1. Watch this Video
2. Study this Summary
AP Bio Topic 8.1 – Response to the Environment – is unique because it doesn’t require the memorization of specific biological facts. As a result, we’re going to focus on case studies that will give you practice analyzing data sets and visual representations related to animal behavior.
Below, we’ll focus on explaining the biological basis of altruistic behavior: behavior in which individuals sacrifice their own survival or reproduction and promote the survival or reproduction of others in their group. For more case studies about how organisms respond to their environments, please go Unit 8 in our AP Bio curriculum.
Predator Warnings and Altruism
- Alarm Signals in Social Animals
- Many animals emit warning calls to alert their group to danger from predators.
- Examples:
- Belding’s ground squirrel has different calls for aerial predators (hawks and eagles) and terrestrial predators (bobcats, dogs, coyotes, etc.).
- Vervet monkeys use distinct calls for leopards, snakes, and eagles.
- Altruistic Behavior
- Warning calls are altruistic. Altruism is a behavior that reduces the chances of an individual surviving and reproducing, but benefits others.
- In relation to warning calls, the caller risks attracting the predator’s attention, and this increases the caller’s risk of being harmed.
- The question, from the perspective of evolution, is how and why could a behavior that increases risk to an individual evolve?
- Explaining Altruism: Kin Selection and Inclusive Fitness
- Kin Selection: Within a gene pool, genes are selected not just for a single individual’s survival, but also for the survival of relatives who also possess these same genes.
- Inclusive Fitness: Helping one’s relatives increases the chance that shared genes continue in a gene pool.
- J.B.S. Haldane’s insight
- Haldane was an important evolutionary biologist in the early 1900s.
- He famously said: “I would lay down my life for two brothers or eight cousins.”
- Why this makes sense.
- A person shares 50% of their genes with their siblings, 25% with their aunts/uncles, and 12.5% with their cousins.
- A gene that influenced behavior in a way that led to self sacrifice in the service of keeping two siblings, 4 aunts or uncles, or 8 cousins alive would increase in frequency in that population’s gene pool.
Case Study: Kin Selection in Belding’s Ground Squirrels
In the 1970s, Biologist Paul Sherman studied alarm calls in Belding’s Ground Squirrels in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California.
- Finding 1: Males and Females differ in where they live relative to where they were born.
- Sherman measured how far males and females moved from their natal burrow (the burrow where they were born).
- Females stay near their birth site throughout their lives.
- Males move farther away, reducing interactions with close relatives.
- Sherman measured how far males and females moved from their natal burrow (the burrow where they were born).
- Finding # 2: Females were significantly more likely to call than males.
- Why?
- Females are surrounded by relatives (sisters, daughters, cousins).
- Calling helps protect their close kin, reinforcing kin selection and inclusive fitness.
- Because males are not surrounded by kin, taking a risk by calling out would not benefit their close kin, and would not increase their inclusive fitness.
- Why?
- Key Takeaways
- Predator warning calls are an example of natural selection favoring altruism when it benefits relatives.
- This study demonstrates claim, evidence, and reasoning (CER), a critical skill for AP Bio exam analysis.
Eusociality: Altruism in Social Insects
- What is Eusociality?
- A social structure where some individuals reproduce while others assist without reproducing themselves.
- Examples:
- Bees: One queen lays eggs, worker bees care for the colony.
- Ants, wasps, termites, and naked mole rats have similar division between reproducers and non-reproducers.
- In bees, ants, and some wasps, haplodiploidy can account for eusocial behavior
- Haplodiploidy: A special form of sex determination in bees, ants, and wasps, which are all in the same order of insects.
- Males are haploid, and produce gametes through mitosis. The gametes possess 100% of their genes.
- Females are diploid, and produce gametes through meiosis. The gametes possess 50% of their genes.
- Genetic Explanation for Eusociality:
- Females (workers) are more closely related to their sisters (75%) than to their own offspring (50%).
- Helping their queen produce more sisters is genetically more advantageous than reproducing themselves.
- Haplodiploidy: A special form of sex determination in bees, ants, and wasps, which are all in the same order of insects.
- Does Eusociality Require Haplodiploidy?
- No—termites and naked mole rats are eusocial but are not haplodiploid.
- Several species of haplodiploid insects (including some wasps and bees) are not eusocial.
How you can deepen your understanding of Topic 8.1: Responses to the Environment
- Topic 8.1 is full of fascinating illustrative examples of how natural selection shapes animal behavior.
- Understanding these case studies will help you analyze data sets, graphs, and experimental results, key skills for the AP Bio exam.
- You can learn more about Responses to the Environment in Unit 8 of our AP Biology curriculum
3. Master these Flashcards
[qdeck bold_text=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Inclusive Fitness and Eusociality Flashcards, APBioVideoPath”]
[h]Inclusive Fitness and Eusociality
[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|13251bec04510″ question_number=”361″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What are predator warnings?
[a] Predator warnings, also called “alarm signals,” are calls or cries emitted by social animals in response to predator danger. African vervet monkeys have distinct calls for leopards, snakes, and eagles. California’s Belding’s ground squirrel has distinct calls for aerial predators (hawks and eagles) and terrestrial threats (from bobcats, coyotes, and weasels).
Predator warnings can be explained through inclusive fitness and kin selection (discussed in other cards within this same topic).
[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|1cb62a2fb28ffa” question_number=”362″] How are predator warnings connected to kin selection?
[a] In ground squirrels, alarm calls have been interpreted as being examples of kin selection: most calls are elicited by females, and are typically received by kin (close relatives) who live close to the female that’s giving the call. The highest benefit, in other words, goes to animals that are most closely related to the caller, making the alarm calls an example of inclusive fitness.
