were made of the beak length of soapberry bugs feeding on C. corindum compared to those feeding on the introduced species, K. elegans. 

A researcher has noted that the bugs feeding on C. corindum are more likely to breed with one another than with bugs feeding on K. elegans. 

Which of the following is most likely the first barrier to gene flow to have emerged between soapberry bugs feeding on C. corindum and those feeding on K. elegans?

[c]IGhhYml0YXQgaX NvbGF0aW9uLg==[Qq]










[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ecda52cdeeeb” question_number=”17″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10-7.12.Speciation,_Variation,_Extinction”] Entomologists thought that two populations of insects were different species. Recent studies suggest that these populations are the same species. Which of the following observations best indicates that the two populations of insects are the same species?





[c]IFRoZSBwb3B1bGF0aW9ucyBjYW4gaW 50ZXJicmVlZCBpbiB0aGUgd2lsZC4=[Qq]






[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10-7.12.Speciation,_Variation,_Extinction” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ecc0b64b22eb” question_number=”18″] The graph below shows levels of species diversity in relation to a mass extinction event.

Which number represents adaptive radiation?

[c]IDEg[Qq][c]IDIg[Qq][c]IDMg[Qq][c]ID Qg[Qq][c]IDU=


























[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20eca96dd43aeb” question_number=”19″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] The diagram below shows a simplified tree of life with three domains. The third domain is further subdivided into three kingdoms, one of which is the animal kingdom.

Label the numbered boxes in order from 1 to 4.





[c]IEJhY3RlcmlhLCBBcmNoYWVh LCBFdWthcnlvdGEsIEZ1bmdp[Qq]






[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative MC Dataset|20ec868121deeb” question_number=”20″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life”] Earth’s atmosphere today is significantly different than the atmosphere on the early Earth, four billion years ago. Which of the following gases is present in today’s atmosphere but was not present in early Earth’s atmosphere?

[c]IEg=Mg==IA==[Qq][c]IE 8=Mg==IA==[Qq][c]IENINA==IA==[Qq][c]IEg=Mg==TyA=[Qq][c]IE5IMw==









4. Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” dataset=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2″ qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2″]

[h]Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2


[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.1-7.3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|21394018f73007″ question_number=”1″] The Zika virus, which causes birth defects, is transmitted by mosquitoes. In response to a Zika outbreak in a Central American country, the health minister is planning to use insecticides (insect-killing chemicals) to reduce the mosquito population. A science advisor is arguing that over the long term, the insecticides will be ineffective.

Which of the following best supports the science advisor’s argument?







[c]IEJlY2F1c2Ugb2YgZ2VuZXRpYyB2YXJpYXRpb24gaW4gdGhlIG1vc3F1aXRvIHBvcHVsYXRpb24sIHNvbWUgbW9zcXVpdG9lcyB3aWxsIGhhdmUgcmVzaXN0YW5jZSB0byB0aGUgcGVzdGlj aWRlLiBUaGVzZSBtb3NxdWl0b2VzIHdpbGwgcGFzcyB0aGVpciByZXNpc3RhbmNlIG9uIHRvIHRoZWlyIGRlc2NlbmRhbnRzLiBPdmVyIHRpbWUsIHJlc2lzdGFuY2Ugd2lsbCBzcHJlYWQu[Qq]




[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.1-7.3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2139267c746407″ question_number=”2″] In fisheries, minimum size limits are often set to provide fish with an opportunity to successfully breed before they can be legally harvested.

To test the hypothesis that legal size limits represent selection pressures toward smaller fish, researchers established six populations of tilapia in artificial ponds. Half of the fish longer than 25 cm were harvested from three of the ponds each month, while an equivalent number of randomly sized fish were removed from the other three ponds. Which of the following data would be most useful in testing their hypothesis?



[c]IFRoZSBib2R5IGxlbmd0aCBvZiB0aGUgbWF0 dXJlIG9mZnNwcmluZyBpbiBlYWNoIHBvbmQu[Qq]








[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|21390cdff19807″ question_number=”3″ topic=”7.1-7.3.Natural_and_Artificial_Selection”] The graph below shows the results of an experiment in artificial selection with the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.

During the first 25 generations, the smallest flies were selected to produce the next generation. After generation 25, the selection was reversed: from generations 25 through 35 only the largest flies were chosen to breed the next generation.

