1. Speciation and Extinction Cumulative Flashcards

[qdeck style=”width: 600px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” bold_text=”false” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Speciation and Extinction Cumulative Flashcards (v2.0)”]

[h] Speciation and Extinction Cumulative Flashcards

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|15159ed3b1510″ question_number=”317″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What is the biological species concept, and what are some of its limitations?

[a] The biological species concept defines a species as a group of organisms that can naturally interbreed to produce viable, fertile offspring, and which is reproductively isolated from other such groups. The concept falters with closely related species (which can often hybridize), with extinct or asexual species (to which we can’t apply the criterion of reproductive isolation), or with most prokaryotic species (which don’t have sex in the way that eukaryotes do, but which frequently exchange genes through horizontal gene transfer). When the biological species can’t be applied, biologists designate species using morphological, phylogenetic, or ecological criteria.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|1504bd7d7c510″ question_number=”319″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Contrast the allopatric and sympatric models of speciation.

[a] Allopatric speciation involves a geographical barrier (1); sympatric speciation occurs without a geographical barrier (2).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14f321e390110″ question_number=”320″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Explain the allopatric model of speciation.

[a] Allopatric speciation involves geographical isolation leading to genetic differentiation, which eventually leads to reproductive isolation. Imagine a species that’s spread out over a geographical range (stage 1). Some geographical barrier (“b”) splits the species into isolated subpopulations, with no gene flow (a) between them. Environmental differences lead to different selective pressures in each subpopulation, leading to genetic differentiation (stages 2 and 3). Eventually, the two populations become so different that when the geographic barrier is removed (stage 4), the populations can longer interbreed: they’ve become separate species.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14e77da81c110″ question_number=”321″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Explain how sympatric speciation occurs in plants.

[a] Sympatric speciation occurs without a geographical barrier subdividing a species into isolated populations. In plants, it can occur through polyploidy and allopolyploidy (duplication of an entire chromosome set, or polyploidy followed by hybridization, respectively). Because these processes change chromosome numbers, they cause instant, one-generation reproductive isolation between the newly emerged species and its parent species.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|37f22a1f58280″ question_number=”322″] Explain how sympatric speciation occurs in animals.

[a] Sympatric speciation occurs without a geographical barrier subdividing a species into isolated populations. In animals, sexual selection can lead to reproductive isolation between subspecies, a process that has led to the evolution of hundreds of species of Cichlids (a type of fish) in Lake Victoria. Adaptation to specific habitats or microhabitats can also lead to reproductive isolation and speciation, such as the evolution of a variety of lice that inhabits different parts of birds (head lice, wing lice, etc).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14de0837cdd10″ question_number=”323″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What are reproductive isolating mechanisms? Compare and contrast pre and post-zygotic forms of isolation.

[a] Reproductive isolating mechanisms are processes or physical barriers that keep the gene pools of closely related species separate. Prezygotic isolating mechanisms prevent the formation of a zygote. Postzygotic barriers can exist between species that are close enough to mate and form a zygote. In this case, the formation of a zygote does not ultimately lead to the production of successful individuals who can survive and produce offspring themselves.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14d2d3be94910″ question_number=”324″ topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] List and describe 5 prezygotic isolating mechanisms.

[a] Prezygotic isolating mechanisms prevent the formation of a zygote. They can be

  1. Behavioral (different mating rituals or courtship behaviors);
  2. Temporal (breeding during different times of the day or different seasons);
  3. Mechanical (structural barriers that prevent sperm or pollen from reaching an egg: think of long tubes in flowers or the structures that insects use for mating);
  4. Habitat (imagine one species of wildflower that’s adapted to a wet environment, while a closely related one lives in drier areas); or
  5. Gametic (the molecules on a sperm cell that induce an egg cell to allow fertilization are not complementary to receptors on the egg cell).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14c490f5c0110″ question_number=”325″ topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] List and describe 3 postzygotic isolating mechanisms.