[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|12e47fa20d510″ question_number=”367″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is eusociality?
[a] Eusociality is a social structure in which some individuals within a colony breed, while others are non-reproductive. Think of a beehive, with one reproducing queen, and tens of thousands of sterile, female workers who gather food and care for the young. Among the insects, eusociality is found in bees, ants, wasps (which are all in the order Hymenoptera), and termites. It’s also found in one species of shrimp and two species of mole rats (a type of mammal).
[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|12d9706992510″ question_number=”368″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] Describe haplodiploidy, and explain its connection to eusociality.
[a] In haplodiploid species (found in some bees and ants), females are diploid and males are haploid. If a single male inseminates the queen, then the sisters will share 100% of their paternal genes and 50% of their maternal genes. That makes the females, on average, 75% related to one another. By assisting their mother (the queen) to produce more offspring, the workers can create more sisters (and, eventually, a new queen) to whom they’ll also be 75% related. This produces a system where workers forego reproduction and instead assist their mothers to create more sisters. Cooperation results from inclusive fitness and kin selection.
[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|12d08ffc3d110″ question_number=”369″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is kin selection?
[a] Kin selection explains behavior based on its survival value not just to the individual, but to his or her relatives. It’s used to explain altruism: self-sacrificing behavior that promotes the survival of others. If an allele programs behavior so that individuals are willing to sacrifice themselves to save the lives of their offspring or relatives (who share their genes), the sacrifice will have the effect of maintaining (or increasing, depending on the closeness of the relationship and the number of offspring saved) the frequency of that allele in the population’s gene pool. The result will be selection of alleles for altruistic behavior.
[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”8.Ecology” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|12c7fa1064510″ question_number=”370″ topic=”8.1.Responses_to_the_Environment”] What is inclusive fitness?
[a] Inclusive fitness is the idea that the evolutionary value of a trait is measured by the survival and successful reproduction of the allele for that trait in all of the related individuals who possess that allele, and not just in a single organism. It’s a way of explaining how altruistic behavior (behavior that promotes the survival of others over the survival of oneself) could evolve. Inclusive fitness is related to the idea of kin selection (covered in another card in this topic).
4. Tackle these Quizzes
4.1. Kin Selection and Inclusive Fitness in Belding’s Ground Squirrels
[qwiz qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Kin Selection and Inclusive Fitness, APBioVideoPath”]
[h]Kin Selection and Inclusive Fitness
[q labels = “top”]The graph below shows the representation of adult males and females in the ground squirrel population (white bars on the left) and their observed frequency of giving alarm calls. Label each row as being emitted by a male or a female.
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[f*] Good!
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[q]Let’s take a closer look at what Sherman observed. First of all, at any age, [hangman] are far more likely to give alarm calls than [hangman].
[q labels = “top”]Why are _________ so much more likely to give an alarm call than ________? Remember that the females _______ from the burrows where they were ________ much less than the males do. Because of that, any female is much more likely to live close to members of her immediate and extended __________. So, alarm calls aren’t exactly altruistic, because when a female risks herself to give an alarm, her behavior tends to help her ___________.
[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.
[f*] Correct!
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[f*] Excellent!
[fx] No. Please try again.
[f*] Excellent!
[fx] No. Please try again.
[f*] Great!
[fx] No. Please try again.
[f*] Correct!
[fx] No. Please try again.
[f*] Correct!
[q]A three-letter word for relative is [hangman] (hint: it begins with “k”). And the entire phenomenon at work with the ground squirrels can be thought of as an extension of natural [hangman] that’s called [hangman] selection (use the same word that you used earlier).
[q] Self-sacrificing behavior that reduces one organism’s fitness while increasing the fitness of others in the population is called[hangman].
[q]Sherman’s study of alarm calls in ground squirrels found (among other things) that [hangman] squirrels were much less likely to emit alarm calls than were [hangman]. That’s because the calls are examples of [hangman] [hangman]: behavior that benefits close relatives.
[q][hangman] selection is closely related to the idea of [hangman] fitness.
[q]The idea of kin selection works like this. I share approximately [hangman] of my genes with each of my siblings and an [hangman] of my genes with each of my cousins. Therefore, behavior in which I risk myself to save more than [hangman] siblings or [hangman] cousins will increase the frequency of my genes in my gene [hangman ].
4.2. Eusociality and Haplodiploidy
[qwiz qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Eusociality and Haplodiploidy, APBioVideoPath”]
[h]Eusociality and Haplodiploidy
[q] [hangman] is a social structure in which some individuals within a colony breed, while others are non-reproductive.
[q] In [hangman] species, the females are diploid and develop from [hangman] eggs, while the males are [hangman] and develop from [hangman] eggs.
[q] In terms of chromosome numbers, both the queen and the workers in a beehive are [hangman]. However, while the queen is fertile, the workers are [hangman]. The male drones, in terms of chromosome number, are [hangman].
[q] Because the drones are haploid, they can’t perform [hangman]. Their sperm cells contain 100% of their [hangman].
[q]In haplodiploid species (such as bees), the workers share, on average [hangman]-five percent of their genes. By contrast, in species that aren’t haplodiploid, sisters share [hangman] percent of their genes.
[q]The high degree of relatedness among the [hangman] in a bee colony goes a long way to explain the high degree of [hangman] behavior seen in a beehive. The best way to explain this is through the idea of [hangman] selection. That’s because a beehive is really one very close [hangman]. By working for the hive, the workers increase the representation of their own [hangman] in their gene pool.
What’s next?
Please proceed to this next tutorial: Metabolism and Individual Energy Use