The experimental results suggest that

[c]IGFmdGVyIDI1IGdlbmVyYXRpb25zIHRoZXJlIHdhcyBsaXR0bGUgZ2 VuZXRpYyB2YXJpYXRpb24gbGVmdCBpbiB0aGUgcG9wdWxhdGlvbi4=[Qq]











[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.4-7.5.Population_Genetics/Hardy_Weinberg” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2138e54b277407″ question_number=”4″] Inheritance of two copies of the sickle cell allele (HbS) causes sickle cell anemia, which, without advanced medical treatment, frequently causes death in children.

The map on the left shows the frequency of the sickle cell allele throughout Africa. The map on the right shows the incidence of malaria, a deadly disease caused by a mosquito-borne parasite.

The high incidence of the sickle cell allele in certain parts of Africa is best explained by

[c]IGhldGVyb3p5Z290 ZSBhZHZhbnRhZ2U=[Qq]
















[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.4-7.5.Population_Genetics/Hardy_Weinberg” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2138c95a98c407″ question_number=”5″] Within the gene pool of any population, dominant alleles





[c]IHdpbGwgaW5jcmVhc2UsIGRlY3JlYXNlLCBvciBzdGF5IGNvbnN0YW50 LCBkZXBlbmRpbmcgb24gdGhlIHBoZW5vdHlwZSB0aGV5IHByb2R1Y2Uu[Qq]







[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2138ad6a0a1407″ question_number=”6″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.4-7.5.Population_Genetics/Hardy_Weinberg”] Scientists studied a population of Southern African penguins. They took a random sample of 400 penguins and found a trait that was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The trait is controlled by the alleles A and a. Given that 36 penguins in this sample had genotype “aa,” calculate how many penguins in the sample are expected to carry at least one allele A.

[c]IDM2IA==[Qq][c]IDE2OCA=[Qq][c]IDE5NiA=[Qq][c]IDM2 NA==



p q
p p2 pq
q pq q2(.09)

q is going to be the square root of .09. To solve for p, use the equation p + q = 1

The completed square will look like this.

.7 .3
.7 .49 .21
.3 .21 (.09)

Add up p2 and 2pq, and you’ll have your answer as a percentage. You know from the question that there are 400 penguins…so figure out the rest!


p q
p p2 pq
q pq q2(.09)

q is going to be the square root of .09. To solve for p, use the equation p + q = 1

The completed square will look like this.

.7 .3
.7 .49 .21
.3 .21 (.09)

Add up p2 and 2pq, and you’ll have your answer as a percentage. You know from the question that there are 400 penguins…so figure out the rest!


p q
p p2 pq
q pq q2(.09)

q is going to be the square root of .09. To solve for p, use the equation p + q = 1

The completed square will look like this.

.7 .3
.7 .49 .21
.3 .21 (.09)

Add up p2 and 2pq, and you’ll have your answer as a percentage. You know from the question that there are 400 penguins…so figure out the rest!




.7 (p) .3 (q)
.7 (p) .49 (p2) .21 (pq)
.3 (q) .21 (pq) (.09) (q2)

I added up p2 and 2pq, which came to .91. Knowing that there are 400 penguins, I took 91% of 400 to get 364.

[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|213891797b6407″ question_number=”7″ topic=”7.4-7.5.Population_Genetics/Hardy_Weinberg”] A population geneticist is studying tail feather length in a population of wrens. Within this population, 36% of the sampled individuals have a homozygous recessive phenotype. What is the frequency of the heterozygotes within this population?

[c]IDAuMzYg[Qq][c]IDAu NDgg[Qq][c]IDAuNzQg[Qq][c]IDAuNiA=[Qq][c]IDAuNA==







p q
p p2 pq
q pq q2

You’re told in the problem that 0.36 (36 percent) of the population has this recessive phenotype. So plug that value into the lower right corner of the square. Note that q2 represents the frequency of individuals with the recessive phenotype.

p q
p p2 pq
q pq .36

To find the frequency of the recessive allele (q), just take the square root of q2 (in other words, take the square root of 0.36). That gives you the value of q, which in this case is equal to 0.6. If q = 0.6, then p = 1 – 0.6, or 0.4.

There’s just one more step. The frequency of heterozygotes in a population is 2pq. So, multiply 2 times p times q and you’ll have your answer.




p q
p p2 pq
q pq .36

and solved it like this:

.4 .6
.4 p2 .24
.6 .24 .36






p q
p p2 pq
q pq q2

You’re told in the problem that 0.36 (36 percent) of the population has this recessive phenotype. So plug that value into the lower right corner of the square. Note that q2 represents the frequency of individuals with the recessive phenotype.

p q
p p2 pq
q pq .36

To find the frequency of the recessive allele (q), just take the square root of q2 (in other words, take the square root of 0.36). That gives you the value of q, which in this case is equal to 0.6. If q = 0.6, then p = 1 – 0.6, or 0.4.

