Give your students the support they need to succeed in your AP or IB Biology course.
- THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY to teach AP Biology content.
- QUIZZES AND FLASHCARDS for assessment and interactive learning.
- EASY-TO-USE TOOLS to assign tutorials and monitor student achievement.
- APPROVED BY THE COLLEGE BOARD for use with your students.
What AP Bio teachers are saying
Jeanette Lopatka, AP Biology Teacher, Cathedral Catholic High School, San Diego, California
Andy Mangahis, AP Biology Teacher, Patrick Henry High School, San Diego, CA
I have taught AP Biology for approximately 17 years – long enough to have the recommended College Board format of the course be revamped at least 2-3 times. Although by now I am very comfortable with the depth and breadth of what I teach I found that providing my students with an additional source of information that literally covered every aspect of the AP Biology course that they could be asked was helpful. covers all of the College Board’s essential course concepts. Even better, it’s constantly updated and improved as necessary. In addition, the site provides supplemental material which the students find interesting and enriching. These past three years I have assigned the Student Learning Guides (handwritten) as part of a nominal participation grade while also giving my students additional credit for completing the online learning activities. Students cannot complete the handwritten Student Learning Guide without completing the learning activities. This works well because students are forced to go through the material which introduces and then reinforces the concepts with a variety of different learning activities. It builds their confidence and mastery of the material.
I have a well-known program that was purchased to accompany our textbook but I was less pleased with it because the students figured out how to share answers and there was no way that I could be assured they were doing independent work. When I asked them which program they liked best (I was also supplementing my textbook and Learn-Biology with a third program) they replied that they thought they learned more from Learn-Biology than either of the other two resources.
My classes on the whole have consistently scored above the national average and I believe that the resources provided by Learn-Biology have contributed to their success. I would definitely recommend this program – especially if you are just starting out.
Dorothy Grego, AP Biology, Franklin Regional SHS, Murrysville, Pa.
After a long career as a pharmacist, I was a first-year AP Biology teacher in 2019-2020. I was teaching from Campbell Biology, which is excellent but it was not connecting with the students and I was starting to look around for resources. Then COVID hit. When I learned about, I dug through the material I was convinced this could help my students.
Using, my AP Bio test results went from 0 students passing to 60% passing with a 3 or better. The next year, my pass rate was 70%, with 30% of my students scoring a 4.
Learn-Biology, in addition to being an amazing online textbook (no physical book required!), has fantastic AP Bio Review resources. The program is called Biomania, and you can use it on the Learn-Biology website, or as an App for Apple or Android phones. As with the online text, you can monitor your student’s progress. It has an AP Bio Review outline, over 400 flashcards, nearly 500 multiple-choice questions, 135 practice FRQs, and click-on challenges that are incredibly engaging.
I have researched other AP Biology programs and there are many that are good. But there is only one I cannot guarantee that your students will love you for using it. But they will appreciate you when most of them pass the AP Bio exam.
Ultimately, success must be measured in terms of results, and you will be blown away by the results you get with your students. I can’t encourage you strongly enough to use this program!
Deacon Mark Schneider, St. John Paul II High School, Tallahassee, Florida.
In my AP Bio class this year, there was a huge variation in background knowledge and skill amongst students entering AP Biology.
The nature of the tutorial format in engages students starting at different levels and access points and brings them to the same or similar end point.
With this engaging scaffold in place, more students felt that they could take on the rigor of this course. This led to more success for all of my students, and I even think it kept a few from dropping the course because of feelings of being less prepared than their peers.
Laura Battema, Pelham Memorial High School, Pelham, New York
Zoey K., US Grant High School, Oklahoma City.
This was my first year teaching AP Biology (after teaching underclassmen Biology for 20 years). I wasn’t sure exactly how much more in depth I needed to go for the AP content. was an AMAZING resource for so many reasons! First of all, it saved me time because the lessons and worksheets were already created! Second, it allowed the students’ learning to be self-directed, and they could work at their own pace. Third, the combination of lessons, diagrams, student learning guides, and interactive quizzes allowed the students to get practice with the content for a higher level of comprehension. The students also enjoyed using the BioMania app to study for the AP exam!
I am so glad that I found! The weekly emails from Glenn containing teaching tips, resources, materials, and words of encouragement were so helpful to me throughout the year! My students really enjoyed the interactive lessons, and they learned so much! I look forward to using Learn-Biology for years to come!
Cory A-M, Biology and AP Biology Teacher
Upper Dauphin Area High School, Elizabethville, Pennsylvania
This year, my class was made up of mostly freshman and seniors. Not only were the freshmen missing key background info, but they also had to prepare for an end of course exam that included non-AP content. was our saving grace. I used the flashcards and quizzes to supplement and add content for my freshman. The rigor of helped level up my freshman to the type of knowledge and understanding that they would need to be successful.
I also had a few students who were constantly sick or were at home for a long period of time. Again, was a tremendous help to my students. Through the tutorials, they were able to learn what they missed in class.
Toward the end of the course, we used all the click-on challenges, the cumulative quizzes, and the Biomania App to help us review for the AP Exam The practice FRQs on Learn-Biology helped my students when it came time to practice with College Board FRQs. My students loved the confidence they felt after using the materials and reviews. Thank you for all the support and excellent material.
You’ve built a great resource. I give my students access to several resources, including ones from textbook publishers. My students always prefer I can empower them to move forward when they’re ready, and the cumulative assessments provide another level of accountability…Our classroom conversations reflect a significant ability to synthesize the most challenging concepts.
