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Note to teachers:
- These are short, no-feedback, secure quizzes.
- To use them, you must be a paid subscriber, and you must set a testing window in “Manage Quizzes/Decks” in your teacher portal (
Unit 1: Chemistry of Life
- Biochemistry quiz
Unit 2: Cells
- Cells and Membranes
Unit 3: Cellular Energetics
Cellular Respiration
- Introduction to Cellular Respiration
- Introduction to ATP and Cellular Respiration
- Glycolysis, Link, and Krebs
- ETC, Chemiosmosis, and the Four Phases of Respiration Questions
- Cellular respiration 13 question Diagram quiz
- Photosynthesis Diagram quiz (light reactions)
- Calvin Cycle and Comparing Photosynthesis and Respiration
Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Division
- Cell Division Quiz (cell cycle, phases of mitosis)
- Cell Cycle Regulation (checkpoints, cyclin, MPF)
- Cell Signaling
Unit 5: Heredity
- Meiosis
- Genetics Quiz 1 (monohybrid, dihybrid, sex linkage)
- Genetics Quiz 2 (genetics review, chi 2, recombination)
Unit 6: Gene Expression
- DNA Structure (basic structure of DNA, with one question about transcription)
- Operons (lac and trp operons structure)
- Eukaryotic Gene Regulation 1
- Viruses
- Biotechnology
Unit 7: Evolution
- Population Genetics Timed Secure Quiz # 1
Unit 8: Ecology
- (coming soon)