There’s just one more step. The frequency of heterozygotes in a population is 2pq. So, multiply 2 times p times q and you’ll have your answer.






p q
p p2 pq
q pq q2

You’re told in the problem that 0.36 (36 percent) of the population has this recessive phenotype. So plug that value into the lower right corner of the square. Note that q2 represents the frequency of individuals with the recessive phenotype.

p q
p p2 pq
q pq .36

To find the frequency of the recessive allele (q), just take the square root of q2 (in other words, take the square root of 0.36). That gives you the value of q, which in this case is equal to 0.6. If q = 0.6, then p = 1 – 0.6, or 0.4.

There’s just one more step. The frequency of heterozygotes in a population is 2pq. So, multiply 2 times p times q and you’ll have your answer.






p q
p p2 pq
q pq q2

You’re told in the problem that 0.36 (36 percent) of the population has this recessive phenotype. So plug that value into the lower right corner of the square. Note that q2 represents the frequency of individuals with the recessive phenotype.

p q
p p2 pq
q pq .36

To find the frequency of the recessive allele (q), just take the square root of q2 (in other words, take the square root of 0.36). That gives you the value of q, which in this case is equal to 0.6. If q = 0.6, then p = 1 – 0.6, or 0.4.

There’s just one more step. The frequency of heterozygotes in a population is 2pq. So, multiply 2 times p times q and you’ll have your answer.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.6-7.8.Evidence_of_Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|21387a31047c07″ question_number=”8″] The diagram below shows the last universal ancestor of all life and some of the splits and endosymbiotic mergers that led to life’s three domains.

Which number represents the endosymbiotic union of a cell that was the ancestor of mitochondria with a host archaeal cell?

[c]IDIg[Qq][c]IDMg[Qq][c]ID Qg[Qq][c]IDU=








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.6-7.8.Evidence_of_Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2138653c997807″ question_number=”9″] The ψGLO pseudogene is a non-functional variant of the GLO gene found in most mammals. The GLO gene enables mammals to synthesize vitamin C from precursor molecules. Mammals with the ψGLO pseudogene can’t synthesize Vitamin C, a molecule that plays a key role in tissue growth and repair, response to oxidative stress, and immune system regulation.

In the phylogenetic tree below, clades with the ψGLO pseudogene are shown in gray; clades with the GLO gene are shown in black.

The image below represents the structure of the intact GLO gene in rodents (mice and rats) and the ψGLO pseudogene in primates, the clade that includes monkeys, apes, and humans. Note that in the ψGLO pseudogene in primates, regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 11 have mutations or deletions that prevent the gene from coding for a functioning metabolic pathway.

Which of the following diagrams would best represent the ψGLO pseudogene in Guinea pigs?

[c]IEEg[Qq][c]IEIg[Qq][c]IE Mg[Qq][c]IEQ=








[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.6-7.8.Evidence_of_Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|21384df4229007″ question_number=”10″] The ψGLO pseudogene is a non-functional variant of the GLO gene found in most mammals. The GLO gene enables mammals to synthesize vitamin C from precursor molecules. Mammals with the ψGLO pseudogene can’t synthesize Vitamin C, a molecule that plays a key role in tissue growth and repair, response to oxidative stress, and immune system regulation.

In the phylogenetic tree below, clades with the ψGLO pseudogene are shown in gray; clades with the GLO gene are shown in black.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the evolutionary history of the ψGLO pseudogene?



[c]IEluIHRoZSBlbnZpcm9ubWVudHMgd2hlcmUgYmF0cywgZ3VpbmVhIHBpZ3MsIGFuZCBwcmltYXRlcyBhbmQgcHJpbWF0ZXMgZXZvbHZlZCwgdGhlIGFiaWxpdHkgdG8g bWFrZSB2aXRhbWluIEMgd2FzIHVubmVjZXNzYXJ5LiBNdXRhdGlvbnMgaW4gdGhlIEdMTyBnZW5lIHJlc3VsdGVkIGluIGl0IGJlY29taW5nIGEgcHNldWRvZ2VuZS4=[Qq]





[f]IE5vLiBXaGlsZSB0aGUgz4hHTE/CoA==cHNldWRvZ2VuZSA=aXM=IGEgdmVzdGlnaWFsIHRyYWl0LCBpdCB3YXMg[Qq]not inherited from a common ancestor. If you reexamine the phylogenetic tree above, you can see that the ψGLO pseudogene arose independently in the lineages that led to bats, guinea pigs, and most primates.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.6-7.8.Evidence_of_Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|213834579fc407″ question_number=”11″] The image below shows the skeletal structure of three-spine sticklebacks from four populations in Southeast Alaska.