Bill Heinen., AP Biology Teacher
Saint Francis High School, La Cañada, California
Using your website during the pandemic convinced me that purchasing a six-year subscription, instead of textbooks, was the way to go for our department. This has been one of the best decisions in my teaching career. For the last few years, I have had quite a few sophomores join the class without prior experience with general biology or chemistry. This site helps me to help these students gain knowledge and confidence, and as a result, these students are doing quite well in my AP Biology this year. I also have a way to track which students are working on the material which gives me more information I can provide to parents, as needed.
Pam Dooling, Jones High School, Jones, Oklahoma
I teach at a charter school with many economically disadvantaged students, many of who are also English language learners. For many of my students, the concepts, vocabulary, and analytical demands of AP Biology are a stretch. On many assignments (like POGILS of HHMI), it’s hard to keep my students from Googling the answers.
What I love about’s AP Biology curriculum is the accountability it forced upon my students. Completing the tutorials on made my students learn, and I could see the results in the questions they asked during lab, during class discussions, and when they did class presentations. I can’t wait to see this year’s AP exam scores.
Learn-Biology was the key to my survival as a new AP Biology teacher. It completely changed my experience, saving me hundreds of hours of planning time and giving me the most effective homework and classroom activities imaginable. If you want to try flipping your classroom, Learn-Biology is the way to go!
Rachel V. B, AP Bio Teacher, New Orleans Military and Maritime Academy, Louisiana allows students who are really grasping the material to move faster while allowing students who need more time the option of moving through the material a little slower. Either way both types of students cover the material in a way that is interactive and at their own pace…I highly recommend using this
Dolores M., AP and 9th Grade Biology Teacher, Mapleshade High School, New Jersey provides academic learning, teaching, tutoring and review in a way that students enjoy. They get the benefit of repetition applied in different ways to really help them remember… I am more than happy with It was money well spent, worth every penny.
Coalinga High School, California
Using, I didn’t have to guess about what to teach. This platform covers everything you need for the AP Exam. It also gives you teacher materials such as a course outline and pacing guide to make teaching the class much easier and worry-free!
Dana W, AP Bio Teacher,
Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy, Louisiana
As a first year AP Biology teacher I have to say – your site is the best I’ve seen. The material focuses on the essentials, taking a lot of the guesswork out of planning – which has been a challenge given this shift to online teaching….so THANK YOU!!
Mannville High School, New Jersey
The amount of content to cover in an AP Bio course and for the AP exam is enormous. I never really knew the best approach to covering the content in an efficient way and how to have the students be responsible for covering some of the material on their own.
Jaime M, Forest Hills Jr.-Sr. HIgh School, Sidman, Pennsylvania
I started using learn-biology tutorials for my AP Biology class during the pandemic when my classes went remote, and now it’s an essential part of my curriculum every year. It gives me more time to ponder labs and plan engaging curriculum while knowing that my students are getting content perfectly aligned to the AP Bio standards.
I’ve also learned so much from Mr. W in his Teacher’s Guide about the bigger picture of teaching AP Biology, as well as suggestions for specific labs, news articles, pacing guides, and even slideshows he uses in his own classes! Learn-Biology has cut my planning time in half, at least, AND has increased the rigor and engagement in my classes and likely yours as well!
I’m so glad I found these tutorials early on in my teaching of AP Biology, it has made my students more successful, and me more successful as their teacher!
Holly Archer, AP Biology Teacher,
CIVA Charter School, Colorado Springs.
Do you have a great story to tell about your experience with Let us know!
Sean Sniderman, AP Bio Teacher,
Grover Cleveland High School, Reseda, CA
“…With, we’re able to move through material at unprecedented speed.”
Susan Wentzein, AP Bio Teacher
Lake Oswego HS, Lake Oswego, OR
“…Students get immediate feedback on their comprehension of really difficult AP Bio topics.”
Kelley Derrick, AP Bio Teacher,
Wausau West High School, Wausau, WI
“It’s a resource you wish you could create if you only had the time. It’s already done for you!”
Aaron Schlissel, AP Bio Teacher
JFK HS, Plainview, NY
“I can’t tell you how happy my students are…I know that by using it I’ve become a better teacher.”
After your free trial ends:
- A single teacher one year license, purchased by your school, costs $349.
- Teachers paying out of their own pocket pay $199.
Multiple teacher, multiple year and district license plans are also available. Please contact us.

Glenn Wolkenfeld (Mr. W.) is California’s National Association of Biology Teachers 2020 Outstanding Biology Teacher of the Year.
Designed by a teacher who knows how to help you achieve AP Biology success.
I’ve been developing these materials for use with my own students for decades, helping hundreds of them to score 4s and 5s on the AP Bio exam.
If you’re interested in a flipped learning model of instruction, is a perfect solution.
Our website has been used by hundreds of teachers and tens of thousands of students. With, you’ll be able to help your students learn more than you ever imagined. At the same time, you’ll make your own teaching life much easier.
If you want to learn more about us, click here.
Your AP Biology Student Success Plan
- Sign up for a free trial teacher license.
- Enroll your students in your class by emailing them a registration code.
- Assign tutorials that correspond with what you’re teaching.
- Monitor your students’ progress, and watch how much they learn.
Looking for an interactive, 9th grade biology pathway?
We’re building one. Take a look and let us know what you think.