[a] Postzygotic barriers can exist between species that are close enough to mate and form a zygote. These include

  1. Hybrid inviability: hybrid organisms don’t develop.
  2. Hybrid sterility: hybrid offspring are healthy, but can’t reproduce.
  3. Hybrid breakdown: the hybrids are healthy and can reproduce, but the next generation (the F2s) are inviable or infertile.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14b469e342510″ question_number=”326″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] It’s estimated that most of the species that have ever existed have, for natural reasons, become extinct. Leaving out mass extinction events and human-caused extinctions, describe the process that a species goes through as it heads towards extinction.

[a] Most extinctions begin with a lowering of a species’ population. This can be caused by an adverse change in the physical environment or the arrival of a competitor that reduces the species’ fitness and reproductive rate. Decreased population size can lead to genetic drift that results in a loss of genetic diversity. As variability decreases, there can be reduced fitness. As the population becomes more genetically uniform, its ability to adapt to environmental change becomes further reduced. Together, these factors create a positive feedback loop called an extinction vortex, with often leads to extinction.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14a97feb85910″ question_number=”327″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What is adaptive radiation?

[a] Adaptive radiation occurs when one parent species produces several descendant species, each of which has unique adaptations and fills a different ecological niche. The 14 species of Galapagos finches, all of which are the descendants of a single species from the South American mainland, are an example.


[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|149b87a42d910″ question_number=”328″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] Explain the species diversity in any geographical area in relationship to speciation and extinction rates.

[a] Species diversity (the number of species in a particular area, up to and including our entire planet) is a function of two opposing processes: speciation and extinction. If the rate of speciation exceeds the rate of extinction, then species diversity increases. If the rate of extinction exceeds that of speciation, then species diversity decreases.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|1490786bb2910″ question_number=”329″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What are mass extinctions?

[a] Mass extinctions are widespread, rapid decreases in Earth’s biodiversity. These events often have geological or astronomical causes, though biological causes are possible as well. While there’s no consensus on the degree of species loss required for an event to qualify as mass extinction, there is agreement that there have been at least five major extinction events during the past 600 million years (the numbered peaks in the diagram).

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14712f0bead10″ question_number=”332″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.10-11.Speciation_and_Extinction”] What’s the connection between mass extinction and adaptive radiation?

[a] One effect of mass extinction is to leave vacant a variety of ecological niches (ways for a species to make a living). This leads to a pattern where mass extinctions (2) are followed by extensive adaptive radiation (3) in the species that survive (4). An example of this is the diversification of placental mammals that followed the Cretaceous extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.

[!]7.12.Variations in Populations[/!]

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|1466ff57e5510″ question_number=”334″ topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] Why is phenotypic variation important for evolution?

[a] Phenotypic variation is the raw material upon which natural selection acts. Natural selection selects organisms with phenotypes that confer a selective advantage, allowing individuals with these advantageous phenotypes to survive and reproduce at higher rates than organisms with less advantageous phenotypes. With no phenotypic variation, there can be no adaptation.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|145c5fe1a5110″ question_number=”335″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] What’s the connection between a species’ genetic variability and its ability to adapt to environmental change?

[a] Species that lose their genetic variability become less resilient, losing their ability to adapt to changes in their environment. Loss of genetic variability can occur through a population bottleneck, and species that survive these bottlenecks are often at risk of extinction since they lack the genetic variability that would enable them to survive further environmental change.

[q json=”true” yy=”4″ dataset_id=”AP_Bio_Flashcards_2022|14220577a2d10″ question_number=”340″ unit=”7.Evolution_and_Natural_Selection” topic=”7.12.Variations_in_Populations”] How does a population’s genetic diversity enable it to survive in a changing environment?

[a] Genetic diversity is a key asset in a population’s ability to respond to environmental change. As the environment changes, a diverse population is more likely to contain individuals who can survive in the new conditions, and thus pass their genes on to future generations. Conversely, populations with little genetic diversity are less likely to be able to survive the selective pressure associated with environmental changes, putting them at higher risk for extinction.