Population D has a pelvic spine. This population is anadromous, which means that it lives in the ocean, and then migrates to a freshwater stream to breed and lay its eggs. The Northern Pacific Ocean where these fish spend most of their lives contains predatory fish species and the pelvic spine protects the stickleback against these predators.

Populations A, B, and C lack a pelvic spine. These populations live in isolated freshwater lakes where the primary predators are dragonfly larvae. These larvae hunt by grabbing onto protruding appendages in their prey.

Evolutionary studies show that the original form of the stickleback is the form with the pelvic spine. The spineless form evolved after the last ice age when populations of sticklebacks became stranded in inland lakes and could no longer migrate out to sea.

A team of scientists has analyzed DNA from these four populations to understand the genetic basis of the difference in their phenotypes. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?



[c]IFBvcHVsYXRpb24gQSwgQiwgYW5kIEMgaGF2ZSBtdXRhdGlvbnMgaW4gdGhlIGdlbmUgZm9yIHBlbHZpYyBzcGluZSBkZXZlbG9wbWVudCwgYn V0IHRoZSBtdXRhdGlvbnMgYXJlIGRpc3RpbmN0LCBpbmRpY2F0aW5nIHRoYXQgdGhlIG11dGF0aW9ucyBhcm9zZSBpbmRlcGVuZGVudGx5Lg==[Qq]









[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|213813bef94c07″ question_number=”12″] Which of the following statements about the phylogenetic tree below is correct?











[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2137fc76826407″ question_number=”13″] Which of the following is the shared derived trait that unites rabbits, monkeys, alligators, and chickens into a single clade?





[c]IEFuIGFtbmlv dGljIGVnZw==[Qq]






[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2137e52e0b7c07″ question_number=”14″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny”] Which of the following statements is consistent with the phylogenetic tree below?







[c]IEFtcGhpYmlhbnMsIHJlcHRpbGVzLCBiaXJkcywgYW5k IG1hbW1hbHMgc2hhcmUgYSBjb21tb24gYW5jZXN0b3Iu[Qq]





[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10-7.12.Speciation,_Variation,_Extinction” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2137c93d7ccc07″ question_number=”15″] Researchers on Corsica, a large island in the Mediterranean Sea, have proposed that small lizards on that island might be undergoing speciation. Which of the following conditions would be most favorable to speciation?













[c]IEEgbGF2YSBmbG93IGJldHdlZW4gdGhlIG5vcnRoZXJuIGFuZCBzb3V0aGVybiBwYXJ0cyBvZiB0aGUg aXNsYW5kIGhhcyBjcmVhdGVkIGEgem9uZSB0aGF0IGxpemFyZHMgYXJlIHVuYWJsZSB0byBjcm9zcy4=[Qq]










[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10-7.12.Speciation,_Variation,_Extinction” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2137b1f505e407″ question_number=”16″] The soapberry bug (Jadera haematoloma) lives in the southeastern United States. It uses a needle-like beak to pierce the outside skin of the fruit of the soapberry bush, C. corindum. After piercing the skin, the soapberry bug pierces the seed coat of seeds within the fruit. Enzymes liquefy the seeds, and the bugs suck up the liquified seed contents.

Over the past 150 years, the soapberry bug has adapted to an introduced plant species from Eurasia, K. elegans.  K. elegans, has a fruit structure in which the seeds are much closer to the skin of the fruit than in C. corindum.

In a study in the 1990s, measurements were made of the beak length of soapberry bugs feeding on C. corindum compared to those feeding on the introduced species, K. elegans. 

A researcher has noted two things related to soapberry bug breeding.

  1. Soapberry bugs feeding on C. corindum are more likely to breed with one another than with bugs feeding on K. elegans.
  2. Matings between soapberry bugs feeding on C. corindum and those feeding on K. elegans result in hybrid offspring that have a normal lifespan. However, matings between these hybrids result in eggs that successfully hatch less often than matings between males and females adapted to feeding on C. corindum and males and females that are adapted to feeding on K. elegans.

What isolating mechanism is at work?



