Cross-Session Resources
- My presentation slideshow (includes all presentations except session 5 on Wednesday morning)
- Mr. W’s Ultimate Course Outline
- Mr. W’s Ultimate AP Bio Review Checklist
Session 1: Using HHMI Biointeractive for Boosting Your Students’ Data Analysis Skills
- Link to Worksheet
- Science practices on Mr. W’s Ultimate Course Outline
Session 2: Using Writing and Journaling to Deepen Student Thinking and to Create a Community of Learners
Links to
- They Say/I Say handout for Darwin’s Conclusion to On the Origin of Species and Journal exemplars.
- Journaling Guide for Teachers
Session 3: Moving from Canned Labs to Student-Driven Inquiry
Links to
- Enzyme lab handout (the one we performed in our workshop)
- Class Data Spreadsheet for Potato Catalase Lab
- Photosynthesis Spinach Leaf Disc Lab (another example)
Session 4: Chi Square, Simpson Biodiversity Index, and Other AP Bio Stats Made Easy
Session 6: How to Review for the AP Bio Exam
Session 7: Using FRQs as Lesson Plans
- Access past FRQs at
- Link to my slideshow (see above).
Session 8: Using
- AP Bio teacher landing page on
- Teacher resources
- Link to my slideshow (see above).