[x] [restart]


2. Speciation and Extinction Cumulative Quiz

To see if you’ve mastered the key concepts in this module, take the quiz below.

Some of the questions are free-response, so grab a pencil and some paper (because you’ll learn more if you write out your best explanation before looking at the answer).

[qwiz random = “false” style=”width: 600px !important; min-height: 450px !important;” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Speciation and Extinction Cumulative Quiz (v2.0)”]

[h] Speciation and Extinction Cumulative Quiz



[q multiple_choice=”true”] The table to the right shows 8 species of bird lice, their hosts, and the part of the bird where the lice can be found. Which species is most closely related to species 5?

[c]IFNwZWNp ZXMgMg==[Qq]






[q multiple_choice=”true”]The table to the right shows 8 species of bird lice, their hosts, and the part of the bird where the lice can be found. How would you explain the similarity between species 1, 2, and 3?



[c]IGNvbnZlcmdlbn QgZXZvbHV0aW9u[Qq]








[q multiple_choice=”true”] In the diagram below, which letter represents allopatric speciation?





[q multiple_choice=”true”] In the diagram below, which letter represents sympatric speciation?

[c]IEHCoCDCoCA=[Qq][c]IE I=




[q multiple_choice=”true”] In the diagram below, which letter represents a hybrid zone?

[c]IEEg[Qq][c]IEIg[Qq][c]IEMg[Qq][c]IFgg[Qq][c]IF k=







[q multiple_choice=”true”] The image below represents a model of




[c]IHN5bXBhdHJpYy BzcGVjaWF0aW9u[Qq]


[q] The image below shows how speciation happens more easily in populations that are on the [hangman] of their parent population, and which are also [hangman] than their parent population, allowing for [hangman] drift.




[q] The image below represents a model of [hangman] speciation.


[q multiple_choice=”true”] Which of the following processes does not promote speciation?







[c]IGdlbmUg Zmxvdw==[Qq]


[q multiple_choice=”true”] Rhagoletis flies parasitize fruit trees. Some Rhagoletis flies lay their eggs on apples, which produce fruit in early summer. Others lay their eggs on hawthorns, which produce fruit in early fall. After the eggs hatch, maggots emerge, which grow to maturity as they eat the fruit. Adults tend to mate and lay eggs on the same type of tree where they themselves developed. This creates which kind of reproductive barrier?



[c]IHByZS16eWdvdGlj OyB0ZW1wb3JhbA==[Qq]






[q] In the Ensatina eschscholtzii complex of salamander subspecies, adjacent subspecies (such as 1 and 2 below) can successfully interbreed, but subspecies 1 and 7 cannot. Part 1: Identify the phenomenon. Part 2: Explain.

[c]IFNob3cgbWUgdG hlIGFuc3dlciA=[Qq]



Part 2: The E. eschscholtzii subspecies complex can be thought of as a cline that has folded in upon itself, so that the extreme ends are touching. If the cline were spread out over a geographic axis, we’d expect the subspecies at the extreme edges of the species range to be the most differentiated, and to possibly have difficulty interbreeding.

Similarly, in the ring species above, subspecies 1 and subspecies 7 are the most genetically different from one another, and can be considered to be reproductively isolated from one another. However, because gene flow is possible between all the other adjacent subspecies in the ring, the complex as a whole is still considered to be one species.

[q] Create a model and write out an explanation of how allopatric speciation works.