[c]IGh5YnJpZCBi cmVha2Rvd24=[Qq]








[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|21379858831807″ question_number=”17″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10-7.12.Speciation,_Variation,_Extinction”] The climate in Australia has become more arid in the last million years. This change in climate is causing decreased forest and woodland areas. Scientists collected data on the mitochondrial DNA in distinct species of spiders from various Australian forests. The data suggest that all of these species of spiders evolved from a common ancestor that lived approximately one million years ago. Which of the following evolutionary mechanisms best explains the Australian spider study results?







[c]IGFsbG9wYXRyaWMg c3BlY2lhdGlvbg==[Qq]




[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10-7.12.Speciation,_Variation,_Extinction” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|21377c67f46807″ question_number=”18″] The diagram below is a model of some of the processes associated with mass extinctions.

It’s widely agreed that birds are dinosaurs that survived the Cretaceous mass extinction that occurred 65 million years ago. With that in mind, which of the following interpretations of the model above is correct? (Note: the details of bird evolution are more complex than what’s represented above, which is a general model of mass extinction.)

[c]IExldHRlciAmIzgyMjA7YiYjODIyMTsgcmVwcmVzZW50cyBhbiBleHRpbmN0IGRpbm9zYXVyIGxpbmVhZ2UsIGxldHRlciAmIzgyMjA7YyYjODIyMTsgcmVwcmVzZW50cyBhIGRpbm 9zYXVyIGxpbmVhZ2UgdGhhdCBzdXJ2aXZlZCB0aGUgQ3JldGFjZW91cyBleHRpbmN0aW9uLCBhbmQgbGV0dGVyIGQmIzgyMjE7IHJlcHJlc2VudHMgbW9kZXJuIGRpbm9zYXVycy4=[Qq]












[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|21373fdebf4007″ question_number=”19″] Scientists investigating the transition from abiotic chemistry to living organisms attempt to envision pathways by which complex structures necessary to life arose from simpler structures. In speculating about the origins of the first cells, fatty acids are thought to have been precursors to phospholipids. What properties do fatty acids have that would allow them to function like phospholipids?







[c]IExpa2UgcGhvc3Bob2xpcGlkcywgZmF0dHkgYWNpZHMgaGF2ZS Bib3RoIGEgcG9sYXIgYW5kIGEgbm9ucG9sYXIgcmVnaW9uLg==[Qq]




[q json=”true” xyz=”2″ multiple_choice=”true” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.13.Origin_of_Life” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative Multiple Choice Quiz 2|2136e510ef8407″ question_number=”20″] The “RNA first” hypothesis suggests that the earliest cells used RNA for both information storage and as catalysts, and therefore needed neither DNA nor protein. Which of the following does NOT support the hypothesis?







[c]IFJOQSBpcyB0cmFuc2NyaWJlZCBmcm9tIEROQSBieSBS TkEgcG9seW1lcmFzZSB3aGljaCBpcyBhIHByb3RlaW4u[Qq]



5. Unit 7 Practice FRQs

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 7 Practice FRQs” dataset=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset”]

[h] Unit 7 Practice FRQs


[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.1-7.3_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20ea34c949c2eb” question_number=”1″]

Vibrio cholerae is a prokaryotic, pathogenic species of bacteria that causes the disease cholera. Individuals infected with cholera suffer from profuse, watery diarrhea and vomiting, leading to extreme dehydration and, in many cases, death.

Epidemiologists collected data on five different outbreaks of cholera in the country of Zambia. One dataset the epidemiologists analyzed was the resistance of V. cholerae to the antibiotic chloramphenicol. Eventually, a national policy was instated in Zambia which called for use of erythromycin to treat cholera infection instead of chloramphenicol.

PART 1: Using the concepts of vertical gene transfer and horizontal gene transfer, describe two ways by which V. cholerae could have gained resistance to chloramphenicol.

PART 2: Propose a year in which the national policy for erythromycin treatment could have been instated, and justify your response.

[c]IFNob3cgdGhl IGFuc3dlcg==[Qq]




  • [Qq]Vertical gene transfer: V. cholerae acquired mutations randomly over time. Some of these mutations helped V. cholerae to survive and grow in the presence of the antibiotic chloramphenicol. As a result, the V. cholerae with these mutations would have passed on their genes, passing on their resistance to chloramphenicol to their offspring. Chloramphenicol served as a selective pressure that killed strains that were not genetically resistant.
  • Horizontal gene transfer: Within a population of V. cholerae, one or more bacteria possessed a plasmid that contained a gene for chloramphenicol resistance. These bacteria survived exposure to chloramphenicol and passed the plasmid to other bacteria. Over time. the entire population came to possess this plasmid.

