• last revised: September 9, 2015


1. A few key terms to help you in the reading below.

Here’s a short list of terms that are important to understand for this topic, or might present you with some difficulty. Match each term to one of the phrases or definitions below. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer at first. Eventually, through trial and error, you’ll get it right, and then you can study the list.


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What Science is and Isn’t: Key Terms
Definition Matching Term
Knowledge of the physical or natural world gained through observation and experimentation _______________
The process of noticing things, especially important details _______________
A special type of observation that occurs under carefully controlled conditions _______________
To become aware of something through use of the senses _______________
A device that detects or measures something and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it. _______________
Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. _______________
The power to influence and force others to obey based on one’s position in an organization or community. _______________


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2. Reading: What Science is, and isn’t1

1(inspired by and adapted from “Sunsets, Souls, and Senses,” www.indiana.edu/~ensiweb)

Read the following passage that describes key features of science. Please sign in.


[h]Interactive Reading: What Science Is and Isn’t

[i]Drag the terms on top to the correct spot in the reading.

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a. Some definitions of science

What is science? Let’s start with a few definitions.

Science is

  • Knowledge that’s obtained and tested through the scientific __________ (adapted from merriam-webster.com).
  • Knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and _______________ (adapted from com)
  • A systematic activity that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of _________ explanations and predictions (from Wikipedia).

As all of these definitions point out, science is a search for understanding about the natural universe. But what makes science different from religion or astrology, which are also systems of ideas that search for understanding?


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b. Science is limited to what we can observe

To begin with, science is limited. Science can only study things that are a part of the ________ (as opposed to the supernatural) world. Things that are beyond nature (God, demons, ghosts, Spirits) are outside of what can be scientifically studied. Whether or not you believe in God, demons, or ghosts is your choice. But all of these are outside of the boundaries of _________ explanation.


Why? It’s because science is based upon ideas that can be proved to be correct through ____________ and experimentation. If you can’t perceive something, either directly with your senses, or indirectly through instruments (like microscopes, telescopes, light or sound sensors, chemical sensors, and so on), then it’s not something that you can scientifically study. A good rule of thumb is this: if you can ________ it, then it’s probably something that you can study scientifically.


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c. Scientific ideas are verifiable and testable.

Note that a single observation isn’t enough. Many people, for example, claim to have observed miracles, or demons, or UFOs. But in science, valid evidence requires observations that can be __________ on demand. The gold standard for scientific observation is the experiment. Experiments involve observations that occur under carefully __________ conditions. During an experiment, the goal is to see if something can bring about an effect in a predictable, repeatable way.


The evidence that comes out of experiments can be used to develop or confirm a scientific explanation. For an explanation to be scientific, it must be capable of being proved _________. Think about it like this: a scientific explanation makes a testable prediction. As long as that prediction turns out to be correct, the explanation will stand. However, if the ___________ fails, then the explanation will have to be modified to match this new observation.


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d. What science is not

To hone our ideas about what science is, let’s look at some things that science is not.

  • Science is not based on belief. A belief is a feeling, something that you know inside. Scientific ideas, by contrast, need to be objective—they have to come from __________ outside of you.
  • Science is not based on __________. It doesn’t matter whose explanation it is. The only thing that matters in science is whether the evidence gained through observation and experimentation.
  • Science is not democratic: the vast _________ can hold an idea that is completely wrong.
  • Science is not fair: you can spend your whole life supporting an idea that turns out to be wrong.
  • Science is never __________. Some very well established explanations have, in the past, been found to be incorrect, and it’s a sure thing that some explanations that we think are correct now will prove to be incorrect in the future. Given changing observations and evidence, scientific ideas have to be modified or sometimes entirely overthrown. And as disorienting as that might be, it’s a good thing: it gives us better _______________ of the world.


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3. Checking Understanding: What Science is and Isn’t

[qwiz style = “width; 528px; border: 3px solid black; “]

[h] Quiz: What Science Is, and Isn’t
[i] If you haven’t taken a sciencemusicvideos quiz before, here’s how it works:

  • Each question is multiple choice, but the entire quiz is like a series of flashcards.
  • If you get the question right, it comes off the deck. If you get the question wrong, it goes to the bottom of the deck, so you can try it again.

[q] True or false: science can only study things for which there is evidence.
[c]dHJ1 ZQ==[Qq]



[q] True or false: science can study things that no one directly observed, such as a crime without a witness or the origin of life, as long as there’s evidence.
[c]dHJ1 ZQ==[Qq]





[q] True or false: If it can’t be reliably sensed or perceived, then science can’t study it.
[c]dHJ1 ZQ==[Qq]



[q] True or false: Scientists can study things that are considered to be supernatural: demons, ghosts, spirits, and so on.
[c]ZmFs c2U=





[q] True or false: Science is based on authority. If it’s in a textbook, or if it’s said by an important scientist, it must be true.


[c]ZmFs c2U=[Qq]




[q] True or false: Science is democratic. If the majority believe in an idea, it must be true.


[c]ZmFs c2U=[Qq]




[q] True or false: Once a scientific idea is accepted, it becomes fixed. That’s why science is not open to change.


[c]ZmFs c2U=[Qq]




[q] True or false: Science is built on testable predictions.

[c]dHJ1 ZQ==[Qq]





[q]The study of ghosts is generally not considered to be a part of science. Of the reasons below, which one best explains why this might be so.


[c]R2hvc3RzIGFyZSBkaWZmaWN1bHQg dG8gcmVsaWFibHkgb2JzZXJ2ZS4=[Qq]





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3. Next steps

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