[c]IFNob3cgbWUgdG hlIGFuc3dlciA=[Qq]




[q] Explain 1) how sympatric speciation is different from allopatric speciation and 2) how sympatric speciation might come about in plants and animals

[c]IFNob3cgbWUgdG hlIGFuc3dlciA=[Qq]



UGFydCAyOiBCZWNhdXNlIG9mIHRoZWlyIGFiaWxpdHkgdG8gc3Vydml2ZSBjaHJvbW9zb21hbCBjaGFuZ2VzLCBzeW1wYXRyaWMgc3BlY2lhdGlvbiBpbiBwbGFudHMgY2FuIGludm9sdmUgcHJvY2Vzc2VzIGxpa2UgcG9seXBsb2lkeQ==IGFuZCA=[Qq]allopolyploidy. In polyploidy, errors in meiosis lead to chromosomal doubling, which can result in instant speciation. In allopolyploidy, meiotic errors that increase the number of chromosome sets are combined with hybridization, instantly creating new hybrid species.

In animals, three mechanisms can result in sympatric speciation. The first, seen in Lake Victoria cichlids, is sexual preference. Female mate preference for males with a specific phenotype can keep closely related species from hybridizing, reducing, or eliminating gene flow between closely related species. Disruptive selection can split a population into two phenotypes, each of which has a high degree of fitness, while hybrids between these populations can have low fitness. This type of selection regime, continued for enough time, is thought to be capable of causing one species to diverge into two. Finally, habitat selection (such as that seen in bird lice), can isolate gene pools. Subsequent natural selection and genetic drift can generate genetic differentiation that can lead to speciation, even in the absence of any geographical separation between evolving populations.

[q multiple_choice=”true”] The evolution of multiple descendant species from a single ancestral species is known as











[c]IGFkYXB0aXZlIH JhZGlhdGlvbg==[Qq]








[q multiple_choice=”true”] What evolutionary process best explains why the forelimbs of all vertebrates are built from the same bones?







[c]IGFkYXB0aXZlIH JhZGlhdGlvbg==[Qq]

[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”2019 AP Bio Dataset|204916ceeebc5a” question_number=”227″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10.Speciation”] Entomologists thought that two populations of insects were different species. Recent studies suggest that these populations are the same species. Which of the following observations best indicates that the two populations of insects are the same species?





[c]IFRoZSBwb3B1bGF0aW9ucyBjYW4gaW 50ZXJicmVlZCBpbiB0aGUgd2lsZC4=[Qq]




[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”2019 AP Bio Dataset|211df27dfeec5a” question_number=”162″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10.Speciation”] The diagram below represents a type of evolution. Which of the following conclusions is most consistent with the diagram?





[Qq]In what’s shown above you see one ancestral species (P) branching into two descendants (Q and R). How would that occur?




In what’s shown above you see one ancestral species (P) branching into two descendants (Q and R). How would that occur?

[c]IFNwZWNpZXMgUSBhbmQgUiBhcmUgYW4gZXhhbX BsZSBvZiBhbGxvcGF0cmljIHNwZWNpYXRpb24u[Qq]






[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”2019 AP Bio Dataset|2129c54a60bc5a” question_number=”158″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10.Speciation”] The climate in Australia has become more arid in the last million years. This change in climate is causing decreased forest and woodland areas. Scientists collected data on the mitochondrial DNA in distinct species of spiders from various Australian forests. The data suggest that all of these species of spiders evolved from a common ancestor that lived approximately one million years ago. Which of the following evolutionary mechanisms best explains the Australian spider study results?







[c]IGFsbG9wYXRyaWMg c3BlY2lhdGlvbg==[Qq]


[q json=”true” xx=”1″ multiple_choice=”true” dataset_id=”2019 AP Bio Dataset|2103df3cd4805a” question_number=”171″ unit=”7.Evolution” topic=”7.10.Speciation”] Which of the following examples best represents sympatric speciation?



[c]IE9yaWdpbiBvZiBhIG5ldyBzcGVjaWVzIGFtb2 5nIHdhc3BzIHRoYXQgcG9sbGluYXRlIGZpZ3Mu[Qq]







What’s next?

This tutorial ends Topics 7.10 – 7.12, Species, Speciation, and Extinction. To continue with Unit 7, click the following link for the AP Bio Unit 7 Main Menu.