PART 2: The following range is acceptable: (1992-1994). The date for the start of the national policy must have taken place during this timeframe because according to the data, the percentage of resistant V. cholerae isolates decreased. This suggests that the selective pressure on the bacteria to possess chloramphenicol resistance genes is lessening, allowing bacteria without chloramphenicol resistance to outcompete those with chloramphenicol resistance, causing the presence of the latter to decline.

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20ea1d80d2daeb” question_number=”2″ topic=”7.1-7.3_Natural_Selection”] In 1959, Russian scientist Dmitri K. Belyaev began a long-term experiment to investigate the genetic basis of the tame behavior that can be observed in dogs and other domesticated animals. Belyaev’s experimental subject was the silver fox. Over the course of the experiment, which ran for decades, foxes were bred together and the resulting pups were assessed each month between the ages of 1 and 8 months to see how tame they were.

The following system was used to categorize the foxes based on their tameness

  • Class 3: Not tame – These foxes flee from or bite their handlers.
  • Class 2: Neutral – These foxes allow handling, but show no friendly response.
  • Class 1: Tame – These foxes are friendly toward humans. They whine for attention and wag their tails.
  • Elite/Very Tame – These foxes are eager for human contact. Their behavior includes everything listed above for tame foxes, plus sniffing and licking their handlers’ hands and whimpering to attract attention

To breed the next generation, Belyaev selected the tamest 5% of the male foxes and the tamest 20% of the female foxes. His institute repeated this process for over forty generations. The results are shown in the table below.

Number of generations Foxes in the elite class (%)
10 18
20 35
35 75

PART 1: List the name of the process used by Belyaev, and discuss the biological basis for the changes he was able to produce.

PART 2: Explain why only 5% of the male foxes were allowed to breed, while 20% of the female foxes were chosen.

[c]IFNob3cgdGhl IGFuc3dlcg==[Qq]





PART 2: Fewer males were used because males can father many offspring, while females produce relatively few offspring. Using a small number of males allows for increased selection pressure. At the same time, there could be genetic problems if the breeding population is too small, so using more females than males allows for the maintenance of adequate genetic diversity.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.4-7.5._Population_Genetics_and_Hardy_Weinberg” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20ea088c67d6eb” question_number=”3″] In Pea plants, the axial positioning of flowers is dominant to terminal positioning. A team of scientists is using mathematical models of pea plants in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to make predictions.

PART 1: Using the symbols “A” and “a”, describe the genotypes and phenotypes of the individuals who would be represented as p2, 2pq, and q2 in the lab population.

PART 2: List the assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg theory. Predict why a population of pea plants in the wild would most likely not be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

PART 3: In a population of 200 peas, 72 have terminal flowers. Assuming that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, calculate the number of heterozygotes in this population. Justify your response

[c]IFNob3cgdGhl IGFuc3dlcg==[Qq]




  • [Qq]p2 represents homozygous dominant plants with Axial-positioned flowers (AA)
  • 2pq represents heterozygous plants with Axial-positioned flowers (Aa)
  • q2 represents homozygous recessive plants with terminal positioning (aa).

PART 2: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumes there is no genetic drift, mutation, immigration, or selection. There is likely to be at least one if not a combination of these factors in the wild. Therefore, beyond the mathematical model, the plants are unlikely to attain Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

PART 3:  96 are heterozygotes.

Justification: 72 plants have genotype aa. The total population is 200. Therefore 72/200, or .36, are homozygous recessive, which sets the value for p2.

 A (0.4)  a (0.6)
 A (0.4)  AA (0.16) Aa (0.24)
 a (0.6)  Aa (0.24) aa (0.36)

2pq = (2)(.24) = .48. Therefore, in a population of 200 plants,  96 are heterozygotes.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.4-7.5._Population_Genetics_and_Hardy_Weinberg” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20e9f143f0eeeb” question_number=”4″] Domestic pig populations are prone to several harmful mutations. One such mutation causes pigs to be stillborn as “mummies” consisting of a skeleton and some connective tissue.

Two alleles control mummification: A and B, with the homozygous BB genotype conferring the lethal mummified phenotype. The results of several breeding experiments are shown below.

PART 1: Describe how the mummification phenotype is lethal, yet continues to persist in the pig gene pool.

PART 2: Propose an explanation as to why populations of pigs that are domesticated and inbred are more prone to the BB genotype than wild pigs.

PART 3: Evaluate the claim that a mutation on additional genes besides AB can also cause mummification in pig litters.

[c]IFNob3cgdGhl IGFuc3dlcg==[Qq]







PART 3:  According to the data, there are still some mummified piglets born to crosses between AA and AB parents (green line in the graph). This would be impossible if BB was the only genotype that caused mummification. Therefore other genes must also be involved in the mummification process.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny_and_Classification” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20e9dea391ceeb” question_number=”5″] The phylogenetic tree below shows the evolutionary relationships among six species of electric fish and one species of non-electric fish, I. punctatis. As part of their analysis, scientists have identified two clades of electric fish: Gymnotiformes and Apteronotidae.

A new species of electric fish is discovered. Scientists wish to determine the placement of the new fish in the existing phylogeny.

PART 1: Identify the most recent common ancestor of the clade that consists only of electric fish.

PART 2: Explain how scientists could have determined that A. leptorhynchus is a different species than A. albifrons, despite being a part of the same clade.

PART 3: Identify the data that the scientists could collect that would most accurately help them determine the evolutionary relationships between the newly discovered species and the existing fish species and justify why this data would be most accurate.

[c]IFNob3cgdGhl IGFuc3dlcg==[Qq]





UEFSVCAyOiBTY2llbnRpc3RzIGNvdWxkIGhhdmUgZGV0ZXJtaW5lZCB0aGF0IA==[Qq]A. leptorhynchus is a different species than A. albifrons if they are not able to mate and produce fertile offspring.

PART 3: Anything below is a correct response:

  • DNA sequences for homologous genes
  • Protein sequences for homologous proteins.

This evidence would be most accurate in helping the scientists determine the evolutionary relationship between the newly discovered species and the existing fish species because it can allow the scientists to avoid confusion that can be caused by convergent evolution that can lead to similar traits and because sequence data is more easily quantifiable than other trait data.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.9.Phylogeny_and_Classification” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20e9c5070f02eb” question_number=”6″] Flower species belonging to the columbine genus are distributed across temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. The genus is comprised of about 70 species that all descended from a common ancestral species.

Scientists aim to understand the evolutionary relationships between a newly discovered columbine species found in North America (Species X) and five other flowers in the columbine genus. To do this, they sequenced DNA from 6 representative columbine species and charted the number of nucleotide differences between species in the data table below.

PART 1: Using the template below, complete the phylogeny to show the relationship of the columbine species.

PART 2: Explain the purpose of an outgroup.

PART 3: Describe the process by which these flowers could have speciated into distinct species.

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PART 2: An outgroup is a more distantly related group of organisms used to determine the evolutionary relationships among the other organisms in the tree (the “ingroup”). The outgroup is a point of comparison for the ingroup.

PART 3: The adaptive radiation that lead to this group of flowers could have occurred through allopatric speciation. In that scenario, Columbine flowers were separated from one another through geographic isolation. They were each exposed to different environmental conditions and evolved different traits due to different selective pressures. Eventually, genetic differentiation made the flowers so different that they could no longer interbreed, making them separate species.

Sympatric speciation is also possible. Since columbines are plants, speciation through polyploidy or allopolyploidy is another plausible mechanism.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10.Speciation” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20e9b012a3feeb” question_number=”7″] A group of evolutionary biologists was studying the evolution of a bacterial species, Pseudomonas fluorescens. The scientists wished to test the effect of three different environments on the morphological diversity of this species.

They started with an ancestral strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens, and let it grow for 7 days (represented by the stars on Day 0 and Day 7. After Day 7,  days they transferred the bacteria to two different environments and counted the number of morphologically different living variants of Pseudomonas each week. On Day 14, they transferred bacteria from environment 2 to environment 1. They plotted their results each week for three weeks, and their results are shown below.

PART 1: Identify the independent and dependent variables in this experiment.

PART 2: Determine which environment led to the most diversity in Pseudomonas fluorescens and justify your response with evidence from the experiment.

PART 3: Propose a reason for the effect of each environment on the diversity of the bacterial populations living within it.

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UEFSVCAyOiBFbnZpcm9ubWVudCAxIGxlZCB0byB0aGUgbW9zdCBkaXZlcnNpdHkgaW4=[Qq] Pseudomonas fluorescens. At the end of 21 days, this environment had the greatest diversity, meaning the highest number of unique variants of Pseudomonas.

PART 3: Environment 1 was probably a more diverse environment than Environment 2. As a result, a variety of morphological types was able to emerge in Environment 1, with each type adapted to the conditions of each sub-environment. Environment 2 was less diverse, leading to selection for fewer variant types.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10.Speciation” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20e991ce096aeb” question_number=”8″] Native Hawaiian fruit flies consist of over 1000 unique species that are all thought to have descended from a single ancestral species that arrived on the islands millions of years ago. The diagram below shows these native Hawaiian fruit flies organized into clades and subclades.

When the members of different fruit fly species encounter one another in a laboratory setting, they can reproduce, but the hybrids they produce are sterile.

PART 1: An insect’s tarsus is the bottom of its leg (analogous to a foot). Explain why the antopocerus group could have evolved modified mouthparts and a modified tarsus if the ancestral species that first arrived in Hawaii did not have modified mouthparts or a modified tarsus.

PART 2: Define “hybrid sterility”, and explain how hybrid sterility could lead to speciation within native Hawaiian fruit flies.

PART 3: Define “clade.” Identify the common ancestor of the largest clade shown above.

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PART 3: A clade is a group of organisms that consists of a common ancestor and all of that ancestor’s descendants. Primaeva is the common ancestor of the largest clade shown above.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.13_Origin_of_Life” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20e9713562f2eb” question_number=”9″] Biochemists use a tool called gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to identify different substances within a test sample. A group of researchers wished to model the atmospheric conditions used in the Miller-Urey experiment about the origin of monomers on the early Earth. They combined ammonia, methane, hydrogen, and water in a sample of clay, and then analyzed it using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Their results are shown below.

PART 1: Make a claim about a biomolecule whose abiotic synthesis could have been enabled by the production of the molecules identified above. List the additional components required for that molecule’s abiotic synthesis.

PART 2: Identify the source of nitrogen to form the uracil, cytosine, adenine, and guanine identified in the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

PART 3: Propose a role for the clay minerals used in this experiment.

PART 4: Time before detection in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is related to a variety of factors, including the time needed for a substance to be produced through a chemical reaction. Propose a reason why uracil and cytosine were produced before adenine and guanine.

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PART 3: In modern living systems, enzymes are involved in the synthesis of organic monomers and polymers. In the absence of enzymes, clay minerals might have served as an inorganic catalyst that promoted the creation of the RNA bases that were abiotically produced in this experiment.

PART 4: During the process of chemical evolution, simple molecules are produced before more complex molecules. With a single nitrogen ring, uracil and cytosine have fewer atoms and are structurally simpler than adenine and guanine, which have more atoms and two rings.

[q json=”true” multiple_choice=”false” unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.13_Origin_of_Life” dataset_id=”Unit 7 Cumulative FRQ Dataset|20e8ec7ebd2eeb” question_number=”10″] The model below shows the catalytic breakdown of an RNA strand into multiple RNA fragments by an RNA molecule called a ribozyme.

PART 1: Compare the monomer subunits of an RNA catalyst to a protein-based catalyst.

PART 2: Explain the molecular interactions that lead to the three-dimensional shape of a ribozyme. Compare this to the molecular interactions that lead to the three-dimensional shape of a protein catalyst.

PART 3: Explain how the model above provides evidence for the claim that RNA was fundamental to the origin of life.

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In a protein-based catalyst (an enzyme), the sequence of amino acids (the primary structure) leads to secondary interactions in which hydrogen bonding within the polypeptide backbone results in alpha helices and pleated sheets. Tertiary interactions between R-groups involving hydrogen bonds, disulfide bridges, hydrophobic clustering, and ionic bonds further elaborate the shape. Interactions between folded polypeptides create a fourth level of structure.

PART 3: The model provides evidence that some RNA molecules can have catalytic activity. This suggests that RNA, in addition to storing genetic information, could have played a role in building up and breaking down molecules before the evolution of DNA.




6. Evolution Click-On Challenge

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” use_dataset=”Evolution Click-On Challenge Dataset” quiz_timer=”true” random=”false” dataset_intro=”true” spaced_repetition=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 7 Evolution Click-on Challenge”]

[h] Evolution Click-On Challenge

[i] Note the timer in the top right. Your goal is accuracy and speed. A good strategy: once through slowly, then additional trials for improvement.





7. Origin of Life Click-On Challenge

[qwiz style=”width: 650px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” use_dataset=”Origin of Life Click-On Challenge” quiz_timer=”true” random=”true” dataset_intro=”true” spaced_repetition=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Unit 7 Origin of Life Click-on Challenge”]

[h] Origin of Life Click-on Challenge

[i]Same advice as above. Once through slowly, then improve your speed.


